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Monday, July 12, 2010

NAACP: Arresting Blacks for using drugs is a violation of their civil rights?

The NAACP can't figure out why there is a disproportionate number of Blacks and Latinos in prison as compared to Whites. The only conclusion they could come up with is their civil rights were violated? 

Out of thousands in prison... Every one of them had their civil rights violated?

Thats a little hard to swallow.

Can't wait to here from the ACLU on this one. The next time  Marcus Jones gets arrested for car jacking the argument will be.... This is a violation of his civil rights... he's done this his whole's all he knows how to do.

Alice Huffman President of CA NAACP

(sounds like she's been taking something a little stronger then aspirin herself)

At the start of the 1990s, the U.S. had more Black men (between the ages of 20 and 29) under the control of the nation's criminal justice system than the total number in college.

Maybe it's time to look at the facts and take responsibility for your own actions.

 7 out of 10 Black women have a child out of wedlock. Somehow the ACLU and the NAACP will try to convince you it's the White man's fault.

You know...Their civil rights were violated.


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