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Monday, May 23, 2011

We've been had...almost

 Assuming this birth certificate is legit then I think I finally figured it out. He had his ace up his sleeve all along. It wasn't supposed to play out the way it did. The fly in the ointment? Trump. Trump being Trump has the notoriety that got the media's attention. Obama wanted it to simmer on the back burner but Trump turned up the heat.  The theory on the right being...if he won't produce his BC he must be hiding something. Obama deftly fed the frenzy with his silence. The right couldn't count on the MSM, the same MSM who had no problem digging up dirt on W... and what they couldn't dig up they fabricated. Just ask Dan Rather.  So the plan was to show his BC shortly before the 2012 election to make the right look like fools. And we played right into his hand. Almost.

It would have went down something like this…First he would declare to the nation he had an important announcement to make. So all the networks would give him the 8PM press confrence slot. He walks to the podium and flashes that shit eating grin. 

And then addresses the nation: 

I am here tonight to share an important announcement.

I will try to be brief.

My fellow Americans you've heard a lot from the right concerning the authenticity of my BC over the last few years. They ...I believe they are referred as birthers and others like them particularly on one network... Oh, and lets not leave out the bloggers... have one conspiracy theory after another about me.

In fact…(He pauses briefly to deliver another shit eating grin)  I read one account where I was born in two places at the same time!  The reporters respond with laughter and the cameras click more incessantly.

The Teapartiers and the Right in general are misguided and have been misleading you all along just as they have done on many other issues. I see a pattern here. And I don't like what I see. Let's be clear. First they tried to take your Medicare. Then your Social Security. (The shit eating grin disappears, he leans over the mic)  But I wasn't about to let them take my citizenship! 

(Frank Luntz's approval meter jumps off the chart)  

I stand before you today to put this story to rest once and for all .

He reaches in his suit jacket.  (I got it here somewhere he says, I hope Trump is watching... the reporters laugh) and proceeds to pull out his long form BC. Here is what they have been dying to see.

My BC will be posted on my web site http: / /

Thank you for your time and I bid you good night. He leans over the microphone again... Now lets get down to the real issues to help fix America!

He leaves with the look of admiration on the face of the press. All except one. 

Major Garrett. 

He didn't get taken.


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