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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Obamacare ...It's a floor it's a dessert topping

Remember Shimmer on SNL? It was both. A floor wax and a dessert topping. Kind of what they told us about Obamacare. "It's not a tax and it's not going to cost you a single dime." Well...Guess what folks, it is a tax, and it's going to cost a hell of a lot more then a dime. The joke was on us.

On a tip from Ed Kilbane

There must be 50 clips of Barry espousing Obamacare is not a tax. How many times have we heard "it's not going to cost you a single dime?" This whole interview with  George Stephanopoulos is one big lie especially the last 30 seconds. Yet Barry goes unchallenged by the MSM. George if you had any balls you would call him back for a follow up interview. I'm not holding my breath.

Listen to this lying, two-faced bitch, trying to bullshit her way out of the Obamacare mandate is a tax.

I implore you. Please get rid of these people in November.


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