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Saturday, October 6, 2012

The narrative changes

Photos compliments of Ed Kilbane 

A closer look


Any one of sound mind knows Barry lost the debate. Even liberals came out an admitted it. We saw both men, stripped of all campaign rhetoric and mudslinging ads, for what they really are and clearly Romney appeared far more presidential taking command early and never looking back. But the narrative from the MSM is beginning to change. Realizing they made a mistake (Mitt's numbers went up) by admitting "their boy" lost the debate, they are now saying Obama lost because Romney lied. Strangely I never heard Barry call him out in any of these so-called lies. After all, this was a debate wasn't it? Barry just stood there sheepishly like a son being scolded by his father. I guess subconsciously he was thinking…no matter what I do the media will rescue me. Not to worry Barry. The Mayday call has been received by your own personal Coast Guard.


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