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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Dog sentenced to death in Tennessee because he is 'gay'


This is a true story. 
I saw this same dog on MSNBC at the Chick-fil-a LGBT boycott.

A dog is set to be put to death in Tennessee today after his owner abandoned him because he thought he was gay. 

The pitbull-type hound is currently languishing in an overcrowded animal shelter in Jackson but is due to be put this afternoon down unless a new owner can be found at the last minute.

According to the owner of the shelter, the dog's master noticed him 'hunched over' another male dog, which led him to assume he was gay.

Rump-Rider today after contracting HIV.

Death row: The dog is pictured in his pen at an animal shelter where he will be put down unless a new owner comes forward.

The dog's fate has sparked appeal among animal lovers to find a new owner before it's too late. Frantic calls have been placed to Elton John, Barney Fwaank and Perez Hilton but so far have not been returned.


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