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Friday, November 20, 2015

This time he may go down--maybe not

Utah prosecutor investigating Harry Reid for corruption

Video 173

They may smell Reid... but not half as bad as you.

This  is the same Harry Reid who illegally spent nearly $17,000 in campaign funds on “holiday gifts” for supporters and staff.

Another one from Senator Harry Reid. Sound like a statesman to you?

Harry Reid is proud he lied about Mitt Romney's taxes

This guy dirtier than the exhaust pipes on a Mac truck.

In Nevada, the Name to Know is Reid

This is a rather lengthly 7 page article (you know, deception, double-dealing, fraud, etc) on how Harry Reid uses his position and influence to funnel millions of dollars to himself and his family. 

And finally this. 

In Reid's book, that sold I think all of 12 copies, he said Barry was a  "light skinned" African-American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one".

Where is Black Lives Matter? They finally have something legitimate to bitch about and they let this gem slip through their fingers. I'm not referring to what Reid said about Barry. I'm talking about Jesse Jackson Jr.
 He and his wife were sentenced to jail for using campaign funds ($750,000) to live a lavish life style. That's peanuts to what Reid has absconded with. Meanwhile... Black Live Matter is out searching for another worthless "victim" a Michael Brown type, so they can pin it on a white 'racist' cop. Instead of looking to capitalize on some good-for-nothing chump why not focus on a real prize. Taking down the Senate Minority Leader of the United States! Lets see Reid's white, Jesse's black. Bet they could get the Congressional Black Caucus to go along with them, even though their all Democrats, because after all... skin color trumps all else. Talk about a feather in their cap. Hope they won't let this opportunity slide by.


A Utah state prosecutor who has been investigating allegations of wrongdoing against Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid for more than a year on Wednesday night challenged the Senate minority leader to voluntarily provide evidence to clear his name.

Davis County District Attorney Troy Rawlings, who is pursuing a corruption case against a former Utah attorney general where Mr. Reid's name surfaced, issued the challenge after Mr. Reid's office dismissed the prosecutors' investigation as a witch hunt designed to burnish Mr. Rawlings' political career.

"I have no political career," Mr. Rawlings told The Washington Times, saying he doesn't plan to run for any other office except local prosecutor. "This is not a PR game."

In a detailed statement directly addressed to Mr. Reid, Nevada Democrat, he asked for voluntary cooperation in his investigation, including a waiver under the Freedom of Information Act so that the FBI could release evidence it gathered involving the Nevada senator.

"What I do want, to use your terminology, is (1) every scrap of evidence used by federal investigators and prosecutors in unsubstantiating, dismissing or not pursuing the allegations you refer to; (2) your full waiver of privacy rights under FOIA in connection with all documents that memorialize, refer or relate in any way to the allegations so we can obtain the information through that means; and (3) a chat about the unsubstantiated allegations that were not pursued by federal prosecutors," Mr. Rawlings said.

"You may end up being an important witness. I have a defendant in Utah, Mr. Mark L. Shurtleff, who, like you, is presumed innocent and is entitled to all of this material based on multiple critical investigative intersects. Please urge the Department of Justice to provide the exonerating evidence and information so we do not have to litigate the issues in Utah," he said.

The Times reported more than a year ago that Mr. Rawlings, a Republican, an another Utah prosecutor, Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill, a Democrat, were pursuing allegations of possible corruption against several elected officials, including Mr. Reid, after the FBI was blocked by the Obama Justice Department from pursuing the information.

This administration is corrupt from top to bottom starting with the DOJ. I know... Barry's not supposed to call the shots at the DOJ but he does. Holder skated, so did Lerner and her cohorts, and now they tried to pull another fast one with Reid.

Mr. Reid has steadfastly denied any wrongdoing.

Since that time, Mr. Rawlings has indicted Mr. Shurtleff, the former state attorney general, on corruption charges and continued to investigate possible links.

When The Associated Press published an update on Mr. Rawlings' efforts earlier Wednesday, Mr. Reid's office responded with a blistering attack on the prosecutor.

"This individual has decided to use Senator Reid's name to generate attention to himself and advance his political career, so every few months he seeks headlines by floating the same unsubstantiated allegations, which he admits have been dismissed by federal prosecutors," Mr. Reid's office said.


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