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Friday, August 5, 2016

Freed American Hostage: We Waited All Night at the Airport

Who are you going to believe...
Smooth talking Barry giving the press a wink and a nod? Or a pastor dying to get out of Iran with absolutely no reason to lie? 

Video 275

We saw what's possible alright!

The press conference was a joke. He deliberately gave long hot air answers to questions so he wouldn't have to take too many which is his style. Like Clinton, when you know you're lying you don't want to do press conferences. The WH has said repeatedly they already told us about the $400 million (ransom) to Iran. 

Video 276 

You lying bastard!

Show me the video of Barry, or anyone else in this administration, making any reference whatsoever of $400 million in Euros, Swiss francs, and other currencies packed onto wooden pallets flying to Iran in the dead of night on an unmarked cargo plane! These fucking reporters are nothing but lap dogs. I’m surprised one of them didn’t ask what he had for lunch.

And one more thing. 
Saeed Abedini had been held by the Iranians since July 2012 and released on January 16, 2016. So after over 4 years in captivity, he just happened to be released right after the plane arrived with the dough? What a fucking coincidence!

If The Wall Street Journal didn't break the story we would not have heard a damn word about it. 

Pastor Saeed Abedini, one of four American hostages released from Iran on Tuesday, joined the FOX Business Network’s Trish Regan to describe the night he was set free.

“First of all, I’m so thankful for my freedom,” he said. “There is nothing like a life of being free.”

Abedini said he and the others waited a full night in the airport. According to police, they were waiting for another plane to arrive.

(With the ransom money)

“They told us ‘you’re going to be there for 20 minutes, but it took like hours and hours,’” Abedini said. “We slept at the airport.”

Abedini said the plane and pilot were there, and everyone was ready to go, but they didn’t leave until 10 a.m. the next day. They eventually flew to the U.S. in the plane that had been sitting at the airport overnight.

When asked whether he believes the U.S. paid the Iranian government a ransom for his release, Abedini said he has his suspicions, but “they didn’t’ talk about money.”

“We call them terrorists and I don’t believe they are going to use this money for building orphanages, which I was arrested for, but I prefer that the politicians answer this question.”

Abedini said he is more concerned about worsening human rights conditions in Iran.

“I’m very grateful about my release and freedom, but there are some people still left behind and Christians who are still in prison,” he said. “Two days ago some of my friends… have been executed because of their faith. Every Wednesday they execute 100 people.”


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