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Friday, January 12, 2018

“Shit Hole” and Haiti are synonymous

Haiti is a shit hole pure and simple.
The reason is corruption. 

Just about every president they EVER had was/is a crook.

Kind of reads like Jesse Jackson Jr's district in Chicago.

 Hurricanes, mudslides, earthquakes, you name it... Haiti has received billions upon billions through the years from the U.S. and other countries and looks like little change has taken place.

Wonder where all the money went?

Type in Port-au-Prince on Bing, click images and tell me you would have the slightest inclination of visiting this fine city? 

Everyone on the planet knows Haiti is a shit hole. Both Democrats and Republicans grasp it. But you can't call it what it is because it's not politically correct. So we're left with a nagging question.

If Haiti's not a shit hole... what is it?


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