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Friday, June 29, 2007

How to get rid of illegals

Issue a tamper proof picture ID card. The card is called the American Identification Card (AIC) for short. This card is not for illegals, its for real Americans; us. Every purchase made throughout America whether it be on a credit card or cash would require presenting this card to make the purchase. The card would be swiped into a data bank machine similiar to a MasterCard. No card. No purchase. If you can't buy food, gas, or Corona how long do you think they could stay here! Is this inconvenient? Yes it is. But it short order this would drive them out of here. Look at it as forced (no cost) deportation. It will entail some tinkering but I'm sure it would work.


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Drug Test for Welfare

From My Brother Roscoe

Like a lot of folks in this state I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as they see fit. In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test, with which I have no problem.

What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them?

Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do on the other hand have a problem with helping someone sitting on their ass! Could you imagine how much money the government would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Interview with an illegal Mexican

From my nephew Jeremy:

Here is a REAL INTERVIEW with an illegal Mexican at a protest march in Texas .

Trying to reason with an Illegal Mexican!

This is good! Below is a good example of a discussion with a master of circular logic. Don 't be logical, don't respect the truth or your adversary, just say what you think makes a new case when the previous case gets too difficult to defend.

Jim Moore reporting for a Houston TV station:

Jim: Juan, I see that you and thousands of other protesters are marching in the streets to demonstrate for your cause. Exactly what is your cause and what do you expect to accomplish by this protest?

Juan: We want our rights. We will show you how powerful we are. We will bring Houston to its knees!

Jim: What rights?

Juan: Our right to live here...legally. Our right to get all the benefits you get.

Jim: When did you come to the United States ?

Juan: Six years ago. I crossed over the border at night with seven other friends.

Jim: Why did you come?

Juan: For work. I can earn as much in a month as I could in a year in Mexico . Besides, I get free health care, our Mexican children can go to school free, if I lose my job I will get Welfare, and someday I will have the Social Security. Nothing like that in Mexico !

Jim: Did you feel badly about breaking our immigration laws when you came?

Juan: No! Why should I feel bad? I have a right to be here. I have a right to amnesty. I paid lots of money for my Social Security and Green Cards.

Jim: How did you acquire those documents?

Juan: From a guy in Dallas . He charged me a lot of money too.

Jim: Did you know that those documents were forged?

Juan: It is of no matter. I have a right to be here and work.

Jim: What is the "right" you speak of?

Juan: The right of all Aliens. It is found in your Constitution. Read it!

Jim: I have read it, but I do not remember it saying anything about rights for Aliens.

Juan: It is in that part where it says that all men have Alien rights, like the right to pursue happiness. I wasn't happy in Mexico , so I came here.

Jim: I think you are referring to the declaration of Independence and that document speaks to unalienable rights .. Not Alien rights.

Juan: Whatever.

Jim: Since you are demanding to become an American citizen, why then are you carrying a Mexican Flag?

Juan: Because I am Mexican. 

Jim: But you said you want to be given amnesty ... to become a US citizen.

Juan: No. This is not what we want. This is our country, a part of Mexico that you Gringos stole from us. We want it returned to its rightful owner.

Jim: Juan, you are standing in Texas . After wining the war with Mexico , Texas became a Republic, and later Texans voted to join the USA . It was not stolen from Mexico .

Juan: That is a Gringo lie. Texas was stolen. So was California , New Mexico and Arizona . It is just like all the other stuff you Gringos steal, like oil and babies. You are a country of thieves.

Jim: Babies? You think we steal babies?

Juan: Sure. Like from Korea and Vietnam and China . I see them all over the place. You let all these foreigners in, but try to keep us Mexicans out. How is this fair?

Jim: So, you really don't want to become an American citizen then.

Juan: I just want my rights! Everyone has a right to live, work, and speak their native language wherever and whenever they please. That's another thing we demand. All signs and official documents should be in Spanish . Teachers must teach in Spanish. Soon, more people here in Houston will speak Spanish than English. It is our right!

Jim: If I were to cross over the border into Mexico without proper documentation, what rights would I have there?

Juan: None. You would probably go to jail, but that's different.

Jim: How is it different? You said everyone has the right to live wherever they please.

Juan: You Gringos are a bunch of land grabbing thieves. Now you want Mexico too? Mexico has its rights. You Gringos have no rights in Mexico . Why would you want to go there anyway? There is no free medical service, schools, or welfare there for foreigners such as you. You cannot even own land in my country. Stay in the country of your birth.

Jim: I can see that there is no way that we can agree on this issue. Thank you for your comments.

Juan: Viva Mexico !


Monday, June 25, 2007

Election not Coronation

We all know the President of the United States is restricted to 2 terms in office. Should that not apply to Senators? This is the reigning top 4.
1 Robert Byrd (D-WV) since January 3, 1959 48 years
this one is truly amazing

2 Ted Kennedy
(D-MA) since November 7, 1962 44 years

The image
3 Daniel Inouye (D-HI) since January 3, 1963 43 years
They don't even campaign anymore. Their reign is taken for granted.


The reasons we are being colonized

"I want to say immediately that anyone who has been in this country for five or six years, who's paid their taxes, who has stayed out of trouble ought to be able to translate into an American citizen immediately, not waiting."
Senator John Kerry

The image
"I believe that we should have a policy of earned amnesty for those people who came into the United States undocumented. And that would provide that if they, after receiving a work permit, then met the standards of that permit, after a period of time they would be eligible to get a permanent residence status in the United States."
Senator Bob Graham

(I especially like this one. Notice how he conveniently leaves out the word illegal)
NC is overrun with illegals.

Senator John Edwards: Expressed joy and happiness that his one-time home of Robbins, North Carolina, is now half Hispanic. Senator Edwards also embraces the concept of citizenship tryouts, with no tiresome background checks, health examinations or waiting their turn in home countries. Standing in line is so old-fashioned...

"My family moved to that town because my father, who has a high school education and is still living, believed that by working hard and doing the right thing that his kids would have the opportunity for a better life.

"These Hispanic families? They came to Robbins, North Carolina, for exactly the same reason.

[APPLAUSE)] What idiots

"And those who came and live there, who work hard and are responsible, they have earned the right to be American citizens. "

Rep. Kucinich fearlessly stated, "Yes, I'm for amnesty. Yes, I'm for legalization of status." He also recited the "huddled masses" revisionist drivel about the Statue of Liberty.

"If they agree to wash the dishes in our restaurants or clean our homes or watch our children for the lowest wages imaginable, off the books then welcome to America."

Al Sharpton (Unbelievable-- and this asshole ran for President!)
