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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Occupy Wall Street...Tea Party it ain't

Remember the Glenn Beck Restore America rally? Over 100,000 law abiding,  peaceful, people attended with not one arrest.

 Now contrast that with the Occupy Wall Street crowd where numerous arrests were made for drunkenness and drug use. If poor personal hygiene was a criminal offense they'd all be in jail. 

They look like a sea of Janeane Garofalo's.

 If you asked him...what is?...he couldn't tell you.

Works for Mercedes Benz?

   Obama Zombies
Hope & Change...  Hope & Change…Can you pick out the obama voters? Try all of them.

Don Imus?

 Remember when I said....liberalism is a mental disorder, not a philosophy? 

After the Glenn Beck rally Restore America the cops said the tea partiers left the area cleaner then when they found it.

That ain't gonna happen when these pigs leave!


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