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Sunday, December 30, 2012


Person of the year 2012
Barack Obama

Although I must confess I'm not surprised... nevertheless after the first paragraph I almost had a grand mal seizure.

According to Time... He's one of the Founding Fathers!

BTW…Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood who is currently forming a dictatorship in Egypt was runner-up.

Speaking of Morsi wasn't it Barry who said, "Mubarak's got to go"?

Prepare yourself. This is what they said.

We are in the midst of historic cultural and demographic changes, and Barack Obama is both the symbol and in some ways the architect of this new America. In 2012, he found and forged a new majority, turned weakness into opportunity and sought, amid great adversity, to create a more perfect union.

What's the first line in the Preamble to the Constitution again? might need it.

He helped create a more perfect union? 

By creating an environment of "class warfare"?
By insisting everyone pay their "fair share" while 47% of working Americans pay no income tax?
 By calling Bush "irresponsible" and "unpatriotic" when the national debt was $10.6 trillion but wasted no time in  jacking it up to almost $16.5 trillion in 4 years!!!
By being at the helm as the nation's credit rating is downgraded?
The Solyndra sandal?
The Fast and Furious scandal?
The WH Leaks scandal?
Let's not forget about Benghazi.
How about waiting to the last minute to do something about the fiscal cliff  preferring to spend his time playing golf and becoming a regular on TV talk shows. I believe leadership was never a trait he aspired to attain. Choosing instead, lordship... to rule over his people, to which he and is legions of fans seem to adore. He was never a president. He's a celebrity, and that's all he'll ever be.


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