To start allow me to clarify my position. I am not a member of PETA. I like dogs as long as they belong to somebody else. In other words I do not own a dog. With that out of the way I would like to address the Michael Vick situation since he has been reinstated in the NFL.
As a football player Michael Vick is very talented. You would not be going out on a limb by saying he has talent to burn. So the question is, should we as a society put that above all else and throw our moral compass out the window; as it seems the NFL has done? Are we so obsessed with winning nothing else matters? Some may say he paid his debt to society by going to jail and we should forgive Vick, and all of us should move on with our lives. Looking at the above picture I can not bring myself to do that. Putting aside, for a moment, the heinousness of his actions if you could be put in jail for stupidity Vick would be serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole. Here's a guy who signed a 10 year contract for $130 million dollars (not counting endorsements that would exceed his contract) and he threw all that away to be involved in dog fighting! I don't know how much money you can make in dog fighting but it damn sure ain't $130 million!
I ask you. As a player would you want to be on a football team with this guy? Next time you have a BBQ would you feel... just a little uneasy... inviting him? Would you feel comfortable with Michael Vick watching your children so you could take your wife out to dinner???
I submit to you this guy is about as reprehensible as you can get. Psychologically, he is seriously derailed. He callously shot, electrocuted, and drowned the dogs. Think about it. If he can do that what else is he capable of?
Instead of joining the NFL he should be joining the Taliban where he would fit right in.