We have all witnessed the ruthless, vicious, lies lobbed like "character grenades" at Romney by the Obama campaign.
Now its time to strike back!
Although this story you are about to read first appeared over a year ago (quickly swept under the rug by the MSM) it's reoccurrence could not have come at a better time.
Romney.. saddle up... and ride this story right to the White House!
The ad could start:
Remember Barack Hussein Obama... he was supposed to be our salvation riding the comet of hope and change.
Followed by a televised version of the story below.
Then finish with this ending below:
Obama's slumdog brother: Meet the hopeless drunk from a Nairobi shanty town who is the U.S. President's BROTHER
As a tall, strangely familiar figure leaves his one-room shack in a notorious African slum this week, a few people jokingly call out to him: ‘Mister President! Mister President!’
Heading for breakfast through his junk-strewn yard, stepping over streams of sewage, the appearance of this slim, angular man prompts giggles and pointing from children in rags playing in the muck.
The man’s name is George Hussein Obama and his half-brother is Barack Hussein Obama, Kenya’s most famous son, the first black President of the U.S. and the most powerful man in the world.
George Hussein Obama, the half-brother of the most famous man in the world, pictured in the Nairobi slum he calls home
The two men may share the same father, but while Barack Obama was born in Hawaii (???) to his father’s American second wife, George — born in Kenya — was the product of Obama Senior’s fourth marriage.
Today, while Barack entertains at the White House, flies aboard Air Force One and is a friend of film stars and royalty, George, 30, is to be found slumped in his corrugated iron shack which even fellow slum-dwellers regard as a hovel.
Details of his unorthodox lifestyle emerged with news that he has agreed to appear in a documentary film being made by one of Barack Obama’s most trenchant critics.
Called 2016, and directed by the production team behind Schindler’s List, the film sets out the supposed horrors of another four years of Obama in office — though George does not criticise the President on screen. It is the idea of U.S. author Dinesh D’Souza, whose book The Roots Of Obama’s Rage paints a deeply unflattering portrait of the ‘narcissistic’ President.
George Hussein Obama in Nairobi: The half brother of Barack Obama has agreed to appear in a documentary which is critical of the U.S. President
George Hussein Obama George now spends his time drinking what locals call Chang’aa — a spirit distilled with maize and spiked with chemicals — from the moment he wakes to the moment he slips into unconsciousness

While his half-brother inhabits a desolate Kenyan slum, U.S. President Barack Obama, pictured during an election campaign rally in Colorado Springs, is firmly in the limelight
President Barack Obama, pictured aboard Air Force One, is as far removed in the imagination as could be possible from his Kenyan relative.
The Huruma slum of Nairobi which is scarred by alcoholism, drug addiction and violence - and is where the President of the United States' brother lives in squalor |
Paradoxically, George also moans endlessly about the Obama name being a burden and a curse — yet, at the same time, unashamedly uses it to make as much money as possible to spend on drink and drugs.
‘People are only interested in me because of my brother,’ he sighs, slurping a double Johnnie Walker, with a beer chaser — one of many. ‘I hate it. People all want me to be someone else.’
George first met his now-famous sibling in a playground when he was at primary school. Barack was a young visitor to Nairobi just a few years after their father died in a car crash. George recalls he was playing football when his brother arrived to say hello.
The second time their paths crossed was when Obama — then a Senator — was on a tour of East Africa in 2006, and visited Nairobi to see his family. They shook hands — the two utterly different worlds they inhabited coming together under the African sun.
‘He is an inspiration,’ George observes. ‘We have met a couple of times. We do speak . . . he is my brother.’
(I guess from that last line Barry's own brother falls for the "Obama mystique")
If Mr "Fair Share" president of the United States doesn't even care about his own brother...
How much does he care about you?
I'm Mitt Romney and I approve this message.
(Think about it... what would Barry do if the situation was in reverse?)