Heard she may get some competition from Barry. He's up for the Profile in Courage Award also. The selection committee pointed out. "Due to the strength of his convictions (reelection), not one US serviceman was wounded attempting to save these 4 in Benghazi."
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Thursday, January 31, 2019
Dem Rep. Speier Nominates Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford for JFK 'Profile in Courage' Award
Heard she may get some competition from Barry. He's up for the Profile in Courage Award also. The selection committee pointed out. "Due to the strength of his convictions (reelection), not one US serviceman was wounded attempting to save these 4 in Benghazi."
A woman who clearly has a problem differentiating between reality and fantasy.
Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) announced Monday that she is nominating Christine Blasey Ford for the John F. Kennedy Library’s “Profile in Courage” award. Ford accused now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct at a party when they were both in high school. She testified before the Senate detailing her accusations during his confirmation hearings.
Dr. Blasey Ford, a psychologist who teaches at Palo Alto University, testified that Kavanaugh groped her and attempted to rape her when he was drunk at a high school party over 40 years ago. Kavanaugh denied the allegations.
A lengthy report from the Senate Judiciary Committee showed that none of the claims of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh, including those made by Blasey Ford, could be backed up by hard evidence or corroboration.
Despite the lack of hard evidence backing up her claims against Kavanaugh, Blasey Ford has been honored as a hero by many liberals and some in the media.
In addition to the nomination for the “Profiles in Courage” award, whose past recipients include three former presidents, Blasey Ford was on the shortlist for Time magazine’s Person of the Year and presented Sports Illustrated’s “Inspiration of the Year” award in December.
The abortion advocacy group NARAL applauded the nomination.
Their support of the nomination is unsurprising given that the group tweeted out in October that they still believed Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick despite the fact that Swetnick herself walked back the initial claims that she had made in her sworn testimony against Kavanaugh.
Don't know whats more repulsive...
Signing the new abortion bill.
Or the insatiable delight they take in killing babies.
Democrats are truly dogs!
BTW...where's the f-ing Pope? Cuomo is 'supposed' to be Catholic. What do you have to do to be excommunicated?
Genocide of the unborn doesn't qualify???
Think of this. Kermit Gosnell is in jail for something which is now legal in NY.
Listen to this smooth-talking son-of-a-bitch.
VA Gov Ralph Northam Discusses 3rd Trimester Abortion Bill
Video 479
Were you aware they wait until the child is delivered? Then they kill it? This is out and out murder!
BTW...this prick is now saying we "mischaracterized" what he said and he's offended. Wonder how the dead babies feel now that he's offended?
BTW...this prick is now saying we "mischaracterized" what he said and he's offended. Wonder how the dead babies feel now that he's offended?
Don't know whats more repulsive...
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Radio Shack and Ahmed Mohamed have teamed up again
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Russian Collusion only exists if it can be tied to Trump
Bernie Sanders Drunk singing “This Land Is Your Land” with a group of presumed Soviets in Russia in 1988.
Video 478
I have never seen this video before and cannot vouch 100% for its authenticity. So assume it's real and Bernie's drunk. Do I give a damn? No. It's not a big deal because it's Bernie. But I can guarantee you had this been Trump in 1988 and someone dug up this video it would have been the lead story on every television network across the globe!
I'll give you more proof of media bias. Ask anyone on the street who Chelsea Clinton's father-in-law is. Bet they couldn't tell you.
Lefty Snopes
Russian Collusion only exists if it can be tied to Trump
MSM Dilemma
With so many Democratic presidential hopefuls...
It's going to be perplexing for the MSM. Which candidate will get the debate questions in advance?
MSM Dilemma
Monday, January 28, 2019
If Kamala Harris was a male her name would be Bill Clinton
I can't stand her but have to admit Kamala is an attractive woman. That's her with her husband.
Look at his face. Totally oblivious... like a lamb before the slaughter. Feel a tinge of sympathy for the poor sap.
If Kamala Harris was a male her name would be Bill Clinton
Parents charged in death of 4-month-old baby boy; police say mom scratched, struck child
10 to 1 they're illegal.
(The media likes to leave that part out)
(The media likes to leave that part out)
So they came here and had an anchor baby. Then the heartless bastards killed their son. Now the American taxpayer is going to foot the bill for them to spend the rest of their lives behind bars. But we don’t need a wall…because it’s immoral.
Oh... did I mention 30% of the federal prison population is composed of illegals. How much is that costing per year vs building the damn wall?
A man and woman are facing child neglect/homicide charges in the death of their 4-month-old baby boy.
According to The Associated Press, Unified police arrested Jessica Lujan, 20, and Jose Ramirez, 21, on Friday afternoon after their infant son was found dead in a Midvale, Utah, motel room.
Lujan told police that the baby had been screaming as she argued with Ramirez, KUTV reported. She said she became enraged, struck the boy "several times" and used her fingernails to scratch him, according to court documents. She then "placed the child into his car seat, upside-down" before she went to bed, court documents said.
Ramirez told police that he and the baby eventually fell asleep, KUTV reported. When Ramirez woke up, the boy was not breathing, he said.
"He did not call 911 despite having several options for doing so to get help for the now unresponsive child," court documents said, according to the TV station.
After Ramirez attempted to give the child CPR, Lujan called 911, put down the phone without speaking and walked out of their room, police said. Ramirez grabbed the phone and spoke to dispatchers, KUTV reported.
Parents charged in death of 4-month-old baby boy; police say mom scratched, struck child
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Remember Trump said he would build The Wall and Mexico was going to pay for it?
Now...this is an absolute no brainer. Why are we still talking!!!
Senator Bill Cassidy: Build the Wall — and Make the Cartels Pay for It
Video 477
Meanwhile, back at the asylum (aka the Democratic party)...
Remember Trump said he would build The Wall and Mexico was going to pay for it?
How socialism turned Venezuela from the wealthiest country in South America into an economic basket case
Remember the Hollywood assholes who couldn't get enough of Chavez as he was destroying the country?
Where are they now?
Her mantra:
"Striving to make America Venezuela"
What I don't understand is this. Name me one country in the world which is run under the principle of socialism which is more prosperous than the United States? When the Venezuelan people were told this is free, that is free, it was music to their ears.
Until somebody had to pay for it.
Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in South America, but in recent years millions have fled the country amid mass starvation and violence after socialist policies were enacted and government seized private industries.
Now, as Venezuelans struggle against the country’s current dictator, some Venezuelan exiles in the U.S. are desperately warning Americans to avoid going down a similar path.
“Socialism not only takes away from people the access to basic food and medicines but also creates an environment in which life is worth nothing,” Giannina Raffo, who fled Venezuela in 2016 but who still works with activist organizations there, told Fox News.
Despite that situation in Venezuela, polls show Americans warming to the term “socialism” in recent years.
Venezuelans who have fled their country warn that their country’s history shows what others must watch for and avoid.
Venezuela’s journey to disaster began in 1992 when a Venezuelan lieutenant colonel named Hugo Chavez led several army units in a coup against the government. More than 100 people were killed in the fighting, but his coup was defeated.
However, in the name of national unity, the government released Chavez from prison after just two years.
Chavez made many positive statements about socialism after his release from prison. Almost immediately after his release, he went to Cuba and spoke before the Cuban parliament and Fidel Castro, telling them: “I do not deserve this honor. I hope I will deserve it one day... We are committed to the revolutionary work.”
Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro walks past a painting of his predecessor, late President Hugo Chavez, inside the chambers of the Constitutional Assembly where he will give his annual address to the nation in Caracas, Venezuela, Monday, Jan. 14, 2019. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)
Four years after that, Chavez ran for the Venezuelan Presidency. During his run, he downplayed his previous radicalism – telling people that he was ''neither for savage capitalism, nor socialism, nor Communism''. Instead, he claimed to support a "third way" -- a balance between socialism and capitalism.
Chavez won the election. Maria Teresa Romero, a Venezuelan who fled to the U.S., says Chavez’s softer rhetoric was all about seizing power.
“Hugo Chávez deceived people by blatantly using lies,” she told Fox News.
News reports from when Chavez won the Presidency in 1998 state that some Venezuelans sent their valuable property to Miami to protect it from potential confiscation.
Anti-government protesters cheer after Juan Guaido, head of Venezuela's opposition-run congress, declares himself interim president of the South American country until new elections can be called, at a rally demanding the resignation of President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2019. (AP Photo/Boris Vergara)
But in the short run, their property was safe. Chavez didn't implement many socialist policies immediately.
His first priority was instead to re-write the Constitution. He was direct about it, telling the Venezuelan congress in 1999: "The constitution, and with it, the ill-fated political system to which it gave birth 40 years ago, has to die. It is going to die, sirs -- accept it."
Chart looks at Venezuela's oil production and inflation.; (AP)
Chavez succeeded in re-writing the Constitution, which came with new rights to things like free government-provided health care, college, and “social justice”. The constitution passed a popular vote easily, with 72% of the vote.
The basic structure of both the old and new constitutions followed the U.S. model – with a Presidency, a legislative branch, and a Supreme Court.
However, after several Supreme Court rulings went against Chavez, in 2004 he “stacked the court” by passing a law to add 12 new justices to it – justices that he got to pick.
A similar move was once proposed in the United States by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the idea has also been proposed recently by professors angry about President Trump’s nomination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the court.
Only once Chavez had control of the courts and the legislature did he begin to fully advance socialist policies.
“A series of changes started to show us the terrifying truth,” Giannina Raffo said. “Constant attacks on private property, the implementation of very harmful economic policies, criminalization of dissent, censorship, etc,”
In 2006, Chavez ran for election on an overtly socialist platform, and soon after he won, he began major seizures privately-owned property.
Thousands of private businesses were nationalized – including media outlets, oil and power companies, mines, farms, banks, factories, and grocery stores.
One video shows a shop owner in tears as his business is confiscated for charging higher prices than were allowed.
Through the nationalizations, Americans from Michael Moore to Nobel-prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz often applauded Chavez’s regime. In beginning, Chavez had shown some progress in reducing poverty – something experts say was possible by spending Venezuela’s vast oil wealth.
“They were able to fund a lot with the oil money, and when oil prices went down, the rest of the economy had been just destroyed,” Tom Palmer, Executive VP at the Atlas Network, told Fox News.
Hundreds of people, mostly Venezuelan migrants, held a rally against Maduro and in favor of Juan Guaido, head of Venezuela's opposition-run congress who proclaimed himself president of the South American nation. (AP)
America may be a long way from Venezuela’s tragedy, experts say. Polls show that many of the 37 percent of Americans who say they support “socialism” actually have in mind the generous welfare states seen in Europe, rather than the traditional definition of socialism – the nationalization of production.
Giannina Raffo personally experienced the effects of Chavez’s economic policies, which caused massive shortages and hyperinflation.
“Just before coming to the U.S. in January 2016, my family and I used to make +8 hour lines to buy basic goods.”
Food was her biggest worry.
“It’s the same that Cuba has – basically you can only buy a certain amount of food per week (2 pastas, 2 milks, 1 chicken, etc).”
She noted that, often, even that amount was not available. Surveys show the average Venezuelan has lost 24 pounds.
Her family was fortunate and was able to move out of the country.
“'Living' in Venezuela was not living anymore. [My family] only spent their time trying to find food and medicines to survive. The apartment that [my family] left behind – my home for 24 years – is now empty. They are not coming back.”
She continues to be an activist and tries to help Venezuelan pro-freedom groups from the U.S.
My advice to people, especially to youth, is to never stop fighting for their freedom. Never let your country be ruined by a "Chavez" or anyone,” she said.
“Don't let someone ruin your next generations with absurd ideas of socialism. Educate and disseminate ideas of freedom as far you can.”
How socialism turned Venezuela from the wealthiest country in South America into an economic basket case
Friday, January 25, 2019
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Remember when Barry said this..."Nobody in my administration got indicted"
Probably because they were too busy pleading the 5th.
Let's be honest. This bitch should be behind bars right now.
Video 476
The ringleader
The quandary is in some cases the criminals needing to be indicted are one and the same as those ordering the indicting... as in Tarmac Lynch. As you can see a lot more work needs to be done and this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Of course, the one in the red square is immune from prosecution even if they had the video of Putin giving her the sack of money for the uranium.
Remember when Barry said this..."Nobody in my administration got indicted"
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