These people do not understand the word illegal!
"This is the land of the free"
"They do the work other people won't do"
Allow me to draw you a parallel. A man from West Virginia, whose parents were legal immigrants,came to American, the land of the free. His father was from a long line of hard working people who came to a country created by immigrants and took a job as a coal miner..
The son followed in his father's footsteps because they do the work other people won't do. It was the only job he could get. After working in the mines for 34 years he contracted black lung disease. The doctors told him he had six months to live. He worried about who would provide for his family after his death. So he went to a bank unarmed and told the clerk to fill the bag with money. Immediately after leaving the bank he is arrested.
Do we now say:
"Yeah, but this is the land of the free"
"This country was created by immigrants"
"They do the work other people won't do"
When does illegal mean illegal?