Look at it. What is the word that stands out… to me it's United.
Obama was right about one thing. He said he was going to "fundamentally change America." Unfortunately I think he has.
Mexican President Felipe Calderon went to the United States Capitol and addressed Congress. He began to whine about the migration of Mexicans who live in his 3rd world, drug invested, rat hole of a country and how difficult it was going to be now for his people to illegally get into Arizona; not to mention they might be deported once they got there! He railed against Arizona's new immigration law calling it racial profiling at it's worse; although immigration laws in his country are much tougher. It makes me sick.
But what is even more reprehensible, while he's ripping Arizona to shreds (remember United states) he is doing so with numerous standing ovations from congress! Our own congress!!!
fundamentally change America translated = If you are against illegals living in your state you are a racist. Am I a racist? If it means I don't want any foreign nationals from any country taking over my country then I am a racist! Folks please, please, wake up this November. Our government has issued a formal proclamation ... America be damned... we're for illegals. (Better known as Undocumented Democrats.) There is simply no other way to put it. Obama is taking care of illegals just like he took care of his aunt recently who is here illegally living on the government dole.
Watching this charade I could not believe this was my country anymore.
PS: Obama called the new law a "misguided effort". He said if a guy took his kid to get an ice cream cone he might be arrested. America falls for this shit routinely from the Messiah (talk about misguided.) I think he's paranoid... he can't get a ice cream cone because someone might ask him for a birth certificate.