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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

AZ don't get duped again

Today is the primary. The one on the left is dead. The one on the right, soon to be. So today it's time to take care of the "muchacho" in the middle.

He co-sponsored the Shamnesty bill and voted to give illegals SS benefits. His liberal policies on illegal aliens is in large part why you're in the situation your in today. Don't get suckered again! He went from... "give them amnesty" a Minuteman over night! Can you see a parallel here? All of a sudden he has become a staunch defender of the border... coincidentally it just happens to be around the same time the primary is coming up.

 McCain has been described many times as a Maverick; an unbranded calf that is separated from its mother. He will be returning to his "mother" the Democratic party if he is reelected.

Is Hayworth the greatest thing since sliced bread? Maybe not. The greatest problem AZ faces is the invasion of illegals. At least you know where he truly stands on that issue.

Solve your problem
Vote McCain out

Now is your chance. Don't let it pass you by.


Monday, August 23, 2010

We Remember

Is that what it's come to....a bumper sticker faded by the sun?

Please watch this video. It's only 2 minutes long.

Now watch this video.
Straight from the horse's mouth.

This guy sound like a trustworthy, respectable, Muslim to you?

The handwriting is on the wall. All you have to do is read it.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Finally one brave Muslim steps up to the plate

This just in and I'm happy about it. A Muslim I'm proud of. I can only hope their are more like her in the Muslim community.  Your silence is your enemy.... not you friend.

Thank you Raheel


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Listen...You owe it to yourself

Sent in by

Ed Kilbane
Senior National Correspondent


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Listen America...whose opinion is more respected on GZ then this guy?

 Two mayors. Who to follow:

 Rudy... who led New York and the rest of America through choking dust, tons of  debris, and the murder of almost 3,000 people on 911? 

Or Bloomberg, a billionaire liberal elite who has the the backbone of a chocolate eclair!

Giuliani: Ground Zero Mosque a "Desecration"

Via Politico's Maggie Haberman, here's Rudy Giuliani on the Ground Zero Mosque:

"It sends a particularly bad message, particularly (because) of the background of the Imam who is supporting this. This is an Imam who has supported radical causes, who has not been forthright in condemning Islamic (terrorism) and the worst instincts that that brings about."

"So it not only is exactly the wrong place, right at Ground Zero, but it's a mosque supported by an Imam who has a record of support for causes that were sympathetic with terrorism. Come on! We're gonna allow that at Ground Zero?"

"This is a desecration," he added. "Nobody would allow something like that at Pearl Harbor. Let's have some respect for who died there and why they died there. Let's not put this off on some kind of politically correct theory."

"I mean, they died there because of Islamic extremist terrorism. They are our enemy, we can say that, the world will not end when we say that. And the reality is it will not and should not insult any decent Muslim because decent Muslims should be as opposed to Islamic extremism as you and I are."

New Yorker's...if your not pissed off your not paying attention!
