Have you ever wondered why welfare is spelled the way it is? Why didn't they spell it Welfair? They couldn't. Why? Because that would imply welfair was just, equitable, honest, and its not. So they spelled it welfare which would indicate someone else is paying the freight, the cost, the heavy toll. Which is more true to form.
The welfare program, maybe with the best intentions, was passed as a temporary helping hand. It was never meant to be a life style.
People who are entirely able to take care of themselves, yet traditionally rely on others to do it, before long, you have to wonder... what is the point of their existence?
Big Spenders
Social Security 731 Billion annually
Defense 700 Billion annually
Welfare programs 1.03 Trillion annually
I don't know...Maybe one of the options should be calling Jennie Craig instead of the welfare office.
Which do you prefer...Barry's way?
Or Ronald Reagan's?
"Welfare's purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence."