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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Can you spell eucalyptus?

This is a classic.

Video 408


Senate Democrats demand Trump hold the line in North Korea talks

Wasn't it the Bill Clinton 'deal' that gave them the nukes?

Déjà vu:
Barry exposed pretty much the same crap when he announced the Iran deal.

I was surprised reading this article. The intensity and emotion coming from the Democrats with such authority. Yet these are the same weasels who supported this asshole

desperate to cut a deal with Iran at any cost which in return we got absolutely zilch and going so far as to allow Iran to self-inspect themselves! 

Remember those side deals?

"In August of 2015 Sen. Jim Risch (R-Idaho) revealed that, under the arrangements, Iranian scientists would provide their own soil samples from Parchin to the IAEA to detect any cheating."

Talk about utter stupidity!

Where were these tough-talking Democrats when this was going on?

Great News America:

The days of leading from behind are over!!!


Top senators demand full denuclearization in any deal with N. Korea

The Senate’s top Democrats insisted in a letter to President Trump on Monday that any deal with North Korea must completely dismantle Pyongyang’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs permanently — and that the White House must loop Congress in on its plans before negotiations begin.

The minority leader and several ranking Democrats issued a list of conditions in anticipation of the expected June 12 summit between Trump and Kim Jong Un, pressing the president to maintain a tough and unsparing stance with the North Korean leader and with his ally China to ensure that the talks achieve “full, complete and verifiable denuclearization of North Korea” — and nothing less.

“Any deal that explicitly or implicitly gives North Korea sanctions relief for anything other than the verifiable performance of its obligations to dismantle its nuclear and missile arsenal is a bad deal,” the senators wrote.

Congressional Democrats have given their cautious blessing to the talks while expressing deep concerns that Trump may be too keen on reaching a deal to make certain that it achieves the results the United States wants.

“We want to make sure the president’s desire for a deal with North Korea doesn’t saddle the United States, [South] Korea and Japan with a bad deal,” Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Monday. “The president needs to be willing to walk away from the table if there isn’t a deal to be had.”

The Democrats say that any agreement must continue North Korea’s “current ballistic missile tests suspension, including any space launch,” the full “dismantlement of ballistic missiles and a prohibition on all ballistic missile development,” and a guarantee “that no ballistic missiles and associated technology are proliferated or exported.”

They also insist that North Korea commit to “robust compliance inspections” that include “ ‘anywhere, anytime’ inspections” of declared and non-
declared “suspicious sites.” Any deal should include “snapback sanctions” to guarantee that the penalties on North Korea are automatic for violations, they said.

“Getting a deal with North Korea is actually the easy part,” Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Monday, noting that North Korea had signed memorandums with the United States in the past that then fell apart. “Getting a good agreement that works and is sustainable . . . is the hard part.”

Democrats said Monday that the stakes of the potential talks with North Korea are far higher than those with Iran, which “did not have nuclear weapons or a functional ICBM,” Schumer noted, referring to an intercontinental ballistic missile. “North Korea has both,” he said.

Schumer also warned that Democrats would be watching the progress of negotiations to see that their principles are met, adding that “if we think that the president is veering off course, we would not hesitate to move” to increase mandatory sanctions against North Korea or otherwise make it impossible for the president to use his waiver authority.” Schumer suggested that Republicans would join Democrats in any effort to restrain the president if it appears he is moving too swiftly toward a bad deal.

Because Congress has already passed certain mandatory sanctions against North Korea, lawmakers would probably have to take some action to waive them before the United States could fully participate in an accord in which North Korea made a commitment to fully denuclearize. Menendez stressed that Congress would take such steps only if Pyongyang were clearly “in the midst of compliance” with a strict, acceptable deal.

That deal could be a long way off. Though Trump initially suggested that the goal of the June 12 talks was denuclearization, he has since scaled that back, describing the upcoming meeting as more of a “get-to-know-you kind of a situation” and the start of “a process.”


Monday, June 11, 2018

Robert De Niro throws F-bombs at Trump during Tony Awards

Trump Derangement Syndrome:

They rather see the county fail than Trump succeed.
 Some call that treason.

Wonder if any of the obsessed Hollywood elitists who refuse to accept the election results could actually do a show (any show) without mentioning Trump? For instance, SNL is no longer a show. It became an agenda years ago.

Oh…and FU you Bob and the rest of your Hollywood slime!

Had Obama accomplished what Trump has thus far with the economy, low unemployment, lowest black unemployment in history, and about to meet with Kim Jong-un in Singapore, this is how the liberal left would view it.

 Ironically...what befell the ocean during the Messiah's tenure was the BP oil spill. 

The perfect manifestation of his entire presidency.


June 10, 2018: Robert De Niro introduces a performance by Bruce Springsteen at the 72nd annual Tony Awards at Radio City Music Hall. (AP)

Actor Robert De Niro launched a profanity-laced tirade at President Donald Trump during Sunday’s politically-charged Tony Awards, earning a standing ovation.

“I'm gonna say one thing: f--- Trump!" he stated, as he clenched his two fists in the air, leaving panic-stricken broadcast censors trying bleep out the remarks. "It's no longer down with Trump, it's f--- Trump!"

The U.S. viewers at home heard dead silence, though in other regions the f-bombs reportedly weren’t censored. The expletives sparked a roaring reaction from the audience, with many of the celebrities standing up.

The veteran actor went on to introduce Bruce Springsteen's performance. “Bruce, you can rock the house like nobody else," said De Niro. "Even more important in these perilous times, you rock the vote. Always fighting for, in your own words, truth, transparency, integrity in government. Boy, do we need that now.”

Backstage, playwright Tony Kushner raised De Niro for his tirade on stage, saying he agrees with the sentiment expressed by the actor. “Good for him. I mean, it’s Robert De Niro. Who’s gonna argue with him?” he said.

Kushner went on to denounce the Trump’s presidency as “the Hitler mistake” that put a “borderline psychotic narcissist in the White House.”

De Niro is a no fan of the president. He has recently appeared multiple times on “Saturday Night live,” playing Special Counsel Robert Mueller who’s investigating the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

In March, the actor reportedly bashed Trump at the Fulfillment Fund fundraiser. “A college education is important, but education without humanity is ignorance. Look at our president. He made it through the University of Pennsylvania, so he was exposed to a quality education, but he’s still an idiot. And he lacks any sense of humanity or compassion,” he said, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

De Niro again criticized Trump in April during the opening night of the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival. "America's being run by a madman who wouldn't recognize the truth if it came inside a bucket of his beloved Colonel Sanders Fried Chicken,” he said.


Sunday, June 10, 2018

John McCain..."The majority of Americans are opposed to President Donald Trump's trade policies"

Didn't know McCain spoke for you and me. 

Guess 'The majority of Americans' must like getting f--ked by our current trade policies from friend and foe alike.


John McCain has claimed in a direct appeal to US allies that the majority of Americans are opposed to President Donald Trump's trade policies.

It followed Trump's extraordinary snub of the G7 by refusing to endorse the group's joint communique, and the latest salvo of insults Trump directed at Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in an escalating trade dispute.

John McCain (above) claimed in a direct appeal to US allies that the majority of Americans are opposed to President Donald Trump's trade policies

Democrats were heavily in favor of free trade deals, with 67 % saying the deals were good and just 19% opposed to them. So there you have it. McCain siding with the Democrats.



Thursday, June 7, 2018

Trumpism in all its glory

These two are the best.
