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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Blumenthal lectured embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on the importance of not telling even a single lie

Read the excerpt... or watch this POS in action.


BLUMENTHAL: “As a federal judge, you’re aware of the jury instruction falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus, are you not? You’re aware of that jury instruction.”


BLUMENTHAL: “You know what it means.”

KAVANAUGH: “You can translate it for me, Senator, you can do it better than I can.”

BLUMENTHAL: “False in one thing, false in everything, meaning in jury instructions, that we — some of us, as prosecutors, have heard many times, is told a jury that they can disbelieve a witness if they find them to be false in one thing. So, the core of why we’re here today really is credibility.


Blumenthal's own history with the truth is coming back to haunt him.

"False in one thing, false in everything"?

President Trump and Republican lawmakers noted the hypocrisy of those words coming from Blumenthal, who has been criticized for lying about his military service during the Vietnam War.

Stolen Valor DaNang Richard Blumenthal

Video 433

Blumenthal has implied in the past that he served on the ground in Vietnam, although he reportedly obtained at least five military deferments between 1965 and 1970. He eventually served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, but did not deploy to Vietnam.

“You have the great Vietnam War hero—who didn’t go to Vietnam—Blumenthal,” Trump said at a rally Monday evening. “How about Blumenthal? We call him ‘Da Nang Blumenthal.”

Video 434

And it did. Remember this?


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The rallying cry from the left... "We Believe Women"

Just arbitrarily believe all women...ignore the facts?!?

Susan Smith

Deliberately drowned her two young sons and then blamed it on a black guy saying she was carjacked.

Casey Anthony

Murdered her 3-year-old daughter Caylee Marie Anthony and blamed it on her 

Karla Leanne Homolka

Homolka was convicted of raping and murdering at least three young women, one of whom was her own sister. She did a deal with prosecutors claiming that she hadn’t been a willing participant in the murders blaming it on her husband.

Hillary Clinton

Said her husband never had sex with Monica Lewinsky. Blamed it on a "vast right-wing conspiracy".

So you see Loretta women really do lie...

and this very well could be another one???


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Compare the Dems questioning of Kavanaugh to the Republicans kid glove treatment of Ford

Ford told the Senate Judiciary Committee that she and her husband wound up in couples counseling over a remodeling project at their California home. Ford said her husband couldn't understand why she wanted a second front door to the house.

"I insisted on a second front door. An idea that he and others disagreed with and could not understand," Ford testified.

She says the alleged attack by Kavanaugh caused her to have a fear of "claustrophobia. Panic."

"Is that the reason for the second door?" asked Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the top Democrat on the committee.

"Yes," replied Ford.


What a crock of shit! 

She was supposedly sexually assaulted by Judge Kavanaugh in 1982 but suddenly in 2012, 30 years later, she demanded two front doors for her home remodel because "the alleged attack by Kavanaugh caused her to have a fear of "claustrophobia. Panic." It took thirty years to kick in...?  So the solution is to install two front doors to allow easier access for intruders to break in? Think about how absurd that sounds? I believe her husband had her in therapy because she's a nut job.

Those damn doors don't come cheap!

I'm surprised Rachel Mitchell, the Arizona prosecutor hired by the Committee  (who stunk) didn't pepper Christine Blasey Ford on the real reason she was in therapy also some reference to the GoFundMe account.

(Looks more like Ray Mitchell with a wig) 

This is from a friend of mine Ed Kilbane on the types of questions that should have been asked of Christine Blasey Ford but weren't. 

Perhaps he should have been a criminal prosecutor.


How did you drive when you were only 15? 

Did you have a temp license? 

Were your parents with you? 

How is it that you can clearly remember you only had one beer at the party but don't remember how you got there or got home? 

How did you get out of the bedroom?

Did you have to unlock the door first? 

Was that the first beer you ever had?

How many drinking parties did you go to?

 Did you ever have more than one beer at them?

How did you and your friends get the beer?

Did you ever do drugs at these parties? 

Did you ever get drunk on booze or high on drugs?

Did you smoke weed? 

When was the first time you had sex? 

Were you ever groped like this before?

Who did it?

Was the alleged assault by Brett the only reason you were seeing a therapist?

 Did the therapist hypnotize you or otherwise put you thru memory regression?

 Have you ever treated any of your clients with memory regression therapy?

 How reliable is it? 

How many therapy sessions have you been in?

What else were you being treated for? 

You remember incidents from 36 years ago, but you can't remember if you gave the WaPo your therapy records two weeks ago???

I can think of a dozen more off the top of my head and would have gone after her like no one's business. I'm just a tax guy. The prosecutor they hired was pitiful. I'm glad they ditched her for the last part of the hearing. 


Monday, October 1, 2018

Clarence Thomas resurrected in Brett Kavanaugh

Video 432

Déjà vu?

Anita Hill testified that Thomas had subjected her to comments of a sexual nature, which she felt constituted sexual harassment or at least "behavior that is unbefitting an individual who will be a member of the Court."

And the frosting on the cake? Ted Kennedy who ran off a bridge drunk and killed a woman is sitting there in judgment!

Clarence Thomas was confirmed on October 18, 1991. Damn near 27 years ago! A Leopard doesn't change his spots, right? Since his confirmation have you heard one iota, or as Barry would say... a smidgen, of any sexual impropriety over that 27 year period? 

Let's talk about Brett Kavanaugh and the lessons learned.

He graduated from Yale College cum laude, with a degree in American history, where he was a member of the fraternity Delta Kappa Epsilon

His record on Wikipedia was spotless until the addition of Ford, Ramirez, and  Swetnick. 

His life is indelibly marred beyond repair by 3 women who admit to being drunk at the time and cannot produce a shred of evidence. So my question is this. After what happened to Clarence Thomas and if Kavanaugh knew he was guilty why would he subject himself and his family to this 'political lynching'.

He has a great family, I'm sure a beautiful home, a prestigious career earning $220,600 a year salary as a federal judge and $27,000 as a lecturer at Harvard Law School. Only about 2% of Americans earn that. So if he is truly a rapist, and knowing what happened to Clarence Thomas, why jeopardize that quality of life both psychological and financial... pain that he knew was sure to come?

I just don't get it. It makes no sense.


Jim Carrey Hits ‘Hideous And Hateful’ Lindsey Graham In New Portrait

The actor/artist calls the South Carolina Republican a “disgrace.”

Jim Carrey slammed Sen. Lindsey Graham in a biting new portrait in which the actor says the South Carolina Republican’s attitude explains why women are afraid to report sexual assault. 

Last week, Graham aggressively defended Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh from just such allegations, and accused Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee of trying to “destroy this guy’s life.” He also declared that anyone who voted against Kavanaugh was “legitimizing the most despicable thing I have seen in my time in politics.”

Carrey’s response came in the form of a very unflattering image: 

Obviously, Jim Carrey is humanitarian. Especially when it comes to women. He has so much love and respect for the opposite sex he felt compelled to spread it around.

JIM CARREY reportedly knew he had Herpes, Hepatitis A and Chlamydia but kept it secret. The test is now in evidence.

The slimeball's girlfriend Cathriona White committed suicide in September 2015 by overdosing on drugs.

Carrey has been using his artwork to attack President Donald Trump and members of his administration and other politicians, including Graham. Earlier this summer, he blasted the South Carolina senator for “shifting with the political wind when your country desperately needs you” and warned that “in the end it will be as if you never really existed.”

Earlier this year, Carrey said that his artwork was a way of dealing with current events. 

“You can tweet all you want, but there’s something about a picture that takes it to a whole other level,” he said. 

Yes, a low-level scumbag.
