Here she is dressed in white Dec 5th.
Notice how she stutter-stepped "with a heart full of love". Even she couldn't swallow it.
Notice how she stutter-stepped "with a heart full of love". Even she couldn't swallow it.
Video 536
(The abortion loving Catholic said so many rosaries, it required Carpel tunnel surgery)
This is her after the Dems impeached Trump in the House. As you can see she's dressed in black for the 'solemn occasion'. This is the woman who prays for the president all the time. That would be with an (e) instead of a (a). You can tell by the mournful look on her face as she embraces the gavel and her well meaning statement she is deeply distraught over the whole episode... because, after all, she was raised with a heart full of love.
You're looking at one world class C--T.