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Monday, March 9, 2020

Even Joe Knows

Video 546

Biden Says Re Elect Trump While Speaking In St. Louis, Missouri

Joe Biden tells his supporters he’s an ‘Obiden-Bama Democrat’.


Sunday, March 8, 2020

Jesse Jackson backs Sanders

Nothing strikes a high note better than an endorsement from a preacher (a man of the cloth) who while married had a child with another woman and used the Rainbow Coalition money to pay for it. It gets better. Jackson became Bill Clinton's 'spiritual advisor' during the Lewinsky scandal... even bringing his pregnant girlfriend to the WH!

Joe Biden, not to be outdone, immediately sought out Jimmy Swaggart for an endorsement.


Saturday, March 7, 2020

Your Choice


Accompanying tweet after O.J. Simpson panic buys toilet paper and water amid coronavirus fears

O.J. Simpson posted a photo of himself on Twitter early Friday morning wearing a face mask outside a Costco with a cart full of emergency supplies


Friday, March 6, 2020

Bernie Supporters

Yes, spontaneous...excellent choice of words.
