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Friday, April 9, 2021

Biden border crisis comes at ‘massive cost’ to American people


Illegals warehoused at the border are costing the US taxpayer $60 million a week!!!!!!

To put things in perspective the average VA Hospital cost $112 million to build. 

So inside of a month they could have used that money to begin building 2 new VA Hospital’s with enough money left over to send everybody (legally) in the United States a voter ID card. You know, because a lot of people just can't make it to the DOT to get a free ID.

Would this ever take place? Of course not! For Dems common sense went out the window along time ago when they realized importing illegals and embracing voter fraud (for their new voting block) was the way to go, and for the most part except for conservatives, the American people gave them the green light.


Groups pressure Senate to end filibuster as Jim Crow relic

We're at the point now where they could link Jim Crow to a Big Mac and McDonald's would have to get rid of it. 


Thursday, April 8, 2021

You got to see this!!!

Another reason he disavows any knowledge of his laptop. Hard to believe this scumbag's father his is POTUS!

Although 'scumbagness' is a family gene.

I'm sure they'll cover the hell out of it tonight.

Oh, and it looks like the Daily Mail did a better job of investigating his computer than the FBI.
There is evidence of criminality on the computer which is far more serious than this. Have you heard a peep out of the FBI?


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

'60 Minutes' proves the days of Mike Wallace are long gone

Tick tick tick tick tick tick... is now the prelude to deception.

60 Minutes ’ Dishonest DeSantis Hit Job

Before you continue bear in mind '60 Minutes' couldn't find enough ammunition on these two. They had to go after DeSantis.

One is in the process of being recalled with almost 2 million signatures and the other the infamous
 "Andrew Weinstein"/ killer of New York who may very well go to jail. 

The 60 minute take? No story here let's go profile DeSantis.


There is no more accurate way of describing last night’s 60 Minutes segment on Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida than as a political hit job. It was an aspersion, a slander, a smear — a calculated and premeditated calumny contrived for one purpose and one purpose alone: To hint darkly at scandal where none exists, and, thereby, to damage DeSantis in 2022 and beyond. Americans who tuned in to 60 Minutes yesterday are now less informed than they were before it aired.

The supposed “problem” that 60 Minutes highlighted was that Florida’s government has used the popular grocery chain Publix to help it distribute COVID-19 vaccines, that Publix gave $100,000 to Governor DeSantis’s re-election efforts last year, and that the combination of the two represents a quid pro quo.

This claim is absurd on its face. Not only is Publix the largest and most widely trusted grocery-store chain in the state of Florida, but the majority of its 831 stores in the state have well-equipped pharmacies at which Floridians are accustomed to getting flu shots. Irrespective of any other logistical considerations, it would have been surprising if Publix had not been one of the major players in the state’s effort. It is true that Publix has recently given $100,000 to Ron DeSantis’s gubernatorial reelection bid. It is also true that it gave a million dollars to the progressive Urban League last year, and that, back in 2018, it gave $100,000 to Democratic campaigns in the state. To believe that there is a connection between this routine behavior and decisions that were made during an unforeseen once-in-a-century pandemic is to stretch oneself to the breaking point.

The producers of 60 Minutes know this, which is why they edited out the portion of Governor DeSantis’s answer that explains beyond question why Publix was chosen for its role. In the offending segment, CBS’s Sharyn Alfonsi is seen asking DeSantis, “Publix, as you know, donated $100,000 to your campaign, and then you rewarded them with the exclusive rights to distribute the vaccination in Palm Beach. How is that not pay for play?” But only DeSantis’s initial response is shown in full. Deliberately missing from the governor’s comments was his detailed answer laying out how the distribution system has worked in Florida in general, and how Publix has slotted into it in particular. In the unaired portion, DeSantis says:

First of all, the first pharmacies that had [the vaccine] were CVS and Walgreens and they had a long-term care mission, so they were going to the long-term care facilities. They got the vaccine in the middle of December, they started going to the long-term care facilities the third week in December to do LTCs. So that was their mission, that was very important and we trusted them to do that. As we got into January, we wanted to expand the distribution points.

So yes, you had the counties, you had some drive-thru sites, you had hospitals that were doing a lot, but we wanted to get it into communities more. So we reached out to other retail pharmacies: Publix, Walmart, obviously CVS and Walgreens had to finish that mission and we said we’re going to use you as soon as you’re done with that.

None of this was apparent to viewers of 60 Minutes. The show did not note that CVS and Walgreens got the vaccine first; it did not explain the difference between the strategy for long-term-care facilities and the strategy for the broader population; it did not mention that Walmart was also used in the delivery of vaccines to the general public; it did not reference the work DeSantis has done extending the state’s effort to minority communities; and, crucially, it did not make clear that the reason Publix was so prominent in the second phase of vaccinations was that it was the first grocery chain to be ready. Instead, the show took two facts that in no way intersect and pretended that they had a causal relationship. There is a word for that sort of conduct, but it’s not “journalism.”

So egregiously dishonest was 60 Minutes’ attempt that, shortly after it aired, the director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management took to Twitter to condemn it. “I said this before and I’ll say it again,” Jared Moskowitz wrote. “Publix was recommended by FLSERT [State Emergency Response Team] and HealthyFla [Florida Department of Health] as the other pharmacies were not ready to start. Period! Full Stop! No one from the Governors office suggested Publix. It’s just absolute malarkey.” Moskowitz, note, is no ideological ally of Governor DeSantis. On the contrary: He describes himself as a “progressive,” served as a Democrat in the Florida legislature until 2019, and has worked in various capacities for Al Gore, Joe Lieberman, and Barack Obama. His father, Michael, is one of the top Democratic fundraisers in the state.

Unlike the producers of 60 Minutes, however, Jared Moskowitz is not a liar.

Alas, he is fighting against the tide. 60 Minutes’ lies will now be laundered and repeated until, in millions of minds around the country, they are habitually referenced as “facts.” In that status they will be joined by the oft-repeated lie that Florida has been “cooking its books,” which it has not. From the moment the pandemic began, the mainstream press has proven itself incapable of writing about Florida as anything less than a mysterious, godforsaken backwater that, somehow, has managed to stumble through this crisis despite itself. That Florida ranks in the middle of the pack for deaths, despite having the fourth-oldest population in the country and being the destination of choice for young people, seems not to matter. Nor do many commentators seem much to care that Florida has done this while managing to stay largely open; that there have been real, verifiable, and under-covered scandals elsewhere; that the most populous state in the union is holding a recall election for its governor over his COVID response; or that, at the moment the 60 Minutes segment ran, it was not Florida that was in crisis, but Michigan.

In part, this monomaniacal failure of imagination has been the product of the false reputation that Florida enjoys among a certain sort of sneering Acela-corridor journalist. Bubbling below the surface of all of last year’s coverage has been an unlovely implication: “That guy, in that state? Something tricky must be going on.” Last night, 60 Minutes made that explicit.

As it turned out, though, it wasn’t DeSantis who was playing games with the truth. It was CBS.


Monday, April 5, 2021

Rubio it's a home run... pun intended

Marco Rubio calls out MLB Commissioner for Augusta membership

Sen. Marco Rubio joined conservative voices calling foul on Major League Baseball for moving its All-Star Game from Atlanta. The Miami Republican specifically called out Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred for keeping a membership with the Augusta National Golf Club.

“I am under no illusion that Major League Baseball will sacrifice business revenue on behalf of its alleged corporate values. Similarly, I am under no illusion you intend to resign as a member from Augusta National Golf Club,” Rubio said. “To do so would require a personal sacrifice, as opposed to the woke corporate virtue signaling of moving the All Star Game from Atlanta.”

The league on Friday announced it would move the All Star Game in protest of Georgia’s new election law, which includes strict photo ID requirements and a prohibition on handing water and food out to those in line within a certain distance of polling sites.

In a letter to Manfred and shared with press, Rubio called out the Commissioner for making a decision that could hurt Atlanta’s economy while keeping an Augusta membership card in his wallet.

“I write to ask you whether you intend to maintain your membership at Augusta National Golf Club. As you are well aware, the exclusive members-only club is located in the State of Georgia,” Rubio wrote. “Last week, you ‘decided that the best way to demonstrate our values as a sport is by relocating this year’s All-Star Game’ from Atlanta because of Georgia’s revised election law. It is a decision that will have a bigger impact on countless small and minority owned businesses in and around Atlanta, than the new election law ever will. And one that reeks of hypocrisy.”

A long-time foreign policy hawk, Rubio also slammed MLB’s relationships with China and Cuba. The Senator notably heavily criticized a deal MLB cut in 2018 regarding Cuban nationals playing in the league.

“Will Major League Baseball now end its engagement with nations that do not hold elections at all like China and Cuba? Will you end your lucrative financial relationship with Tencent, a company with deep ties to the Communist Party and actively helps the Chinese Government hunt down and silence political dissidents?” Rubio wrote.

“Since Major League Baseball now appears eager to use its ‘platform’ to demonstrate ‘unwavering support’ for fundamental human rights, will you cease your relationship with the Chinese Government, which at this very moment is committing genocide against the (Uighurs) Muslims in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.”

Rubio voiced recognition the league can choose to conduct its business how it chooses, but questioned the integrity of the decision.

“In the end, as a citizen of a free nation you, and Major League Baseball, have the right to speak out against laws in the U.S. you disagree with, even if it is on the basis of false information,” he said. “What would be truly bold, however, is if you would speak out on behalf of the voiceless who face arbitrary imprisonment, forced sterilization, coerced abortions, rape, and other horrific acts at the hands of one of your business partners. I am under no illusion that Major League Baseball will sacrifice business revenue on behalf of its alleged corporate values.”
