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Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
No political hay to be made here
Special thanks to Keith Grant
I'm sure you have seen these heart warming pictures before, as I have, but some events become more appreciated the more one revisits.
There are times in our great history when it becomes difficult to separate the man from his presidency. This is not one of those times... an ordinary decent man and his wife arrive at an airport just to express, in a neighborly way, their gratitude.
There's a group of ladies in the Dallas area who make and stuff neck pillows for soldiers coming through Dallas Fort Worth airport. They go to the airport and meet the ful incoming planes every week and greet the soldiers coming back for a few weeks R&R, give them a pillow, tell them they pray for them, and thank them for their service. The lady who took the pictures said everyone was so surprised to see George and Laura Bush recently just standing quietly in the waiting area with others who come to meet the troop planes. She said it was amazing to watch the faces of the soldiers light up in recognition when they spotted them and that many came over to speak and shake hands.

I'll tell you one thing. Say what you will about Bush.
He never lead from behind. He lead by example.
No political hay to be made here
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Racism at his best...
On a tip from Ed Kilbane
What do you think would have happened if a Caucasian president had ever produced and published a You Tube video for ALL WHITE PEOPLE to unite for a WHITE PRESIDENT?
Obama announces the 2012 launch of African Americans for Obama. This is what racism smells like. It can't be explained away. Like everything else he gets away with!
Would you vote for a white person who did this? I wouldn't, and I think they would be run right out of town if they tried it. This is just some food for thought if you're pondering your vote in November. Can you imagine Romney putting out a call for all the white brothers and sisters to vote for him because he's white and so are they?
If you are offended by what's taking place, please pass it on.
Racism at his best...
Saturday, October 6, 2012
The narrative changes
Photos compliments of Ed Kilbane
A closer look
Any one of sound mind knows Barry lost the debate. Even liberals came out an admitted it. We saw both men, stripped of all campaign rhetoric and mudslinging ads, for what they really are and clearly Romney appeared far more presidential taking command early and never looking back. But the narrative from the MSM is beginning to change. Realizing they made a mistake (Mitt's numbers went up) by admitting "their boy" lost the debate, they are now saying Obama lost because Romney lied. Strangely I never heard Barry call him out in any of these so-called lies. After all, this was a debate wasn't it? Barry just stood there sheepishly like a son being scolded by his father. I guess subconsciously he was thinking…no matter what I do the media will rescue me. Not to worry Barry. The Mayday call has been received by your own personal Coast Guard.
The narrative changes
Thursday, October 4, 2012
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