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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Dilley Meme Team: The Mentally Retarded

On a tip from Tom Nicholas



Friday, May 3, 2024

Meme of the day...



Thursday, April 11, 2024

OJ jumps off


Got away with murder and still didn't learn his lesson. A shame he threw his whole life away to live in a public purgatory. I have no idea but maybe he made his peace with God. One thing for sure I'll go to my grave knowing he was guilty (as hell). Now Casey Anthony has moved up to the most infamous murderer who got away with it.

OJ's last video. The Lord had other ideas.


Thursday, April 4, 2024

Undiscovered...Joe's 1993 message is clear: As a nation, we must enforce our immigration laws.

 "The immigration laws falls on WHO's watch..."

The hits just keep on coming.

Joe Biden Bribem on Immigration in 1993

What a contrast. 

Just the other day he apologized to Jose Antonio Ibarra, Laken Riley's murderer, for calling him an illegal.


Sunday, March 31, 2024

Out of 365 days of the year Bribem choses to desecrate Easter by proclaiming it Trans Visibility Day

He's a Catholic right?

He goes to communion.

He is also an advocate for abortion and gets the federal government to sue states that oppose it.

Now of all days he desecrates Easter, the day Christ rose from the dead, by proclaiming it Trans Visibility Day.

There can only be one explanation and I'm being generous here...


Bribem, a supposed Catholic, has banned all religious artwork from the White House Easter egg competition unless of course if the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence showed up. What more does he have to do before the Catholic Church excommunicates him?
