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Monday, August 10, 2009

Love Child

This is a bias report that wreaks with truth.
I have a
personal vendetta against John Edwards. If I told you the whole-
you wouldn't believe it anyway.

Remember this song by the Supremes?

Love child
Never meant to be
Love Child
Born in poverty
Love Child
Never meant to be
Love Child
Take a look at me

To enrich your reading experience, try to hold the song and allow it to play along in the back of your mind.

Rielle Hunter, center, is escorted into a courthouse in Raleigh, N.C., Thursday, where her former love, John Edwards, was being investigated over campaign funds.

Finally after begging the FBI to investigate this bastard someone is actually doing something.
What did Jackie Gleason used to say..... "How sweet it is"!

See my Dec 03, 2008 Post

Rielle Hunter's Sister Comes Forward

BY Bill Hutchinson

Cradling their reputed love child, the former mistress of John Edwards showed up Thursday at a North Carolina courthouse where a grand jury is investigating the frisky politician's campaign spending.
You be the judge.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

See I Could Do It

I said to myself.

Why not write something positive for a change. I'm always bitching, pissing, and moaning. Just for once write something with a positive outlook.

I can't do it... I told myself. I'm the Merchant of Venom. The name alone gives me away.

I thought this:

Hemingway once bet a guy he could write a story using only six words. I was intrigued. They laid their money down on the bar. Even for Hemingway, this was an impossible feat. There is no way a story can be written in six words. However, the guy lost the bet.

If he could write a story in only six words certainly I can write something on a positive note without that limitation.

I can do this.

I am now standing in front of a brick wall. A pickaxe is leaning against it. Should I pick it up? I must I thought... a pickaxe is what I need. I grabbed the smooth shiny wood handle, feeling top-heavy in my hands. This wall looms in front of me like the look I got from the grandma clerk, when I was a young man, buying prophylactics in the drug store. She had that...I know what you're up to sting in her eye.

There it stood. Directly in my path. High, solid, and I didn't know how thick. I spread my legs, arched my back, both hands low on the handle, swung a mighty swing like ringing the bell at the County Fair. It hit with a smash with no split only a few sharp red fragments grudgingly falling away.

This wall is coming down. I don't care what it takes. I grabbed the pickaxe and reared back on my heals.

Wait a minute stupid... You can't bring this wall down in one whack!

Oh yeah!

The hell with it I said. I pounded and pounded without mercy until exhausted I fell to one knee.

A jagged funnel shape in the wall was beginning to form. I looked closer and there was a small hole about the size of a BB that pierced the other side. I tried to see through the tiny opening but all I could see was a fine white point of light. I needed to see more.

I swung the pickaxe missing my intended target, the brunt of the blow striking the side of the funnel hole, before ricocheting down to the opening making it larger to the size of a dime.

I looked through. Then turned my head away rubbing my eyes. Looked through again. It was Ernest Hemingway. He had a sign in his left hand. It said: Get a life.

I stepped aside again to rub my eyes, and then nestled my cheek once more on the peephole and saw his right arm partially away from his body and had to tilt my head a little to see better through the hole. I saw his right hand clearly now. It was another sign. It said....For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn.

Then I woke up.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Martinez Taking A Cue From Benedict Arlen

Martinez is backing Sotomayorrr. Gee.... I wonder if her name was Johnson if he still vote for her?

"It is a momentous and historic opportunity," Martinez (R-Fla.) said.

For him or the rest of us?

Republican senator backs Sonia Sotomayor

Mel Martinez of Florida is the first to break from the GOP during the Senate debate on Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court. He calls her a 'mainstream' judge who would 'rule with restraint.'
By James Oliphant
9:45 AM PDT, August 5, 2009
Reporting from Washington -- Sen. Mel Martinez today was the first Republican to publicly break from his party during the Senate debate over Sonia Sotomayor and declare his support for the Supreme Court nominee.

"It is a momentous and historic opportunity," Martinez (R-Fla.) said. "Her 17-year judicial record indicates that she will apply the law without bias."

Martinez, who is retiring from the Senate, directly rebutted his GOP colleagues in saying he believed Sotomayor was a "mainstream" judge who would "rule with restraint." And he dismissed the furor over Sotomayor's "wise Latina" remark, saying what matters is that the New York federal appeals judge's opinions, "not what she said to a group of students one day."

Sotomayor has been criticized by some Republicans for suggesting in speeches that a "wise Latina" would "reach a better conclusion" in some cases than a white male.

Martinez charged that some Republicans were using Sotomayor's speeches as "an excuse" not to vote for her confirmation. Her critics, he said, "have yet to produce objective evidence that she has allowed personal bias to influence her judicial decision-making."

Martinez's expression of support came on the second day of debate over Sotomayor's nomination. A vote could come as early as Thursday. Sotomayor is expected to be confirmed.

After Martinez spoke, veteran Sen. Christopher S. Bond (R-Mo.) took to the floor and announced that he would also vote for Sotomayor, saying that President Obama was entitled to appoint his choice of judges. He said a Republican president similarly had the prerogative to appoint conservatives to the court. "She has proven herself to be a well-qualified jurist," Bond said. "The country is tired of partisanship infecting every debate."

Bond's announcement means that at least seven Republican will vote to confirm Sotomayor.

Earlier, Sen. Richard M. Burr (R-N.C.) embraced what has been the more traveled Republican path on Sotomayor's nomination, saying that he did not believe Sotomayor would stick to "the letter of the law" and said he would not vote to confirm her.

At the start of the debate today, several female Democratic senators banded together on the Senate floor to ensure that the other history-making nature of Sotomayor's nomination would not go unnoticed.

While much attention has been paid to the fact that Sotomayor would be the first Latino on the high court, she would also be just the third woman to serve as a justice, noted Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.)

Klobuchar was joined on the floor by Sens. Jeanne Shaheen (N.H.), Debbie Stabenow (Mich.), Kristen Gillibrand (N.Y.) and Patty Murray (Wash.).


Not Another Jimmy!

We are now witnessing firsthand why Hillary was not selected as Vice President. The Clinton's have to much baggage, their self-centered, and love the limelight. Obama saw this as a threat and he was right. But the throwing of the bone to the Dem's has now bit him on the ass for selecting her as Secretary of State. Something he may not have wanted to do, but was forced upon him to solidify the Dem's as a "cohesive unit". Assuming that were possible.

Enter Bill Clinton. Desperately needing his limelight fix. He made an unannounced and highly unusual trip to North Korea to save two women journalist's (isn't one Jimmy Carter one to many) while the Obama administration was quick to point out he is not there on "official government business".

Now some may say he is there purely for humanitarian reasons. Clinton trying to find two women! ....Somehow pure and humanitarian is not the first thing that comes to mind.
Picture of Clinton with the girl he saved last week.
Rumor has it he paid $200 to save her

Whether these two women were actually on North Korean soil is of no concern to Kim Jung ill (The ill really suits him). They were going to be picked up anyway and used as a bargaining chip to get something. And who do they think they are going to bargain with? The mother of all suckers! The one and only Bill Clinton. The same Bill Clinton that gave them $500 million in 1999 to stop all research on a nuclear bomb. They used the money to build it! I wonder what their going to get this time? Maybe Clinton will sign them up for the Cash for Clunkers Program.

This is a win win for Clinton. If the women are released ( I hope they are) Clinton is back in the limelight and is viewed as a hero. This guy could fall in shit and come out smelling like a rose.

You may not believe anything I just said. But one thing is an undeniable truth. The powers that be in North Korea are liars. Always have been; always will. That said,.. they should get along with Clinton like two peas in a pod.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

NFL..... Its Only A Character Flaw

To start allow me to clarify my position. I am not a member of PETA. I like dogs as long as they belong to somebody else. In other words I do not own a dog. With that out of the way I would like to address the Michael Vick situation since he has been reinstated in the NFL.

As a football player Michael Vick is very talented. You would not be going out on a limb by saying he has talent to burn. So the question is, should we as a society put that above all else and throw our moral compass out the window; as it seems the NFL has done? Are we so obsessed with winning nothing else matters? Some may say he paid his debt to society by going to jail and we should forgive Vick, and all of us should move on with our lives. Looking at the above picture I can not bring myself to do that. Putting aside, for a moment, the heinousness of his actions if you could be put in jail for stupidity Vick would be serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole. Here's a guy who signed a 10 year contract for $130 million dollars (not counting endorsements that would exceed his contract) and he threw all that away to be involved in dog fighting! I don't know how much money you can make in dog fighting but it damn sure ain't $130 million!

I ask you. As a player would you want to be on a football team with this guy? Next time you have a BBQ would you feel... just a little uneasy... inviting him? Would you feel comfortable with Michael Vick watching your children so you could take your wife out to dinner???

I submit to you this guy is about as reprehensible as you can get. Psychologically, he is seriously derailed. He callously shot, electrocuted, and drowned the dogs. Think about it. If he can do that what else is he capable of?

Instead of joining the NFL he should be joining the Taliban where he would fit right in.