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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Reading between the lines

Major Garrett
"Can you tell the American public, sir, what your White House did or did not offer Congressman Sestak to not enter the Democratic senatorial primary? And how will you meet your levels of expressed transparency and ethics to convey that answer to satisfy what appear to be bipartisan calls for greater disclosure about that matter? Thank you."
THE PRESIDENT: There will be an official response shortly on the Sestak issue, which I hope will answer your questions.


We are in the process of drafting Bill Clinton to take the fall to deflect attention away from the White House. After all what can they do to Bill; he's already been impeached once! We'll make the announcement Friday afternoon, the beginning of a long holiday weekend, so it will be swept under the rug by Tuesday.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bill Clinton...a man you can trust

And I worked on it until pretty late last night. But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that guy, Mr Sestak. I never told anybody to lie (except for when I offered him a job) not a single time; never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people. Thank you


Friday, May 28, 2010

Gibbs latest announcement on Joe Sestak


Monday, May 24, 2010

The United States of America

Look at it. What is the word that stands out… to me it's United.

Obama was right about one thing. He said he was going to "fundamentally change America." Unfortunately I think he has.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon went to the United States Capitol and addressed Congress. He began to whine about the migration of Mexicans who live in his 3rd world, drug invested, rat hole of a country and how difficult it was going to be now for his people to illegally get into Arizona; not to mention they might be deported once they got there! He railed against Arizona's new immigration law calling it racial profiling at it's worse; although immigration laws in his country are much tougher. It makes me sick.

But what is even more reprehensible, while he's ripping Arizona to shreds (remember United states) he is doing so with numerous standing ovations from congress! Our own congress!!!

fundamentally change America translated = If you are against illegals living in your state you are a racist. Am I a racist? If it means I don't want any foreign nationals from any country taking over my country then I am a racist! Folks please, please, wake up this November. Our government has issued a formal proclamation ... America be damned... we're for illegals. (Better known as Undocumented Democrats.) There is simply no other way to put it. Obama is taking care of illegals just like he took care of his aunt recently who is here illegally living on the government dole.

Watching this charade I could not believe this was my country anymore.

PS: Obama called the new law a "misguided effort". He said if a guy took his kid to get an ice cream cone he might be arrested. America falls for this shit routinely from the Messiah (talk about misguided.) I think he's paranoid... he can't get a ice cream cone because someone might ask him for a birth certificate.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Politicians are a bunch of whores

Let's see... 7 out 10 Arizonian's support the new immigration law.

This video displays the total hypocrisy of Washington in action. Napolitano, along with the entire Obama administration, have not read the law ( she's against it but doesn't know what's in it ) and now John (Suddenly Minuteman) McCain is grilling Napolitano on border security! This is the same McCain who supported the Shamenesty Bill and giving illegals SS benefits. That-a-boy John. Lets get tough on illegals!

Couldn't be coming up for re-election could he?


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Finally the people of PA wake up

"I've crossed the aisle perhaps once too often. That's a laugh line, guys," Specter told reporters. "Nobody laughed."

May 18: Sen. Arlen Specter waves as he gives his concession speech in Philadelphia.

Good riddance you no good SOB!


Saturday, May 15, 2010

What Holder needs is an IV called... reality

If you believe Holder then you must also believe on December 7th 1941 we were attacked by "Lone Wolf" Japs who just happen to have Zero's and aircraft carriers at their disposal.

Watch this video. Holder starts off by pretending not to here the question so he doesn't have to say... Radical Islam. He won't even admit the "possibility" of... Radical Islam.

So this is the situation. We are in a war, and the President of the United States (Imbecilious) and the Attorney General of the United States (Delirious) cannot, or worse, will not, identify who the enemy is!

Gee... I wonder who flew those planes into the twin towers... It must have been them damn Christians again!

Quite comforting... don't you think?

Is this the Good Humor man... or the Attorney General of the United States!


Saturday, May 1, 2010

An Open Letter To The People Of Arizona

The Maverick

He is upside down on illegal aliens.

He co-sponsored the Shamesty Bill with Ted Kennedy.

(We don't have the guts to get rid of them so make them citizens! That was his solution?)

The frosting on the cake. We all know what dire straits social security is in. He actually voted with the Democrats to give illegals social security benefits!

This is not BS. It's on the record.

I stand behind what you are doing in Arizona 100%. John McCain is part of the problem. Certainly not the solution. So if you re-elect him you will only exacerbate the position you're in.
If he is re-elected, and the situation becomes worse, and you start looking for someone to blame.... you better look in the mirror.

After all.... What has John McCain done for you lately?


Friday, April 30, 2010

Bank Robbers vs Illegal Aliens

Arizona is being invaded by illegals; not to mention the rest of the country. Our government suffers from some form of paralysis. They can't stop them at the border and can't deport them once their here. Oh, but they can support Sanctuary Cities. Illegals are used as a fashion accessory touted by Liberals who want illegals here in some warped sense of compassion. A newspaper reporter actually had the gall to compare the Arizona situation with what the Nazi's did to the Jews!

Unfortunately by the time they wake up it will be fundamentally to late. Our country simply cannot survive by allowing everyone and their brother to "put down roots" in a country where they don't belong.

The Democrats as usual took the double standard route. They came squirming out of the woodwork espousing the virtues of the Constitution as it relates to Arizona. Yet, they didn't give two-shits-in-the-wind about the Constitution when they passed the healthcare bill.

The common sense of my father's generation has all but evaporated. This is how you get rid of illegals if you really wanted to.

Click this:

The government's kindness and concern has worked out so well for illegals they thought they would extend it to bank robbers.

Can this scenario be far down the road?

Tyrone Johnson decides to rob a bank.

This would be the government's take on the situation.

No one saw this as a cry for help?

Was he depressed?

Did you make any threats against him?

Did anyone bother to think the hood was to tight and he might have difficulty breathing?

He might have pulled a muscle in his back stretching over the counter. Did anyone ask if his back was alright?

What about his wrist? That automatic looks awful heavy!

In these hard economic times did anyone at the bank have the decency to offer him a job?

Did anyone ask about his family situation; or even care?

Did someone offer to help carry the heavy bag of loot to the get-away car?

When is it illegal to be illegal?

What's wrong with you people!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I feel better already

Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano: border secure as it's ever been

Napolitano protecting the border

Homeland Security Secretary this morning gave assurances that she's made tremendous progress on securing the border, telling the Senate Judicary Committee that it's "as secure now as it's ever been."

But when asked by Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., if it's secure, Napolitano called it "an unfair question."

Graham shot back: "It is a fair question, and I'll give you my answer: I don't think it is. I think since the last effort to solve immigration the border situation has deteriorated."

Graham went on to say that it'll be "impossible" to do anything about comprehensive immigration reform until people on the border feel secure.

Translation: You can forget about immigration reform anytime soon, because nobody in Arizona is buying what Napolitano is selling.

It is estimated there are 460,000 illegals living in Arizona. Furthermore, Arizona has the second highest kidnapping rate in the world!

Knowing this, what should have been the first response from our government?

Unbelievably….. they came to the defense of illegals to make sure their rights are protected!

PS: I might have to change Grahamesty back to Graham.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Doing What The Feds Failed To Do

We all know what "comprehensive immigration reform'' really means. Amnesty!!!

Finally the people of Arizona have wised up, and the governor has signed an immigration law, in an effort aimed at identifying, prosecuting, and deporting illegals. Why? Because the Federal government isn't doing anything about illegals; except protect them!

The president said he had instructed his administration "to closely monitor the situation'' in Arizona and "examine the civil rights and other implications'' of the Arizona legislation. It points to the need for federal legislation, the president said.

Maybe someone should tell the dumb ass if the Feds were doing there f------ job securing the border we wouldn't have this problem! Obama called the bill in Arizona a "misguided effort". Why is this kind of terminology used? Throw in "racial profiling" and my favorite "Sanctuary Cities". It seems illegals are like eggs. They have to be coddled and handled with care so we don't hurt their little feelings.

With the passage of Immigration bill SB1070 Friday in Arizona, it is now a crime under state law to be in the country illegally, and requires local law enforcement to question people about their immigration status if there is reason to suspect they are in the country illegally.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon's office said in a statement Saturday that "the Mexican government condemns the approval of the law" and "the criminalization of migration, far from contributing to collaboration and cooperation between Mexico and the state of Arizona, represents an obstacle to solving the shared problems of the border region."

Migration….??? He speaks as if were like the movement of caribou through the Tundra of northern Alaska. I mean…It's only natural not to respect our border or laws... right? Let me shed some light on your situation President Calderon. Since the drug cartels have taken over your country you should be the last one giving advice about law enforcement in this country!

And how about this little Mexican morsel.


We have adopted a posture in this country to serve and protect illegals first and foremost. The American citizen is but an afterthought.

We owe these people nothing but a one way ticket out of the country. As for Obama I can't wait until 2012 when he is issued his "one way ticket".

Next step for Arizona.

Get rid of McCain.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Maxine Waters....The Secret Is Out

Video From

Ed Kilbane
Senior National Correspondent

If you are an American this is a must see!

Check the look on the people surrounding her when she sticks her foot in the mud of Socialism and can't pull it out. She then manages to make it worse.

Obama snake oil...
Every Liberal needs a daily dose.

One final note. This is the same Maxine Waters who said what a fine job Franklin Raines was doing at Fannie Mae.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Ever Wonder How Many Their Are?

It seems like there is no shortage of Muslims willing to blow themselves up. Have you ever wondered how many their are?

I went to Wikipedia and according to them the world Muslim population is 1.3 to 1.5 billion.


For my assumption, to be fair, I used 1.4 billion. Most attacks are by male Muslims between the ages of 17 and 40 although recently women are trying to get into the act.

So with that in mind lets say right off the top 99.5% or 1,393,000,000 Muslims are good.

Out of the remaining .5% lets say that .4% 5,600,000 are radicalized Muslims. They hate the "Big Satan" and the "Little Satan" but not to the degree they are willing to blow themselves up.

What we are left with is .1%. These are the radical Muslim extremists. The Mohammad Atta's of the world. Suicide bombers willing to blow themselves up anywhere, anyplace, anytime. A Staggering 1,400,000 million!

In comparison we have 1,106,633 active duty military personnel.
( )

I guess a case could be made only the Muslims living in the Middle East have an affinity for blowing themselves up. So chop off a very generous 80% and you are still left with 280,000!

For some inexplicable reason Gallup and Rasmussen are reluctant to interview suicide bombers so I have no concrete proof that I am right. These are assumptions, and just that, but they sound reasonable.

Out of the 280,000. How many live among us!!!


Friday, April 2, 2010

Truly...truly unbelievable!

This you got to see and hear to believe!

Is he drunk, on drugs, or just plain stupid?

Congressman Hank Johnson (D) Georgia


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Back From The Dead?

It has just come to my attention that Harry Reid
a one time 31 point underdog has now pulled to within 8 points of
his Republican challenger. The reason. It seems as though a Tea Partier has entered
the fray and is sucking votes away from the Republican.

Personally I don't care if a Republican wins or a Tea Partier as long as Reid is out. If you listen real close you can almost hear Reid praying.

Dear God...
Please....Please.. don't let that
light skinned guy that doesn't speak with a Negro
dialect come to Nevada to campaign for me.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

What Rhymes with CBO.. Try Fantasy

Ok it doesn't rhyme, but it is supposed to be the Gold Standard, the Seal of Approval if you will.

Boehner sitting there absorbing the "creative math"of the healthcare bill.

The look on his face









This healthcare scam (bill) has been a backdoor, double dealing, riddled with payoffs, botched hatchet job since its inception.

The CBO is supposed to be a independent, impartial, 3rd party separate from the politics of government. If you recall when Obamacare was first brought to the table the CBO did not agree with the cost analysis of healthcare predicting it would be much higher.

In an unprecedented under handed move so indicative of this administration the head of the CBO Douglas Elmendorf was invited to the White House and miraculously he had a change of heart. The CBO has been waffling back and forth ever since.

...Lets see now....Louisiana got this...Nebraska got that...The unions were taken care of...
I wonder what the CBO got...?


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

To All 535 voting members of the Legislature

To All 535 voting members of the Legislature; it is now official you are ALL corrupt morons:
  • The U.S. Post Service was established in 1775. You have had 234 years to get it right and it is broke.
  • Social Security was established in 1935. You have had 74 years to get it right and it is broke.
  • Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had 71 years to get it right and it is broke.
  • War on Poverty started in 1964. You have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor" and they only want more.
  • Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965. You have had 44 years to get it right and they are broke.
  • Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 39 years to get it right and it is broke.
  • The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before. You had 32 years to get it right and it is an abysmal failure.
You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our throats while overspending our tax dollars



The New Up and Down Vote

And so it came to past in the year of our Lord 2010. Where a top of Capitol Hill stood the Messiah. The heavens parted and the sun shone majestically on the anointed one. The multitudes gazed up in awe; hungry for the words of the Messiah.

"I come to you my brethren with all the problems I inherited to save you. Give me your sick and injured for I shall heal thee."

The anointed one waved a hand upon the multitudes. And spoke the words they longed to here.

"I give thee healthcare. I am him and I deem it so"

So it was said. So it was written.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

CNN see's the light.....finally


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I guess this says it all


Friday, March 12, 2010

An Absolute Disgrace

Recently we had the Moses twins Bush and Clinton parting the sea along with Hollywood in a mad rush to help the people of Haiti. A country that was a shit hole 20 years ago, a shit hole today, and will continue to be a shit hole 20 years from now.

We now live in a world where spending $15-to-$20 billion is considered pocket change. Yet we can't find the money to help 10,000 first responders to 911! They had to sue to cover their medical costs? I just saw a report on TV even if they win the $657M lawsuit the lawyers get $200M right off the top. Why should they have to fight to get the money from the Federal Emergency Management Agency when we freely gave Godzillions to Haiti? We have earmarks costing billions such as studying the sex drive of rats but we can't find the money to help our very own heros. Just what the hell kind of country are we living in?

Judge to hear plan to pay $657M to WTC responders

By DAVID B. CARUSO (AP) – 5 hours ago

NEW YORK — A settlement that could pay up to $657.5 million to more than 10,000 ground zero rescue and recovery workers sickened by dust from the destroyed World Trade Center goes before a judge Friday, and he has said he favored a settlement but planned to analyze it carefully to make sure it was fair.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg called the proposal "fair and reasonable," a sentiment echoed by one of the negotiators of the deal that was announced Thursday night after years of fighting in court.

The settlement agreed upon by lawyers representing the city, construction companies and the workers was announced by WTC Captive Insurance Co., a special entity established to indemnify the city and its contractors against potential legal action as they moved to clean up the site after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Both sides were scheduled to appear before the federal judge handling the litigation, U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein, who must approve the deal along with the workers themselves. For the settlement to be enforced, 95 percent of the workers would need to agree to be bound by its terms.

The settlement would mean a postponement or cancellation of the trials tentatively scheduled to begin in May. Some of the cases scheduled to be heard first included that of a firefighter who died of throat cancer and another who needed a lung transplant, as well as workers with less serious ailments, including a Consolidated Edison utility company employee with limited exposure to the debris pile and no current serious illness.

The deal would make the city and other companies represented by the insurer liable for a minimum of $575 million, with more money available to the sick if certain conditions are met.

Most if not all of the money would come out of a $1 billion grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Marc Bern, a senior partner with the law firm Worby, Groner, Edelman & Napoli, Bern LLP, which negotiated the deal, said it was "a good settlement."

Workers who wish to participate in the settlement would need to prove they had been at the World Trade Center site or other facilities that handled debris. They also would have to turn over medical records and provide other information aimed at weeding out fraudulent or dubious claims.

Thousands of police officers, firefighters and construction workers who put in time at the 16-acre site in lower Manhattan had filed lawsuits against the city, claiming it sent them to ground zero without proper protective equipment.

Many now claim to have fallen ill. A majority complained of a respiratory problem similar to asthma, but the suits also sought damages for hundreds of other types of ailments, including cancer.

Lawyers for the city claimed it did its best to get respiratory equipment to everyone who needed it. They also had challenged some of the claims as based on the thinnest of medical evidence, noting that thousands of the people suing suffered from conditions common in the general population or from no illness at all.

Under the settlement, the task of deciding what each worker will be paid will fall to a neutral third party, to be picked by the two sides. Some workers are likely to receive payments of only a few thousand dollars. Others could be in line to get more than $1 million, depending on their injuries.

Carpenter James Nolan, of Yonkers, said he helped recover bodies and build ramps for firehoses at the site and then developed lung and leg problems, for which he takes six medications. He said the city knew the air was dirty so he sued six years ago and now he's happy the case is ending.

"We've had to fight for what we deserve," said Nolan, 45. "I'm glad it's coming to an end."
