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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Picture of the day

An email from my brother.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

An open letter to the morons in AZ

I can only attribute your behavior in voting for McCain has some sort of chronic brain disorder. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. The state of Arizona is inundated with illegals,  progressively becoming worse each year, and yet you vote for the very guy... who is one of the prime reasons for the a 5th term in the United States Senate!

Republican in name only

On Dec. 15, 2000, McCain issued the following press release: “I support the Latino and Immigrant Fairness Act (LIFA). Negotiations between the White House and the leadership, which endorsed more limited immigration reform, have resulted in a compromise.... this bill makes meaningful but insufficient progress on amnesty for those wrongly denied it.”

In a May 29, 2003 interview, McCain said: “Amnesty has to be an important part because there are people who have lived in this country for 20, 30 or 40 years, who have raised children here and pay taxes here and are not citizens.”

In May 2006, McCain, along with several other Senators, voted to make those who have no respect for our laws, eligible for Social Security.

McCain wrote the Shamnesty bill (a.k.a. Comprehensive Immigration Reform) in 2007 with his liberal pal Sen. Ted Kennedy.

Didn't it seem just a little bit odd he suddenly became concerned about defending the border?
"Put up the dang fence" was what the newly minted Minuteman cried out. The part you didn't here... and seemed to go over your head was...I have to get re-elected. You see, he saw which way the "wind" was blowing. You were to dumb to look.

John McCain should be the most influential man in the state of AZ. He is supposed to be "looking out" for you.

This is how he looks out for you? With a warning sign...Beware of illegals you might get hurt! Put up by the Messiah! This is what you call standing up for the citizens of AZ? I guess you must enjoy running around with your tail between your legs. SB1070 was an effort to get rid of them, yet you vote for the guy who wanted to grant them amnesty. Self defeating don't you think?

Speaking of SB1070 my friends and I sent in donations to help you fight the "entity" in the White House. We extended a helping hand and what do you do? Spit in our face.

In the upper right hand corner of this blog I posted this.

In the next 3 days it will be removed. We don't advocate giving money to dumb-asses.

  Sheriff Joe Arpaio among others have a bounty on their head issued by Mexican drug cartels. Ask them if they voted for McCain.

They say no one really knows where Obama stands on religion. Maybe he is a Christian. Because I'm  damn sure he uttered, "Thank God" when he found out you idiots voted for McCain.

Separated at birth


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

AZ don't get duped again

Today is the primary. The one on the left is dead. The one on the right, soon to be. So today it's time to take care of the "muchacho" in the middle.

He co-sponsored the Shamnesty bill and voted to give illegals SS benefits. His liberal policies on illegal aliens is in large part why you're in the situation your in today. Don't get suckered again! He went from... "give them amnesty" a Minuteman over night! Can you see a parallel here? All of a sudden he has become a staunch defender of the border... coincidentally it just happens to be around the same time the primary is coming up.

 McCain has been described many times as a Maverick; an unbranded calf that is separated from its mother. He will be returning to his "mother" the Democratic party if he is reelected.

Is Hayworth the greatest thing since sliced bread? Maybe not. The greatest problem AZ faces is the invasion of illegals. At least you know where he truly stands on that issue.

Solve your problem
Vote McCain out

Now is your chance. Don't let it pass you by.


Monday, August 23, 2010

We Remember

Is that what it's come to....a bumper sticker faded by the sun?

Please watch this video. It's only 2 minutes long.

Now watch this video.
Straight from the horse's mouth.

This guy sound like a trustworthy, respectable, Muslim to you?

The handwriting is on the wall. All you have to do is read it.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Finally one brave Muslim steps up to the plate

This just in and I'm happy about it. A Muslim I'm proud of. I can only hope their are more like her in the Muslim community.  Your silence is your enemy.... not you friend.

Thank you Raheel
