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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mitt makes the call

Now that the convention is over and Mitt is supposed to be a practical joker. Mitt dials 1-800-Barry and says…

Hey Barry, we still have the National Debt Clock from our convention and I was wondering if you good put it to good use. Think of the dramatic impact it'll have at the DNC when it strikes $16 Trillion!
 I'll ship it to you for free…

There is some muffled chatter at the other end of the line and then Mitt says with a smile…

I thought Clint told you I can do that to myself. 


Friday, August 31, 2012

Talk About Getting Energized!

Just finished watching the RNC convention. I record it so I can breeze through the commercials. This was the most notable convention I have ever seen. What a contrast from McCain. But in defense of McCain I will defer to the words of the one I highly regard, Charles Krauthammer, who so aptly put it..."The MSM was so deep in the tank for Obama they needed snorkels."  

One need only witness this convention and the way Romney conducts a campaign to know how he will run the country. True to fashion Barry's campaign is already spending more then its taking in. Anyone surprised?

All the speakers were good. But Mrs Romney, Paul Ryan, Condoleezza Rice, Marco Rubio, (I apologize if I left out anyone) stand out in my my mind. Clint Eastwood talking to the "empty chair" and the implied symbolism was nothing short of genius.

I must admit there were times during this convention I had my  "John Boehner" moments. I don't know if it's because I'm a sucker or my immense pride of being an American. Probably a little of both. There was also plenty of laughter and wild fist pumping as I jumped out of my chair.

In view of all the great speeches delivered during this convention I starting courting doubts and concern about Mitt's coming speech. In my mind I was thinking...from 1 to 10 if Mitt can deliver at least a 7 I'll take it... My low expectations were soon blown away. Mitt Romney came onto his own last night and gave the speech of his life. Was Ronald Reagan's hand on Mitt's shoulder last night when he gave that speech? I don't know. But I can tell you this. Last night was a pivotal moment in American history. Can ANYONE NOW honestly think Mitt Romney is not eminently more  qualified to be president of the United States then one Barack Hussein Obama?

Barry did live up to one promise. He fundamentally changed America. On Inauguration Day January 2013 Mitt Romney is going to change it back.



Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ryan-Biden Debate

It's almost unfair.

Like over a juicy steak just thinking about it makes my jaw start to salivate.  The only way Ryan could lose is if he didn't show up and Biden spoke on stage by himself. 

Wait a minute... the more I think about that..


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ann Romney for president

Just kidding... but Mitt has his work cut out for him.

For starters she looked absolutely stunning! How many women who have been diagnosed with MS and breast cancer look this good? That said, when I heard Christie was going to speak I thought he would be the preeminent speaker at the RNC. Well, move over Chris. Mrs Romney hit it out of the park.

I personally have never witnessed another prospective first lady whether Republican or Democrat give such an electrifying speech.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Here it comes...Barry, Debbie and Isaac

Hurricane Isaac
The second Republican hurricane on record

As we all know the storm that was produced by mother nature also known as Hurricane Katrina was Bush's fault. Ray "make New Orleans chocolate again" Nagin, and their worthless governor Kathleen Blanco (both Democrats), not to mention rest of the idiots living in New Orleans, had nothing to do with their own demise. If you want the true story I suggest you read Decision Points. The only preparation made by those in New Orleans was how to loot the stores of Nike's, clothing, HDTV's, etc after the storm passed.

Fast forward to 2012. Isaac is fast approaching New Orleans while the Republicans are at their convention in Tampa which doesn't end until August 30th. It won't be long before Barry orders Downgrade One fired up so he can steal the spotlight flying to New Orleans for a photo-op to show how much he cares, while those "uncaring" Republicans are living the high life in Tampa.

In the meantime Debbie Waaassermouth Schultz should be appearing on MSNBC to discuss Hurricane Romney..I mean Isaac. I can hear it now...The people of New Orleans are facing an unimaginable hardship while those heartless Republicans just go about their business in Tampa without batting an eye. By the time she finishes Romney owns Hurricane Isaac. 

The Democratic agenda will be to make political hay out of this in some form. Probably about 50% of Americans will fall for it. Why? Because for liberals stupidity is not a handicap it's a virtue.
