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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Bomber Barry

Have you noticed Barry has acquired a new jacket. You can't buy it at Wal-Mart, had it custom made. It's a leather bomber jacket.

 The fact he never spent one day in the military is of no consequence. It's the show that counts.

 I zoomed in on it. On his right there is a patch that proudly proclaims AIR FORCE ONE on his left there is his name tag. Barack Obama (he left the H out) COMMANDER IN CHIEF it says. 

I guess he needed a reminder that he is supposed to be the president. 

With all the TV shows he does it gets a little confusing... Letterman, Leno, The View, MTV, ET, Fallon, Nickelodeon, The Daily Show etc. His forte as a talk show celebrity is renowned... the presidential crap really can get in his way. Well, all is not lost. After November 6th, when he no longer has a job, I'm sure Trump can find him a spot on Celebrity Apprentice. Then again, how long do you think it would be before Trump says..You're Fired? 

 I got to give him credit for one thing and this may sound like a contradiction but it goes along with his zest to be a celebrity. He is the greatest campaigner I have ever seen. If fact he is so great he campaigned his way right through the presidency.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Events in the situation room


You make the call on November 6th

Mitt vs Barry

the two major characteristics  you look for in a president is honesty and competence.

Don't forget that when you go to the voting booth November 6th.

(And this ain't the half of it.)

By any measurement Barry should be a 30 point underdog but thanks to the media they're neck and neck.

Don't believe the polls. Believe your heart.

It's time for a change... and THIS time for the better.

I'm Mitt Romney and I approve this message


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Jay Leno’s Halloween Costume Idea: Wear ‘Re-Elect Obama’ Pin, Be A ‘Journalist’

During his Friday night monologue, Jay Leno took a stab at journalists with a Halloween costume suggestion. Knowing most journalists are "in the tank" for Barry, Leno suggested a costume catered to tight budgets:

"Here is a very inexpensive halloween costume idea if you don't have money:

Wear a 'Re-Elect Obama' button and go out as a journalist."


Monday, October 29, 2012

Whose the Bullshitter?

Barry went on this station thinking he was going to get softball questions. The anchor reached back and threw a change up. Barry swung and fell on his ass.

“Nobody wants to find out more what happened than I do. But we want to make sure we get it right.”

OK...its been over 45 days and he still claims he doesn't know shit! After Bin Laden he couldn't get to the microphones fast enough. I bet he could recite verbatim the slightest detail about the Bin Laden raid right down to his stomach contents.

Maybe I can get Catherine Herridge at FOX to give him a call. She can tell him what happened.
