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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Welfare vs Welfair

Have you ever wondered why welfare is spelled the way it is? Why didn't they spell it Welfair? They couldn't. Why? Because that would imply welfair was  just, equitable, honest, and its not. So they spelled it welfare which would indicate someone else is paying the freight, the cost, the heavy toll. Which is more true to form.

The welfare program, maybe with the best intentions, was passed as  a temporary helping hand. It was never meant to be a life style.

People who are entirely able to take care of themselves, yet traditionally rely on others to do it, before long, you have to wonder... what is the point of their existence?

Big Spenders

Social Security 731 Billion annually

Defense 700 Billion annually

Welfare programs 1.03 Trillion annually

 I don't know...Maybe one of the options should be calling Jennie Craig instead of the welfare office.

Which do you prefer...Barry's way?

Or Ronald Reagan's?

"Welfare's purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence."


Friday, October 19, 2012

Yes they really are that stupid

Nice to see Joe back true to form. This  is almost as good as the Hank Johnson (D-GA.) Guam is going to tip over video.

Just another display of what buffoons and unadulterated liars they really are. As far as I know we are not at war with Iran. 

Harry  (hasn't passed a budget in 3 years) Reid raised his hand twice!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The new craze in Hollywood

As you know in Hollywood the trend is your friend. That's why as a group they are rock solid Obama supporters. Get out of line by supporting Romney and there is hell to pay. Just ask Stacey Dash a black actress who had the audacity to openly support Romney.

 But lately I have seen a new "trend" developing.


Angelina Jolie

Sandra Bullock

Charlize Theron

These four, among others, are adopting black babies. Does anyone honestly believe this is just a coincidence? Is this the new progression, or just another "fashion statement" like a Gucci purse?


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sometimes you've got to wonder where his mind is

Obama weighs in on Nicki Minaj, Mariah Carey's 'American Idol' feud: 'I think they are going to be able to sort it out'

President Obama thinks feuding "American Idol" judges Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj will work it out.

"I think they are going to be able to sort it out, I am confident. I am all about bringing people together, working for the same cause," the commander in chief told Miami radio host Michael Yo.

"I think both are outstanding artists and they are going to be able to make sure they're moving forward and not going backwards."
Obama added that he's met Carey, "And she's a wonderful lady. Nicki I don't know, but I've got her on my iPod."

After Benghazi 


Monday, October 15, 2012

Deficit disorder in the fairer sex.

Deficit at 10.6 trillion when Bush left office. Nothing to really gloat about.

Deficit after Barry said, " I'll reduced it by 50% by the end of my first term" 


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Moving day...January 2013


November 6th 2012

There are two things that really matter to me in the upcoming election.

1. First and foremost, Romney taking the reins and putting this country back on the road to prosperity.

2. The look on Bill Maher's face at the moment he realizes he just pissed away a $1,000,000 bucks.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Barry and Michelle share a quiet moment


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

No political hay to be made here

Special thanks to Keith Grant

I'm sure you have seen these heart warming pictures before, as I have, but some events become more appreciated the more one revisits.

There are times in our great history when it becomes difficult to separate the man from his presidency. This is not one of those times... an ordinary decent man and his wife arrive at an airport  just to express, in a neighborly way, their gratitude. 

There's a group of ladies in the Dallas area who make and stuff neck pillows for soldiers coming through Dallas Fort Worth airport. They go to the airport and meet the ful incoming planes every week and greet the soldiers coming back for a few weeks R&R, give them a pillow, tell them they pray for them, and thank them for their service. The lady who took the pictures said everyone was so surprised to see George and Laura Bush recently just standing quietly in the waiting area with others who come to meet the troop planes. She said it was amazing to watch the faces of the soldiers light up in recognition when they spotted them and that many came over to speak and shake hands.

 I'll tell you one thing. Say what you will about Bush. 

 He never lead from behind. He lead by example.


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Racism at his best...

On a tip from Ed Kilbane

What do you think would have happened if a Caucasian president had ever produced and published a You Tube video for ALL WHITE PEOPLE to unite for a WHITE PRESIDENT?


Obama announces the 2012 launch of African Americans for Obama. This is what racism smells like. It can't be explained away. Like everything else he gets away with!

Would you vote for a white person who did this? I wouldn't, and I think they would be run right out of town if they tried it. This is just some food for thought if you're pondering your vote in November. Can you imagine Romney putting out a call for all the white brothers and sisters to vote for him because he's white and so are they? 

If you are offended by what's taking place, please pass it on.


Saturday, October 6, 2012

The narrative changes

Photos compliments of Ed Kilbane 

A closer look


Any one of sound mind knows Barry lost the debate. Even liberals came out an admitted it. We saw both men, stripped of all campaign rhetoric and mudslinging ads, for what they really are and clearly Romney appeared far more presidential taking command early and never looking back. But the narrative from the MSM is beginning to change. Realizing they made a mistake (Mitt's numbers went up) by admitting "their boy" lost the debate, they are now saying Obama lost because Romney lied. Strangely I never heard Barry call him out in any of these so-called lies. After all, this was a debate wasn't it? Barry just stood there sheepishly like a son being scolded by his father. I guess subconsciously he was thinking…no matter what I do the media will rescue me. Not to worry Barry. The Mayday call has been received by your own personal Coast Guard.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cocky Obama...Before and after

Before the debate



Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Another Obama scam

Wonder what Judge Napolitano would say about this one? This ranks right up there with the most deceitful scams Barry has perpetrated since taking office. It concerns the Federal law The Warn Act (Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act) which according to the Department of Labor requires " employers with 100 or more employees to provide notification 60 calendar days in advance of plant closings and mass layoffs." Allow me to reiterate that.

It's the law!

With the expected sequestration coming cutting military spending there will be massive layoffs in companies such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin. Many of these contractors are  located in swing states, and the election is 4 weeks away.  The Obama Administration is openly asking contractors to delay layoff notices. Why? To help him win reelection. The last thing Barry needs now is greater unemployment and pissed off Boeing and Lockheed Martin employees headed to the voting booth. 

But not to worry. This Administration is offering to compensate companies if they face legal action over violating the law. Judge are you listening? The Labor Dept is offering to use taxpayer dollars to defend companies it is encouraging to break the law, and all for political reasons. This just wreaks to high heaven.

When in the Senate, then Senator Barack Obama argued not for a 60 day warning period, but a 90 day warning period. He called Bush" unpatriotic" and "irresponsible" over a 10.6 trillion debt then proceeded to jack it up to 16 trillion and now this. This guy's got to be the biggest hypocrite on two feet!  Somehow this just has to be against the law! I guess if Stedman could get Brian Terry killed and get away with it anything is possible.

What has to happen before this country wakes up?



Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hugo Chavez prefers President Obama

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has weighed in on the U.S. presidential race, saying he prefers President Barack Obama.

“If I were American, I’d vote for Obama,” Chavez said in a televised interview that aired Sunday.

The Venezuelan leader called Obama “a good guy” and said if the U.S. president were a Venezuelan, “I think … he’d vote for Chavez.”

Chavez is running for re-election, seeking another six years in office in an Oct. 7 vote. Venezuela has had tense relations with the U.S. government for years, even though the United States remains the top buyer of oil from the country.

“I wish we could begin a new period of normal relations with the government of the United States,” Chavez said in the interview on the Venezuelan television channel Televen.

Chavez and Obama shook hands at a 2009 summit, but relations have since cooled.

The U.S. Embassy in Caracas has been without an ambassador since July 2010, with Chavez rejecting Washington’s nominee for ambassador, Larry Palmer, and accusing him of making disrespectful remarks about Venezuela’s government. That led Washington to revoke the visa of the Venezuelan ambassador to the United States.


 Is this one next?


Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Good Samaraitan

On a tip from Ed Kilbane


Thursday, September 6, 2012


On a tip from my brother Gary.

Isn't it amazing that, within only one week of Tiger Woods crashing his Escalade, the press found every woman with whom Tiger has had an affair during the last few years?

And, they even uncovered photos, text messages, recorded phone calls, etc.!

Furthermore, they not only know the cause of the family fight, but they even know it was a9 iron from his golf bag that his wife used to break out the windows in the Escalade.

And, each and every day, they were able to continue to provide America with updates on Tiger's sex rehab stay, his wife's divorce settlement figures, as well as the dates and Tournaments in which he will play.

Now, Barack Hussein Obama has been in office for over three years, yet this very same press:

Cannot find any of his childhood friends or neighbors;

Or find any of Obama's high school or college classmates;

Or locate any of his college papers or grades;

Or determine how he paid for both a Columbia and a Harvard education;

Or discover which country issued his visa to travel to Pakistan in the 1980's;

Or even find Michelle Obama's Princeton thesis on racism.

They just can't seem to uncover any of this.

Yet, the public still trusts that same press to give them the whole truth!

Don't you find that amazing ?



Monday, September 3, 2012

'A few years ago he would've been carrying our bags'

'A few years ago he would've been carrying our bags': New book reveals the insensitive racial remark Bill Clinton made about Barack Obama in 2008

  • Ex-President said to have made remark in 2008 before later backing Obama

Bill Clinton made an insensitive racial remark about Barack Obama while his wife battled him for the Democratic nomination vote, it was claimed today.
The former U.S. president, whose wife Hillary battled Obama in the 2008 primary campaign, is said to have remarked of the current president: 'A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.'
Clinton allegedly made the insensitive remark to Senator Ted Kennedy in 2008, while trying to convince him to endorse Hillary for the Democratic nomination, according to the New Yorker.

Rift: Clinton, pictured in 2009 having given Obama his backing, is alleged to have made the racially insensitive remark about the current president in 2008.

Claim: Clinton is said to have made the remark to late Senator Ted Kennedy (right), who eventually backed Obama for Democratic Nomination

Writer Ryan Lizza said he heard about the comment from NBC newsman Tim Russert, who died in 2008.
Four years ago Clinton and Obama had clashed following Hillary Clinton's failed bid for Presidency, which she lost to Obama.

Although Clinton is said to have since given his backing to the current U.S. President, his remark is the latest in a series of apparent outbursts against Obama.
The ill-advised comment follows claims of another remark attributed to Clinton in 2010, where he is said to have commented: 'A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.'


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mitt makes the call

Now that the convention is over and Mitt is supposed to be a practical joker. Mitt dials 1-800-Barry and says…

Hey Barry, we still have the National Debt Clock from our convention and I was wondering if you good put it to good use. Think of the dramatic impact it'll have at the DNC when it strikes $16 Trillion!
 I'll ship it to you for free…

There is some muffled chatter at the other end of the line and then Mitt says with a smile…

I thought Clint told you I can do that to myself. 


Friday, August 31, 2012

Talk About Getting Energized!

Just finished watching the RNC convention. I record it so I can breeze through the commercials. This was the most notable convention I have ever seen. What a contrast from McCain. But in defense of McCain I will defer to the words of the one I highly regard, Charles Krauthammer, who so aptly put it..."The MSM was so deep in the tank for Obama they needed snorkels."  

One need only witness this convention and the way Romney conducts a campaign to know how he will run the country. True to fashion Barry's campaign is already spending more then its taking in. Anyone surprised?

All the speakers were good. But Mrs Romney, Paul Ryan, Condoleezza Rice, Marco Rubio, (I apologize if I left out anyone) stand out in my my mind. Clint Eastwood talking to the "empty chair" and the implied symbolism was nothing short of genius.

I must admit there were times during this convention I had my  "John Boehner" moments. I don't know if it's because I'm a sucker or my immense pride of being an American. Probably a little of both. There was also plenty of laughter and wild fist pumping as I jumped out of my chair.

In view of all the great speeches delivered during this convention I starting courting doubts and concern about Mitt's coming speech. In my mind I was thinking...from 1 to 10 if Mitt can deliver at least a 7 I'll take it... My low expectations were soon blown away. Mitt Romney came onto his own last night and gave the speech of his life. Was Ronald Reagan's hand on Mitt's shoulder last night when he gave that speech? I don't know. But I can tell you this. Last night was a pivotal moment in American history. Can ANYONE NOW honestly think Mitt Romney is not eminently more  qualified to be president of the United States then one Barack Hussein Obama?

Barry did live up to one promise. He fundamentally changed America. On Inauguration Day January 2013 Mitt Romney is going to change it back.

