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Sunday, May 19, 2013

New scientific study says people have grown dumber

One further piece of evidence is Obama is POTUS.

The average intelligence level of a Victorian-era person was higher than a modern-era person, a European research team posits in a report published last week in the journal Intelligence.

The research flies in the face of current assumptions of the Flynn Effect, which states that basic intelligence levels — measured through IQ tests — have risen since the 1930s.

IQ tests have been criticized, however, for reflecting bias toward certain cultures and education levels, while reaction times to stimuli might reflect "true intelligence" — the shorter the reaction time, the smarter the person.

European researchers Michael Woodley, Jan te Nijenhuis and Raegan Murphy compared reaction times to stimuli between people in the Victorian-era and modern-era people between 1884 to 2004.

The Victorian-era is a period of British history between the beginning of Queen Victoria's reign in 1837 until her death in 1901.

In their study, the researchers found that reaction times have slowly increased over time.

"For men, the increase was found to be 183ms to 253ms; for women the increase was from 188ms to 261ms," reported.

"The researchers claim this proves that people have grown 'less clever' over time," wrote the publication, noting that a possible explanation for the decline is that smart people reproduce less than less intelligent people.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

'We could lose everything': Tea Party groups prepare to sue IRS

Prelude to the article below

Forget about resignations, people need to go to jail over this!

I have to plead ignorant about the existence of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ). But it did turn my attention to the ACLU. 

I got this from Wikipedia: 

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a nonpartisan non-profit organization whose stated mission is "to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States."

Watergate Era: 

The ACLU was the first organization to call for the impeachment of Richard Nixon.

The ACLU supported The New York Times in its 1971 suit against the government, requesting permission to publish the Pentagon papers. The court upheld the Times and ACLU in the New York Times Co. v. United States ruling, which held that the government could not preemptively prohibit the publication of classified information and had to wait until after it was published to take action.

As the Watergate saga unfolded, the ACLU became the first national organization to call for Nixon's impeachment. This, following the resolution opposing the Vietnam war, was a second major decision that caused critics of the ACLU, particularly conservatives, to claim that the ACLU had evolved into a liberal political organization.

Where are they now? 

I guess the last sentence sums it up. 


WASHINGTON – Jay Devereaux hadn't paid much attention to the daily drumbeat of partisan politics in D.C. He wasn't a Washington nerd, and didn't know who said what during congressional hearings -- nor did he care.

But when news broke that the government was using taxpayer money to bail out Wall Street banks, he started paying attention and didn't like what he was hearing.

So the Florida father and information technology specialist decided to form a group, Unite in Action, to educate people in his area about the issues, he said. It was originally formed as a corporation before Devereaux decided to apply for tax-exempt status from the IRS. 

That was two years ago. It was never approved.

"It's all but killed us," Devereaux told "We could lose everything. Today, it's me and my organization, but tomorrow it could be you."

Devereaux is among a group of activists, being represented by the American Center for Law and Justice, who are preparing to sue the federal government for the practice of targeting Tea Party groups. ACLJ Executive Director Jordan Sekulow told he'll likely file the civil suits next Wednesday or Thursday on behalf of more than a dozen Tea Party groups who say they were singled out by the IRS and had their tax-exempt status severely delayed or denied altogether.

The suits, combined with congressional inquiries and an FBI probe, signal that the heated hearing on Capitol Hill Friday – with the outgoing IRS chief – was just the start of a protracted legal and political battle over the scandal. 

Sekulow said the number of plaintiffs in the civil suit are growing as is the list of who his organization wants held accountable. It's still unclear whether the organization will file as a class-action or individually in the 17 different states where the complaints originate.

Litigation could take months or years and for some like Devereaux, time isn't on their side.

While initially waiting for IRS approval, Devereaux dipped into his own bank account, maxed out credit cards and even borrowed money from friends so his group could put on a civic-engagement training session at the Omni Shoreham hotel in Washington. His goal was to eventually set up a steady stream of revenue for a tax-exempt nonprofit.

The next time Devereaux heard from the IRS, they had requested details and credentials on every single speaker and all the educational materials provided in the 78 classes held at the hotel. The IRS also wanted information on all 45 vendors, their credentials and a donor list.

Devereaux refused.

Five rounds of IRS letters later, and United in Action's tax-exempt status is still in limbo.

If they are denied, Devereaux's group would owe the federal government "somewhere in the neighborhood of $70,000 in back taxes," he said, referring to money he would owe the government on donations.

"It's more than we have in our bank account," he said.

He's not alone.

Waco Tea Party President Toby Walker said her group applied for a 501(c)(4) status in July 2010. She'd call the IRS from time to time to check on the progress but was basically told, 'Don't call us, we'll call you,' she said.

Then in February 2012, the IRS finally made contact.

Walker said she was asked questions that went well beyond the purview of the agency's authority. They wanted to know everything about the Waco Tea Party group, their relationships with public officials, lists of volunteers and every single news story the group had ever been mentioned in.

Walker said the request was so lengthy and intrusive that had she complied with the demands, she "would have needed a U-haul truck of about 20 feet."

While Walker's group was finally granted tax-exempt status in March 2013, she said a lot of damage has already been done. She said people were afraid to support her group financially because they had not received the IRS-stamped status. 

Others were afraid that they might be targeted by the IRS if they supported Walker's group publicly. Having one of the most powerful government agencies angry at them wasn't a risk many people were willing to take. And so the group suffered, she said.

"We spent thousands of our own dollars fighting this," she said. "If this happens to one organization in America, we should all be outraged."

Allegations that the IRS had been targeting conservative groups that applied for tax-exempt status date back years but a government report released Wednesday backed up the claims. The White House has spent most of the week trying to contain the fallout from the scandal. "Americans are right to be angry about it, and I am angry about it," President Obama said earlier this week.

By Friday, two of the agency's top tax officials had been removed from their posts. One, outgoing acting IRS commissioner Steven Miller, was grilled Friday morning in the House Ways and Means Committee by Republican and Democratic lawmakers who demanded answers on why the unfair practice of targeting conservative groups was allowed to continue on his watch.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Lame duck to sitting duck seemingly overnight

Scandals prompt comparisons between Nixon, 
Obama administrations

"The good news is we can fix this," Obama said last night. 

Let's start with his impeachment.

Boehner said, "It's not a matter of who is responsible, but who is going to jail." I hope he lives up to his words. So much for the low level employees.  Acting (in more ways then one) IRS Commissioner Steven Miller who was leaving in June anyway has resigned but he was appointed in 2012 long after much of the "inappropriate behavior" as Barry likes to call it took place. I like his choice of words. He is the master of misdirection. Another classic in the same vein was workplace violence. 

Blaming the video for Benghazi is troubling to say the least. But the real issue for me is the "stand down" order. When you allow 4 Americans to die, in effect their ass hung out to dry, so in won't interfere with his reelection prospects  goes to show just how despicable this guy really is. Remember now, he was so overwrought regarding Benghazi the only cure he could find was to go on a fundraiser in Las Vegas the very next day!


The chorus of comparisons between President Obama and the only president to resign in disgrace is growing by the day, as the administration's scandals appear to pile up.

Whether the comparisons are fair or not, columnist George Will perhaps led the charge -- after citing the Article of Impeachment against President Nixon in an opinion piece this week.

Will recalled the line: "He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavored to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner."

Scores of websites and blogs have since invoked the Nixon comparison, as did Sen. Orrin Hatch, who speaking to reporters about the IRS scandal said Tuesday, "I've never seen anything quite like this, except in the past during the Nixon years."

The Boston Herald's front page on Tuesday was also emblazoned with the headline, "I Know Nothing," with a sub-headline reading: "(coincidentally, that's what Nixon said.)" 

The president is dealing with several scandals at once, including the fallout from the Benghazi terror attack, the Justice Department's seizing of phone records from the Associated Press and the IRS' program of singling out Tea Party and other groups for scrutiny.

While Obama has called the IRS targeting of conservatives "outrageous," and late Wednesday announced the resignation of acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller, investigations are just now getting under way.

There is no evidence, as of yet, that the scandal leads to the Oval Office. But the comparisons to Nixon are inevitable. While the disgraced Nixon did, indeed, use the IRS to target political enemies, he may have been seeking to avenge friends and supporters who, themselves, had been targeted by the IRS in earlier presidencies -- among them Elvis Presley, Billy Graham and John Wayne.

Regardless of the motive, one thing separates today's IRS from that of earlier administrations -- its technological capability.

The IRS's mainframe computer in Martinsburg, W.Va., is among the world's most powerful. As of October 2010, the Internal Revenue Service had the capability to sift through emailing patterns associated with millions of individual Internet addresses.

Sources tell Fox News the IRS continues to collect tax data, but they also are now acquiring huge volumes of personal information on taxpayers' digital activities, from eBay auctions, Facebook posts, and, for the first time ever, credit card and e-payment transaction records.

And unlike in the Nixon administration, the IRS is, under the Obama Administration, set to expand its workforce by 15,000 to collect health information in accordance with provisions of the president's Affordable Care Act by the end of this year.

Jennifer Stefano, a member of Americans for Prosperity -- who gave up her own quest to form a Tea Party group with friends in 2010 after the IRS threatened to examine her emails, Facebook and Twitter accounts -- voiced concern of a scenario that was perhaps more Orwellian than Nixonian.

"What my concern is, is that four years after the IRS has expanded to police the nation's health care law, how many stories of abuse are going to emerge from this and what will be the impact? It will be far greater than sidelining political voices. It will affect their lives and their health. This is wrong," she said.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Looks like Barry got a bad case of Nixonitis

The tip off:

Carney... "Benghazi...that happened a long time ago."

It's funny and simply must be a coincidence, but every time there is a scandal, and there are many, nobody knows anything. Yet it habitually seems once the scandal is committed, the one who stands to gain the most from the potential outcome and be cast in a favorable light is Barry.

Just how concerned was Barry over Benghazi? The very next day the lowlife was at a fundraiser in of all places Las Vegas! Goes to show you where is priorities are. Say what you will about Bush but that never would have happened under his watch and you can take that to the bank. 

Having "Stedman" investigate the IRS scandal is like having Al Capone investigate the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre.

Obama engulfed by triple scandal crisis: White House faces fury over Benghazi cover-up, tax probes on right wing groups and spying on reporters' phone calls

Press secretary Jay Carney insists the White House had no knowledge of the IRS's admitted plan to subject right-wing groups to closer scrutiny.

Carney also says the administration was unaware of the Justice Department's seizure of Associated Press phone records until 'yesterday'.

The administration continues to spin Benghazi, telling reporters that 'politicization' and comparisons with Richard Nixon are Republicans' fault.

Asked what action Obama will take on the IRS scandal, Carney responded only, 'We'll see'
One-THIRD of committees in the House of Representatives are now investigating the Obama administration.

Criminal investigation is launched into the AP phone records, with Attorney General Eric Holder recusing himself from the probe.

The White House struggled to deflect a barrage of questions today as it scrambled to contain three growing scandals lapping at Obama's door.

The usually unflappable Obama press secretary Jay Carney faced a torrid grilling in his daily briefing and could only claim the White House was ignorant - or blame Republicans for the deep water the Obama administration has found itself in.

The swell of criticism over the administration's actions following the 2012 terror attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya has reached a new crescendo. 

Tight-lipped: White House Press Secretary Jay Carney tried to deflect tough questions today during a torrid briefing with reporters demanding answers

Under siege: Obama and his administration are under siege on three fronts and struggling to contain the damage 

Under siege: Carney faces grilling on IRS and AP scandals 

And at that same moment, news has emerged that the Internal Revenue Service targeted conservative non-profit groups for extra scrutiny. 

Thirdly, the Justice Department secretly obtained the phone records of Associated Press reporters in an effort to trace a leak of classified information. 

'Is there a siege mentality back there in the West Wing?' one reporter asked Tuesday. Carney's reply 'absolutely not' – drawing eye rolls among cameramen and reporters in the White House briefing room.

Carney maintained his line that the Benghazi question is politically motivated and fueled by House Speaker John Boehner, whom he accused of being 'obsessed' with the topic. The episode, he said Tuesday, is little more than a 'clear political circus.'

Carney bristled at a question about whether it was fair to draw comparisons between the administration's responses and those during the Richard Nixon presidency, bemoaning 'the rapid politicization of everything'.

'I can tell you that the people who make those kinds of comparisons need to check their history,' Carney insisted, "because, you know, what we have here with one issue – Benghazi – is so clearly, as we're learning more and more, a political sideshow. A deliberate effort to politicize a tragedy."

'If you look at the facts, and I think Benghazi is instructive on this, the real issue is that four Americans died,' he said.

The comment is reminiscent of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's testimony before a congressional panel that it didn't matter whether the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other U.S. personnel were caused by a terror attack or a spontaneous protest. 

'What difference, at this point, does it make?' Clinton famously asked.

The DOJ, led by Attorney General Eric Holder, is under immense pressure following revelations that it secretly collected logs of phone calls made to, and by, AP reporters 

President Barack Obama has said those responsible for any improper scrutiny of conservative groups' tax status would be held 'fully accountable.' The current and former heads of the IRS were informed last May that tea-party groups had been targeted. Senator Marco Rubio has called for the removal of Acting IRS Commissioner Steven T. Miller, pictured

The Benghazi political melee had its beginnings in the Obama administration's tale, after the bloodbath in Libya, that an unplanned demonstration over an anti-Islam YouTube video had sparked the consulate's destruction. 

Both Obama and Clinton referred to the video in public comments during the week following the attack, and UN Ambassador Susan Rice blamed it for the attack five separate times on Sunday talk shows.

The truth, that the attack was a terrorist assault carried out by extremists including those from the al-Qaeda-affiliated Ansar al-Sharia, emerged much later. More recently came evidence that a talking points memo prepared by the CIA for members of Congress went through a dozen edits, including some directed by the State Department, which removed all references to terrorism. 

'[W]e do know that Islamic extremists with ties to al-Qa'ida participated in the attack,' the CIA wrote, in a line that was later removed. Despite the CIA's certainty, Jay Carney claimed repeatedly on Friday that the final, sanitized talking points reflected the best knowledge of the intelligence community – 'what the CIA thought it knew.'

But the IRS and AP tempests brought a refrain from Carney, which he cited in some form more than a half-dozen times during his 50-minute press availability, that the White House knew nothing at all and therefore wouldn't comment.

'I cannot, and he [Obama] cannot comment specifically on an ongoing criminal investigation,' he would say repeatedly. 'It would be wholly inappropriate.'

Yet as one journalist pointed out to the chagrined press secretary, Obama made repeated public comments about the shooting of teenager Trayvon Martin, who was shot and killed in 2011 in a case that sparked hostile race-based controversy.

And the president inserted himself into the story of Henry Louis Gates, a Harvard professor who was allegedly targeted by police because of his race, and arrested for attempting to break into his own house. 

'The police acted stupidly,' Obama told his global audience, prompting a much-discussed 'beer summit' – brokered by the president and Vice President Joe Biden at the White House – between Gates and the arresting officer. 

Holder: 'Very serious leak' prompted AP records case 

Cover-up: Carney reiterated Obama's insistence that Republican fury over the deaths in Benghazi is 'politically-motivated' and that there's no merit in claims there was a deliberate attempt to mislead the country in the hours after the attack days before the last election 



THE SCANDAL: Documents show that in the midst of a re-election campaign, administration officials in the State Department had a hand in editing a set of CIA talking points about the 2012 terror attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The first draft from the CIA named the al-Qaeda-linked group Ansar al-Sharia as bearing some responsibility, but the final version contained no references to Islamic terrorism.

THE WHITE HOUSE LINE: Jay Carney has said the White House's only role consisted of editing a single word for clarity, and that the 'intelligence community' was solely responsible.

THE KEY QUESTION: Obama must explain how much influence his political appointees had in the editing process. Did the CIA merely hold the pen while his key advisers dictated the edits?

Associated Press phone records

THE SCANDAL: Journalists are upset that the Department of Justice went to a judge to secretly obtain the office, home and mobile phone records of Associated Press journalists in at least three cities. Justice says it was trying to learn who leaked information to the AP about a classified CIA operation in Yemen which foiled a terror plot involving bombing a U.S.-bound jetliner. 

THE WHITE HOUSE LINE: The administration insists that the White House was completely out of the loop, even as Attorney General Eric Holder - an Obama appointee - knew what was going on, and that the president himself found out only on Monday. Carney says that while Obama believes reporters should have 'unfettered' access to information, the government has the right to temper their First Amendment protections by protecting classified information. Carney also says that since the leaker may have been an administration official, it's appropriate for the White House to be on the outside looking in.

THE KEY QUESTION: Obama must tell the press how it is that he was outside the circle of people who knew about what the Attorney General is calling one of the most serious criminal cases he has ever seen. Obama receives daily classified intelligence briefings. If he was truly ignorant of the DOJ's investigation, he should explain why that's a good thing.

IRS targeting of tea party groups and other conservative non-profits

THE SCANDAL: The Internal Revenue Service has admitted running a longstanding program that targeted right-wing groups - including those aligned with the politically successful tea party - for extra scrutiny, through delay tactics and intrusive mandatory questionnaires, when the organizations applied for tax-exempt status through the federal government. Some of those inquisitions involved demands for donor lists and the names of groups' volunteers. The Washington Post has reported that senior IRS officials in Washington, D.C. knew about the program. And a draft of portions of a report from the IRS's internal Office of Inspector General lays out a timeline showing who knew what, and when.

THE WHITE HOUSE LINE: Carney says the White House was completely unaware of the program, learned about it less than a month ago, and was taken completely by surprise. Obama has said he was outraged but cautioned that all the facts are not yet known, and that since the report has not been finalized, it's inappropriate for the administration to comment or to assume that anyone in the government has done anything wrong.

THE KEY QUESTION: The president needs to convince the press that senior IRS officials in Washington who were informed about the politically partisan program never told the Treasury Secretary or anyone in the White House, and that they kept it from Obama's political team during his re-election campaign. The administration also must provide an explanation for its inaction, despite the IRS's quick admissions and apology. Senator, Marco Rubio - partially to bolster his credentials among conservatives who don't like his immigration reform proposals - is openly calling for the top tax collectors' heads to roll.

Carney's professed ignorance on Tuesday covered both new administration headaches. 

He first insisted that no White House personnel were notified about the IRS's intense focus on challenging the tax-exempt status applications of conservative organizations. 

Moments later, he made a similar promise about the Justice Department investigation that prompted subpoenas for reporters' phone records – including the calls made and received on journalists' mobile phones, their home landlines, and at least one line in the House of Representatives press gallery.

The AP reported in May 2012 on the CIA's disruption of an al-Qaeda plot in the Gulf state of Yemen, which aimed to blow up a commercial aircraft bound for the United States. That operation was classified, and the Justice Department sought to determine who provided the information to reporters.

Only weeks before, the Obama administration – in mid-re-election swing – had assured the American public that no such attack had been planned or set into motion.

'I have been a prosecutor since 1976,' Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday, 'and I have to say that this is among – if not the most serious, it is among the top two or three most serious leaks that I have ever seen.'

The entire case, Carney said, was 'handled by the Justice Department independently.'

Ignorance: Carney repeatedly said the White House was not aware of either the IRS 'harassment' of the Tea Party and conservatives or the DoJ wiretapping the AP 

Playing for time: Carney went on to claim that reporting of the growing 'scandals' was inaccurate, telling journalists to wait for the investigations to finish before making conclusions 

'We have no knowledge' of the matter, he told reporters. 'We are not involved in the White House with any decisions made about ongoing investigations.'

'It would be wholly inappropriate for me to have answers to those questions,' he added, 'and I don't have them.'

Obama himself, he said, found out about the Associated Press-related subpoenas yesterday while watching TV.

Carney reminded reporters that the president 'believes that the press, as a rule, needs to have the ability to pursue investigative journalism,' referring to that freedom as 'unfettered.' 

But the government, he added, must balance that 'unfettered' access with the need to protect classified information.

'There is a balance that has to be struck here,' Carney said, prompting one journalist to ask him how that balance could be compatible with an 'unfettered' press corps.

'The president understands that a reporter needs to be shielded,' he intoned. But with respect to the DOJ obtaining reporters' phone records, he said: 'I can tell you that I am not aware of anyone here knowing about it.'

'I am certainly not aware of, and am confident that, no one here was involved with this,' Carney continued, referring further questions to the Justice Department in a moment which may soon be interpreted as a shifting of blame.

Politico reported Tuesday that AP reporters themselves were furious.

'People are pretty mad — mad that government has not taken what we do seriously,' one reporter told the inside-the-beltway broadsheet.

'When the news broke yesterday … people were outraged and disgusted. No one was yelling and screaming, but it was like, 'Are you kidding me!?'

Obama surrogate Jay Carney claimed the president doesn't insert himself into active criminal cases like the Justice Department's probe of Associated Press reporters. But he weighed in repeatedly when the self-styled neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman (L) was charged with second-degree murder for killing the unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin (R) in Florida

The president (R) also inserted himself into the 2009 controversy created when Police Sergeant James Crowley (2nd R) of Cambridge, Massachusetts arrested Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. (2nd L), holding a so-called 'beer summit' at the White House that also included Vice President Joe Biden (L). 'The police acted stupidly,' Obama said, after what was presumed to be a racially-motivated arrest of Gates 

Politico also reported Tuesday that 'roughly one-third of House committees are engaged in investigating some aspect of the Obama administration.'

Holder, who leads the Justice Department as the nation's highest-ranking law enforcement official, was having his own press conference across town at the same moment Carney held his announcing a criminal probe into the phone-records scandal, and also making clear that it was his deputy who had approved the plan to spy on reporters' phone records.

Similarly, despite the IRS's apparent admissions that it targeted right-wing groups – including some that identified with the once politically powerful Tea Party – for extra scrutiny, Carney crouched behind Obama's hedging on Monday and said the White House was in the dark.

And he, like Obama, suggested that the reporting to date might not be true.

Carney questioned aloud 'if the actions [of the IRS] were inadvertent, or not,' and said that 'at this point, we have to wait for the action of an independent investigator ... before we can jump to conclusions about what happened.'

No shortage of hands raised on Tuesday as White House Press Secretary Jay Carney took questions - mostly from his regular journalist-inquisitors - during his daily news briefing at the White House. Reporters were most persistent on the Justice Department's seizure of two months of phone records from the Associated Press, in pursuit of the source of leaks of classified information

The president 'made it clear,' Carney argued without conceding any facts, 'that if the reports about the activity of IRS personnel proved to be true, he would find them outrageous.'

Even the details the IRS has confirmed, Carney suggested, were not yet settled. Obama, he said, 'had no tolerance for the targeting of specific groups,' and referred to them as 'conservative groups, if the reporting is true about this.'

Carney acknowledged the media reports about 'a deliberate targeting of groups, inappropriately,' but said action from the administration would only be expected 'if it, in fact, took place.'

Citing Obama's public comments about his 'outrage' over the IRS's reported partisan activity, one reporter asked what might be 'the consequences of his outrage.'

'We'll see,' Carney responded.

A full bank of TV cameras focused on Jay Carney as he defended the Obama administration against a hail of media attacks over a trio of scandals

But 'instead of rushing to conclusions or perpetrating consequences,' he insisted, the media must wait for the conclusions of a report from the IRS Office of Inspector General.

While the president, he said, 'is concerned about every report he hears about this,' Carney refused to commit the administration to a change in leadership at the IRS, even if the reports so far are proven true.

He did, however, answer 'yes' to a reporter's request that he state 'categorically' that no one in the White House knew about, or was involved with, targeting Tea Party groups ''We learn everything we know about this from your reports,' Carney insisted.

Yet amid new reporting from the Washington Post that senior IRS officials in Washington knew about the anti-conservative program in 2011, before the president's re-election date, Carney punted a question about whether or not the White House should have been informed.

'Notification is appropriate and routine' only after the IG report is published, he insisted, adding that 'there was no knowledge here' before media outlets broke the story.

Ultimately, Carney gave himself a breather by taking questions from reporters representing news outlets in Pakistan and Turkey, despite reporters' interest in Benghazi, the IRS and the Associated Press.

He had lengthy prepared statements addressing both questions and read aloud from them.

And, perhaps for the first time in the Obama administration's history with the press, audible sighs were heard among reporters in the packed briefing room.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

RNC Benghazi Ad That Never Ran

By Ed Kilbane

Another bone headed decision by the RNC. This ad was dead on!

(If video won't load click post title)

Video 28

Apparently mister nice guy Mitt did not want it aired. Strange when you consider the Joe Soptic ad which portrayed him as a murderer.
