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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The image Kerry would just as soon have you forget

Kerry and his wife having an intimate dinner with Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad and his wife in 2009


Monday, September 2, 2013

Jumping Jack Flash

Next step after Congress votes no on Syria.

(Can't keep his shoes off the WH furniture either)


What's the first thing that comes to your mind?

Judging by Michelle's face...where is Clinton's right hand?


Friday, August 30, 2013

Why are we getting so worked up about the Syrian red line?

August 20 2012

“We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized,” the president said a year ago last week. “That would change my calculus. That would change my equation.”

Currently the death toll in Syria is around 100,000 killed by various means other than by chemical weapons. 1429 at last count were killed by chemical weapons. So 100,000 vs 1429. Sometimes you have to put your foot down... according to Barry. I was under the firm belief... when your dead your dead!
BTW... Barry's track record in Egypt and Libya doesn't exactly inspire confidence. 
Weren't we told with 100% certainty Benghazi was the result of a video?
Was that not total bullshit?

I’m no fan of Assad but just what is a Syrian rebel? One of these so-called rebels (Al-Qaeda affiliates) cut a priest's head off about a month ago and Beck had a video of one gutting his enemy and eating his heart and liver.

Muslims killing Muslims. 
I could care less and we should stay the hell out of it!

Tomorrows news today:

FOX, CBS, ABC, NBC... 6 months after... (if) we rescue Syria.

GUARANTEED etched in stone!!!!

Barry's way out. 
He'll put it to the "do nothing" Congress and they'll vote no then blame them claiming his hands are tied.

But the real story is this:

 The internet and news shows claim Barry "boxed himself in" on the Syrian situation with his bravado red line rhetoric. "He painted himself into a corner" they say. In other words he made a promise he may not keep. Another report said if he doesn't act it will devastate is credibility. What credibility? The only promise he has ever kept was "transforming America" into what it is today. 

So what's the big deal? The road less traveled as he likes to call it is paved with broken promises and flat out lies. Christ... he's noted for it!

These are a few examples. 

1. Promise to Cut Deficit in Half during first term. 

Which means we should have been around $5.3 trillion. Instead we were at $16.1 trillion. More than 3 times more!

2.  “If we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home, we will end this war. You can take that to the bank.”

I did and the check bounced.

3.  Promises to close Guantanamo Bay. 
Still open last time I checked. 

4.  “If you like the healthcare plan and the doctor you have, you can keep it.”
Not so much.

5.  "The only involvement I had with Acorn was doing some stuff with the justice department."

They're joined at the hip.

6.  “My father served in World War II”

 His father was born 6-19-1936. 
Germany invaded Poland in 1939. Do the math.

7.   Most transparent presidency ever...."Public will have 5 days to look at every bill that lands on my desk". 

Really? I seem to remember Reid hammering it out in some back room in total secrecy. I'm still waiting for it to hit C-Span like he promised.

8.  Called Bush unpatriotic and irresponsible for a $10.6 trillion deficit yet Barry increased it to almost $17 trillion with 3 years to go!!!!

9.   Barry said in a news conference in the White House Rose Garden that he was committed to fully fixing problems (scandal) at the IRS, saying any employees involved in targeting conservative groups would be held accountable for their "outrageous'' actions.

"Low level rogue employees in Cincinnati" as grown immeasurably. So far not one targeted group has been contacted by the FBI. No one went to jail. Paid vacation leave seems to be the punitive SOP. Barry himself has now taken a different tack calling it a "phony scandal" 

10.  And speaking of "phony scandals" we have Benghazi which reeks with real scandal. 4 dead Americans and no one lifted a finger to help. Barry, Hillary, etc nobody knows anything. Wonder what would have happened if Trayvon Martin was in the Libyan Embassy?

11.  "ObamaCare isn't going to cost one dime."

We're now about to spend $700 million just to market it! That's before we get to any specifics concerning the actual (real) cost of the plan itself.

 Imagine W came up with BushCare
 and you were fined if you didn't sign up. 


Barry has a long history of  over promising and under delivering.  

He wanted to be president. 
But he never wanted to be A president.

And that's one hell of a big difference!


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Where's Barry?

Forget about the Trayvon Martin case. 

What could be more despicable than this?

Antonio West (Santiago) was 13 months old when he was shot between the eyes his baby stroller!!!

By this steaming pile DeMarquise Elkins.

  Did Barry have a son named Antonio?

88-year-old World War II Delbert "Shorty" Belton beaten to death by...

These two Gangsta's

Kenan Adams-Kinard (Left) and Demetrius Gleen

What about the white kid who was beaten in a vicious attack on a school bus by 3 black teens?

What about the Australian baseball player Christopher Lane who was  shot and killed by three teens because they "were bored"

We hear nothing from Barry.

 He's only interested in "perceived" white on black crime. That's why we had the beer summit and the adoption of Trayvon Martin. I can't say I blame him. If he was concerned with black crime he would have no time to play golf. 

But I can help him with this. Barry said when he was young and walking into a department store they would keep an eye on him. He also said upon entering a elevator with a single white woman sharing the ride he saw her clutch her purse a little more tightly. As he walked down the street he could hear the locks click on the car doors as he strode by. He referred to this as racism. Just to clue you in Barry... this is awareness learned over time from the high crime rate in the black community... it's called reality. They don't call it "the Hood" for nothing. 

Maybe Jesse Jackson put it best. Who knows more about racism then him? Well...maybe Al. But this is what Jackson had to say 12-12-1993.

 "There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved."

You know what Barry... don't give me anymore of your crocodile tears horse shit!
The only difference between you and Al is he has his own show and you're just a part timer on The View. It amazes me how the rest of America can't see through you like I can.

Even the mother of the Civil Rights Movement wasn't safe. Rosa Parks Detroit home was broken into and she was mugged by this guy in 1994.

Joseph Skipper
