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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Shrine for Michael Brown

A tribute to what Michael Brown really was?  

Mad Dog 20/20, Cough Syrup and Liquor Bottles.

(Strange combo for a role model)

Then again this is Barryland.

 I see they got the Robitussin right. But where's the Skittles and Arizona watermelon ice tea? What a way to be remembered! I wonder if Brown was on his way to becoming an airline pilot like Trayvon?

His mother described her son as her best friend and a sweet loving person. A “gentle giant” and a role model for his younger siblings.

The clip depicting his role model skills.

This we know.

 1.  Michael Brown robbed a store. This is undeniable.

2.  Shortly thereafter, which makes no sense, especially after he had just committed a robbery... Brown decides to walk down the middle of a street blocking traffic. (Would you try to draw attention to yourself after perpetrating a crime?)

3.  One witness said Brown had an altercation with Wilson. Brown tried to run but Wilson pulled out his gun. According to the witness Brown stopped, turned around, and said, "What are you going to do shoot me"... just before he charged  Wilson and subsequently was shot dead.

This scenario, if true, suggests there was something more than just pot in his system. How else can you explain this irrational behavior?

This isn't "character assassination" unless we're supposed to overlook Brown strong-arming the storekeeper. After watching the store video is it much of a stretch to believe he attacked Officer Wilson? Does anyone truly believe Wilson just gunned down Brown without any provocation?
 I strongly suspect the guilty culprit in Brown's death is Michael Brown.

Haven't we all seen this movie before?

…the MSM depiction.

      The gentle giant                      Saint Trayvon

             The reality


And of course Jesse... Everywhere he needs to be. 


Unless there is nothing to be gained.

I remember fondly how Jesse and Al really chipped in to help out during Katrina. you remember another MSM darling Crystal Gail Mangum in the Duke lacrosse case?

She presently is in jail for second-degree murder.


Monday, August 18, 2014

Obama plans return to WH for Iraq, Ferguson meetings

He's returning for the Ferguson meetings?

Ferguson is in the same league as the Iraqi situation? 

Remember this:

Any meetings devoted to Antonio West?


A Georgia woman said Friday a teenager trying to rob her at gunpoint asked "Do you want me to kill your baby?" before he fatally shot her 13-month-old son in the head." 

In the case of Antonio West:

Did Barry file adoption papers? Where was Stedman and his investigative team? Jackson and Sharpton. Where were they?

Was there so much as a peep from any of them? 

Switch the skin color…same story right?


President Obama's somewhat mysterious return to the White House from his Martha's Vineyard vacation starts late Sunday night.

The president is scheduled to have meetings at the White House on Monday and Tuesday, including Monday sessions devoted to the Iraq military operation and the unrest in Ferguson, Mo.

In the morning, Obama and Vice President Biden are scheduled to meet with members of the National Security Council about Iraq.

On Monday afternoon, Attorney General Eric Holder will brief Obama on the investigation of the recent police shooting in Ferguson, Mo., that has sparked major protests.

The president's brief trip – he is scheduled to return to Martha's Vineyard on Tuesday, and stay there the rest of the week – has inspired all sorts of speculation.

Obama is on track to announce major executive orders on immigration policy. But aides said that won't happen this week.

"I can assure you we are not anticipating a major announcement on immigration when the president is in Washington," White House spokesman Eric Schultz said last week.

The Obama administration had been planning a major rescue operation involving religious minorities trapped on a mountain in Iraq. But a Pentagon assessment team said last week that many people have been evacuated, and a rescue operation would not be necessary.

Obama is scheduled to be back at the White House at around 11 p.m. Sunday. Stay tuned for what happens over the next two days.


Thursday, August 7, 2014

O'Reilly on the race issue

Thought I posted this a long time ago... but I didn't.

Believe me... this is worth a look. 

(If video won't load click post title)

Video 81


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

What happens when there is no accountability

U.S. debt balloons to $7 TRILLION more than it was when Obama took office

Total federal government debt has increased by 66 per cent since Barack Obama became president

Stunning milestone is revealed by Treasury Department website that discloses burgeoning numbers at the end of every business day

It took more than 223 years for the US to accumulate its first $7 trillion in debt

Obama has repeated the depressing feat in less than 67 months

Published: 15:25 EST, 4 August 2014 | Updated: 16:20 EST, 4 August 2014

The United States government's accumulated debts have grown by more than $7 trillion – with a 't' – since Barack Obama became president on January 20, 2009.

The sad milestone was revealed on July 31 by the U.S. Department of the Treasury on a 'debt to the penny' website that calculates the debt at the end of every business day.

On Obama's first day in office the debt stood at $10.626 trillion. Last Thursday it reached $17.687 trillion.


Somber salute to the economy? When Barack Obama came home from Camp David on Sunday, the nation was $7 trillion poorer than it was when he first arrived at the White House on January 20, 2009

Up, up, up: 
The national debt has grown steadily during the Obama years, jumping by a total of $7 trillion as of July 31

America's first 43 presidents took 223 years to rack up the country's first $7 trillion in red ink.

Obama has duplicated that dubious achievement in less than five years and seven months. 

After the same number of days in office, former President George W. Bush had increased the national debt by a comparatively paltry $2.720 trillion.

Bill Clinton's debt load at the same point in his presidency had increased by just $1,324 trillion.

The right-leaning Cybercast News Service was first to point out that Obama had cleared the $7 trillion hurdle in added financial obligations.

During a July 2008 campaign speech in North Dakota, then-Senator Obama ripped into the Bush administration for running up the federal debt by a total of $4 billion near the end of his second term.

'The problem is,' he said, 'is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents – #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back – $30,000 for every man, woman and child.'

'That’s irresponsible,' Obama said then. 'It’s unpatriotic.'

Barry assesses the situation and comes up with this knowing the idiots will fall for it and the MSM will never hold him accountable:

I'll say anything to get elected.

(If video won't load click post title)

Video 79

Don't believe me? Try this bullshit.

(If video won't load click post title)

Video 80

It's not permissible for anyone to hold me accountable. You didn't expect the MSM to question me did you?

The Republican Party ripped into the president on Monday with an email blast charging that after '[i]gnoring warnings from all corners, Obama has one of the worst records on the federal debt in U.S. history.'

The White House didn't immediately respond to a request for a response.

In February the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that 'federal debt held by the public will equal 74 percent of GDP at the end of this year and 79 percent in 2024.'

At the end of 2008, that number was just 39 per cent. At current rates of spending, by 2019 the debt will be larger than the nation's annual GDP.

Contrast: In their combined 12 years in office, the two Presidents Bush added a total of $7.4 trillion to the national debt -- a number Obama will equal after six years

'Such large and growing federal debt,' the CBO warns, 'could have serious negative consequences, including restraining economic growth in the long term, giving policymakers less flexibility to respond to unexpected challenges, and eventually increasing the risk of a fiscal crisis.'

Debt held by the public makes up about 71 per cent of the total federal debt. The rest consists of 'intragovernmental holdings' – government-speak for gaps in the Medicare Trust Fund, the Social Security Trust Fund, and other revolving funds.

Those lines on Uncle Sam's balance sheet totaled $5,036 trillion at the end of last Thursday, a number that represents how far behind the government is in meeting its long-term obligations to retirees and other benefit-takers.

Government spending has skyrocketed during Obama's time in office due to a combinations of his policies, a spendthrift Congress and recession-related automatic stabilizers like unemployment insurance that can quickly drain the Treasury.

The annual deficit – a single year's addition to the larger debt – was $1.413 trillion in 2009, Obama's first year in the White House. He has steadily reduced it year-on-year, and the 2014 deficit is expected to be $492 billion.

That number, however, is still larger than any other annual deficit in the history of the U.S. before he became president.


Monday, August 4, 2014

Even Forrest Gump could figure this out
