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Thursday, October 9, 2014

This fits Barry to a tee

Investigator claims he was told to delay Secret Service prostitution report until after election

Nieland added that his superiors told him “to withhold and alter certain information in the report of investigation because it was potentially embarrassing to the administration.”

Barry can't blame FOX for this one.

If it was Bush this would be front page news.

This is just one more con job perpetrated by this administration. They always find a way to deflect responsibility by withholding and altering the facts.

 Deception is the art of the game. Benghazi anyone? Why do you think Barry's "Declaration of Amnesty" won't be declared until after the mid-terms? Because if he announced it now the Dem's would certainly lose the senate. It's also the reason why terrorist attacks on US soil are labeled workplace violence. Good thing the Tsarnaev brothers were unemployed. What was the final outcome on Bergdhal? Why was the employer mandate delayed? The mile high... mile wide IRS.. scandal. Anyone in jail yet? Of course not!

 It's all about protecting Barry and his ilk.

One thing for sure he can always count on the stupidity of the electorate.


Former Department of Homeland Security acting inspector general Charles Edwards (AP)

The lead investigator into the Secret Service prostitution scandal told Senate staffers that he was directed to delay the release of the report until after the 2012 election, according to a published report. 

According to The Washington Post, David Nieland also said that he was instructed by his superiors in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) inspector general's office to "withhold and alter certain information in the report of investigation because it was potentially embarrassing to the administration." He likely gave the account to aides on the Senate homeland security committee, which had looked into the case. 

The Post also reported that senior White House aides were given information suggesting that a prostitute had stayed in the hotel room of a member of the White House's advance team, contrary to earlier denials that any member of the administration was involved. 

Nearly two dozen Secret Service agents were disciplined or fired as part of the scandal, which began when Secret Service agents brought prostitutes into their hotel in Cartagena, Colombia ahead of President Obama's trip to the Summit of the Americas in April 2012. The Post reports that the Secret Service twice shared the findings of its own internal investigation with top White House officials, who concluded that the advance team member had done nothing wrong. 

Charles Edwards, the Department of Homeland Security's acting inspector general at the time of the investigation, told the Senate staffers that any changes to the report were part of the editing process, a statement that was backed by White House spokesman Eric Schultz.

"As the bipartisan Senate investigation found ... changes made to the IG Report were 'part of the ordinary process of editing the report' and found that allegations that changes were made because they were embarrassing could not be substantiated," Schultz said in a statement late Wednesday. 

The White House advance team member has been identified as Jonathan Dach, then a 25-year-old Yale Law School student and volunteer who helped to coordinate drivers for the White House travel office. The Post reports that Dach has repeatedly denied bringing prostitutes to his hotel room. Prostitution is legal in parts of Colombia, including in Cartagena. 

Dach's father is a prolific Democratic donor and currently works in the Obama administration, in the Department of Health and Human Services. 

The DHS inspector general's office conducted its own investigation into the scandal at the request of a subcommittee of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Nieland told staffers that Edwards had asked him to remove references to Dach in their report after Edwards had briefed then-Homeland Security secretary Janet Napolitano on the advance team member's possible involvement. A spokesman for Napolitano denied that she had asked for the report to be altered or delayed.

(You know that's a fu**ing lie)

Nieland and two other members of the office later claimed that they were put on administrative leave for questioning the changes to the report, claims that The Post reports their superiors denied.  

A White House official told Fox News that the inspector general's report did say that a "reported member of the White House staff and/or advance team ...  had personal encounters with female Colombia nationals consistent with the misconduct reported," though Dach was not identified by name. 

Share/Bookmark's the glue that holds them together

Ahh... the Clinton's. The loving family. But you ever wonder about Charlotte's OTHER grandfather? Check him out. 

He's a perfect fit with the Clinton's... and you never heard a word about him from the MSM.


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

What our military thinks of Barry

This is the latest Air Force commercial. Notice who is conspicuously absent? 

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Video 92

...Wonder why?


Monday, October 6, 2014

2008 Hillary campaign ad could be put to good use in 2016 by Republicans

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Video 91

And who was on the other end of that 3AM phone call?

Chris Stevens.


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Blind justice?

Maybe not. 
To use Barry's vernacular...  tell me there is not a "smidgen of corruption" in this case.


Dinesh D’Souza Criminally Sentenced While John Edwards and Other Liberals Skated 


Compare D’ Souza to Corzine. Another case of out-and-out willful violation of the law. Corzine a Democrat, CEO of MF Global Inc., “just lost" $1.6 billion (that's B as in BILLION) of customer money and resigned from the company, which is now bankrupt, in November 2011 never spending a minute in jail. Today he has a net worth of $400 million.


Rachel Alexander Sep 29, 2014

Conservative author Dinesh D’Souza, one of the most brilliant conservative political writers of the modern era, was sentenced by a judge last week to eight months in a halfway house and probation. He was also ordered to pay a $30,000 fine within 45 days. His alleged crime? He made two contributions to a losing political campaign under the names of friends. D’Souza accepted a plea agreement admitting he used straw donors to donate $20,000 to the U.S. Senate campaign of Wendy Long, a friend of his. Federal campaign law limits contributors to U.S. Senate campaigns to $5,000 each. 

At first glance one is inclined to think, “you commit a crime, you deserve the punishment.” But a closer look reveals that he is not being punished equally compared to others who did the same thing - in fact he is being punished much more severely than Democrats who did much worse. There are myriads of campaign laws the average person has no idea exist. The laws have become so complex, vast - and there are multiple layers: federal, state, local laws and regulations. Many conservative intellectuals like D’Souza are vastly experienced with policy - but not campaigns/elections, which are a completely different world. 

This incident reminds me of one of my favorite books, Three Felonies a Day, written by Harvey Silverglate, a criminal defense attorney, who explains how the average American unknowingly commits three felonies a day. As bright as D’Souza is, I guarantee you he did not realize there was a severe penalty for merely giving money to two friends, who then donated it to an obviously losing political campaign. 

Many campaign laws today make little sense, because they were passed into law due to the influence of powerful special interests. The “campaign finance reform” laws that Sen. John McCain got passed into law ended up hurting many conservatives, including former House Majority Whip Tom DeLay, who has been fighting prosecution over alleged violations for many years now. If D’Souza had simply created a Super PAC to help Long, he would have been fine, and could have even contributed an unlimited amount of money independently to assist Long. I highly doubt D’Souza knew of this slight, technical distinction, or he would have gone that route. I am a former elections attorney, and I didn’t even fully understand the difference until I just now researched it. 

Let’s contrast this with what happened to former Democratic candidate for president, John Edwards, who reportedly used nearly $1 million in campaign funds to hide an extramarital affair. If convicted, he would have faced up to 30 years in prison, a much more severe penalty than the three to 10 years D’Souza was facing. According to prosecutors, Edwards accepted $725,000 from an elderly lady, other donations from a wealthy Texas attorney, and filed a false campaign report in order to funnel roughly $1 million from those sources to his mistress, Rielle Hunter, ostensibly to keep her quiet, and an aide, Andrew Young, who pretended to be the father of Hunter’s child with Edwards. Young, who was married, later came out and denounced Edwards in a book for putting him in that position. Edwards, for his knowing and immoral shenanigans, served ZERO time - not a day in a halfway house, jail or prison.

Edwards’ two attorneys, who include Geoffrey Fieger, the notorious attorney for euthanasia doctor Jack Kevorkian, were also acquitted of any wrongdoing. They had been indicted for allegedly causing more than 60 straw donors to contribute over $125,000 in illegal campaign contributions to Edwards’ 2004 presidential campaign. That’s right, more than 60 straw donors, not just two like D’Souza allegedly recruited. It was easy for prosecutors to show the 60 were straw donors, because they were virtually all employees of Edwards’ attorney’s law firm Fieger Law, family members of the firm’s employees or third-party vendors of the firm. 

The indictment of Edwards’ attorneys stated that Fieger “tried to obstruct and impede the grand jury's investigation of the illegal campaign contributions...attempted to shift responsibility for the illegal contributions to a deceased officer of the Fieger firm, attempted to mislead the grand jury by telling witnesses false information with the intent that the witnesses would repeat that false information to law enforcement authorities, and attempted to conceal an incriminating document from the grand jury.”

This grossly unfair treatment of Edwards and his attorneys vs. D’Souza comes down to the leftists who control the judiciary and the legal system. The judge who imposed the sentence on D’Souza, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Berman, is a liberal who was appointed to the court by former president Bill Clinton. Berman is a former executive director of the New York Alliance to Save Energy, which states that part of its goals are to “lessen greenhouse gasemissions and their impact on the global climate.” He has a masters in social work, and is known for rulings such as approving a settlement requiring Islamic inmates to be served a diet that follows their religion. 

The prosecutors handling the trial against D’Souza are also liberals. Under Obama, the Justice Department takes its orders from the top. The prosecutor who went after D’Souza demanding prison time, Assistant U.S. Attorney Carrie Cohen, is the vice president of the New York City Bar, which is an indication she is an activist on the left, since most busybodies who run Bar associations are. She declared that D’Souza’s “actions were premeditated” and “a prison sentence is sufficient.” 

The unequal treatment under the law of conservatives vs. liberals continues to worsen as liberals become more brazen, complacently used to having control over the legal system.

Stedman’s simply picking up where the IRS left off!
 We’ve seen the worst abuses ever in recent years by the so-called justice system, as leftist agitator Eric Holder used his position as head of the U.S. Department of Justice to sue conservative states over illegal immigration laws. 

As I wrote previously about this case, D’Souza is being targeted because he is a highly influential and brilliant figure on the right. The scales of justice are not balanced any longer, sadly, in the U.S. Those of color on the right - D’Souza is a dark-skinned immigrant from India - are targeted more viciously by the left than other conservatives, because they defeat the left’s false argument that the right is composed of only white people. It is going to get worse unless far more Americans start speaking out about the horrendous abuses of the legal system against conservatives. 

Once our laws morphed off their ethical and moral foundations, right and wrong have been handed off to liberal, activist lawyers and judges, whose only “right” has now become the promotion of their leftist political agenda.


Saturday, October 4, 2014

He 'doesn't want to miss breaking stories'

'It's an easy thing to do without': NBC news anchor Brian Williams reveals he never drinks because he 'doesn't want to miss breaking stories'

He wouldn't know a story if it bit him on the ass!

 Certainly there is no shortage of stories (aka scandals ) emanating from The Scandaldome. Take the IRS... the biggest blockbuster story of government corruption since Watergate which he and his network obediently turned a blind eye to. Sorry Williams, drinking has nothing to do with it. It has to do with "journalistic condoms" when it cums to reporting on Barry. 


• He revealed that he avoids alcoholic beverages in order to 'think straight' 

• NBC journalist also admitted that he never really 'loved' drinking anyway

• Hurricane Katrina in 2005 is the story that has 'stuck with' him the most


(Since he doesn't drink was he on crystal meth throughout Tuesday, September 11, 2001?) 

By Sophie Jane Evans for MailOnline

Published: 08:18 EST, 3 October 2014 | Updated: 11:43 EST, 3 October 2014

As the anchor of a major American news program, he needs to be ready when big stories break.

So, in order to be able to 'think straight' at short notice, Brian Williams no longer drinks alcohol.

The NBC 'Nightly News' journalist revealed that he avoids alcoholic beverages during a question and answer session with viewers and fans on Facebook.

He also admitted that he never really 'loved' drinking anyway and some relatives 'have had a rough time' with it in the past, so it was 'easy' to give it up.


Friday, October 3, 2014

Prophetic Words: Bush Predicted Terror, Death and Chaos of Iraq Pullout

Which one is the Moron and Liar In Chief now?

Bush in 2007 delivered eerily accurate warning about Iraq unrest:

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Video 89

A prophetic warning from then-President George W. Bush before he left office about what would happen if the U.S. withdrew troops from Iraq too soon is getting new attention in light of the Islamic State’s gains, as each of his predictions appears to be coming true.

Now the community organizer in action:

 Check out Barry's boastful arrogance, and naiveté, on the Iraqi situation. He sacrificed what was right for the country for what his political base wanted to hear. 

This will go down in history with "You can keep your insurance period".

 Check out the last (lie) I mean line. He is never held accountable for anything with the blessing of the MSM.

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Video 90

 It wasn't his decision... so who superseded Barry?


A prophetic warning from then-President George W. Bush before he left office about what would happen if the U.S. withdrew troops from Iraq too soon is getting new attention in light of the Islamic State’s gains, as each of his predictions appears to be coming true.

Bush, as discussed on "The Kelly File," made the remarks in the White House briefing room on July 12, 2007, as he argued against those who sought an immediate troop withdrawal. 

“To begin withdrawing before our commanders tell us we are ready would be dangerous for Iraq, for the region and for the United States,” Bush cautioned.

He then ticked off a string of predictions about what would happen if the U.S. left too early.

“It would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to Al Qaeda.

“It would mean that we’d be risking mass killings on a horrific scale.

“It would mean we allow the terrorists to establish a safe haven in Iraq to replace the one they lost in Afghanistan. 

“It would mean we’d be increasing the probability that American troops would have to return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more dangerous.”

Bush speechwriter Marc Thiessen says all these predictions have come true.

“Every single thing that President Bush said there in that statement is happening today,” he told Fox News.

To Bush’s first warning, the Islamic State terror group is effectively the successor to Al Qaeda in Iraq – and they’ve overrun several major cities in Iraq’s north while claiming broad swaths of territory in Syria. Further, the group has been behind mass killings of Iraqi civilians as well as the recent execution by beheading of two American journalists.

The Obama administration has warned that the group’s violence threatens to approach genocide levels.

Though President Obama says combat troops will not be returning to fight in Iraq, American troops are nevertheless returning in some capacity. The president on Wednesday announced an expanded airstrike campaign against the group in Iraq and Syria, and is sending hundreds more U.S. military personnel into Iraq.

Some lawmakers and analysts say this could have been avoided if the Obama administration had left a residual force in Iraq, or at least had responded sooner to ISIS’ gains in northern Iraq over the past year.

Bush, before he left office, signed an agreement setting the stage for U.S. troops to withdraw by December 2011.

Obama, though, was urged by military advisers to keep thousands of service members after that deadline to help the shaky Iraqi government. But when Washington and Baghdad were unable to reach a renewed agreement governing the presence of U.S. forces in the country, the Obama administration withdrew virtually all troops at the end of 2011.

“We needed to leave a stabilizing force behind, and we didn't. And of course, we know the rest is history,” Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., told Fox News.


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Democrats Must Keep Black Americans Poor To Stay In Power

Please watch this video to the very end. Keep in mind Sen. Elbert Guillory formerly was a Democrat. His verbal assassination of Mary Landrieu is spot on and fairly rips apart what the entire Democratic ideology is based upon and could change the thinking of the "flock". 

Although I suspect the last component may be wishful thinking on my part.

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Video 88


Monday, September 29, 2014

What goes around comes around

An Obama campaign taunt that sounds terrible in retrospect

Sorry about the lip sync but if this doesn't show how naive and brain-dead this administration is I don't know what the hell does! 

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Video 86

What I always find intriguing are the masses standing behind Barry and Biden hanging on every word when they give a speech. A collective tumor of stupidity. 



President Obama on Tuesday explained his decision to launch airstrikes in Syria, arguing that he has a responsibility to protect America from terrorist influences in that part of the world.

But there was a time when the president and his allies repeatedly mocked former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney during the 2012 presidential election for the Republican candidate’s numerous warnings on Syria, the Middle East, and general unrest aboard.

In fact, Vice President Joe Biden regularly mocked Romney's talk of war in the Middle East, and his jeering remarks, in retrospect, seem worthier of regret than chuckles.

Romney “said it was a mistake to end the war in Iraq and bring all of our warriors home,” Biden said on September 2, 2012. “He said it was a mistake to set an end date for our warriors in Afghanistan and bring them home. He implies by the speech that he’s ready to go to war in Syria and Iran.”

Biden also regularly took shots at Romney’s warnings over Russia.

The Republicans candidate “wants to move from cooperation to confrontation with Putin’s Russia. And these guys say the president’s out of touch?” the vice president asked.

Those campaign taunts don’t hold up so well today, do they?

Neither does this one.

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Video 87

Romney's a murderer?

To put things in perspective try telling this s**t to to the families of the 4 Americans who died needlessly in Benghazi.

Tell this to the families of Brian Terry and Jamie Zapata and countless Mexicans who died after the Cartels received nearly 2000 weapons in the botched F&F debacle.

Who are the real murderers?


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Police Reveal Gruesome Beheading Detail in Oklahoma Food Distribution Plant Murder

This guy recently converted to Islam: 
Meaning...bring a head to the table... get your official Muslim ID card.

A few things to think about.

Wonder if Stedman has one more investigation left in him? 
Doubt it.

 Isn't this at least as notable as the Brown and Martin cases?
 Imagine a white guy cut off a black woman's head. I mean what's worse... getting shot or having your head cut off? Let’s see if Barry puts this in the same spotlight as he did with Brown and Martin.

To bad the cop didn’t shoot him between the eyes. He's indigent and it's going to cost the taxpayers millions in long drawn out trials and appeals.

One more detail. Please tell me this administration is not going to chalk up another one to workplace violence. If it is 911 should be revisited. People were at work and we of course had violence. Add the two together and what do you got? Absurd you say? No more than Ft Hood and this latest atrocity.

Where is the condemnation from the so-called moderate/good Muslims?
Their aren't any 

What demented religion believes cutting one's head off somehow ingratiates oneself to God?


Gruesome new details have been revealed regarding a woman murdered in Moore, Oklahoma, Thursday. According to local outlets, she was beheaded by a man who was reportedly in the process of converting to Islam.

The victim, identified as Colleen Hufford, 54, died at the scene at Vaughan Foods, a food distribution company, after the violent attack unfolded around 4:05 p.m. at the hands of a male former employee.

Alton Alexander Nolen, who was fired from the business before allegedly attacking Hufford and another coworker, is the primary suspect in the case. He was shot during the attack by an off-duty officer and remans hospitalized, but is expected to survive.

The horrific incident unfolded after Nolen, 30, was terminated at a different location, then reportedly drove to the front of the Vaughan Foods building, hit a vehicle and walked inside.

It was then that he began stabbing Hufford and “severed the victim’s head,” according to a Moore Police Department press release and KFOR-TV.

Nolen also reportedly attacked Traci Johnson, 43, another worker at the plant, before being shot by Mark Vaughn, the chief operating officer of the company and a reserve Oklahoma County Deputy.

Johnson is currently in stable condition; authorities believe the suspect would have killed the second victim had he not been stopped.

Police do not currently believe that Hufford and Johnson were targeted, but claim that they were in Nolen’s way after he entered the building.

Moore Police Department

Coworkers claim that Nolen had recently converted to Islam and that he had been attempting to convert them as well, according to police.

“After conducting interviews with coworkers of Nolen information was obtained that he recently … started trying to convert some of his coworkers to the Muslim religion,” Moore Police Department officer Jeremy Lewis said at a press conference Friday.

The officer added that the manner of death and initial statements from coworkers have led the FBI to get involved in helping explore Nolen’s background.

State records indicate that Nolen was convicted of felony drug offenses, escape from prison and assault and battery on a police officer. Additionally, he reportedly served time in prison, according to Fox News.

Facebook posts show Nolen reading the Koran, donning Muslim religious clothing (pictured), praying in a mosque, and performing the one-figure salute of the ISIS terror group

Vaughn Foods released the following statement following the incident:

“On behalf of everyone at Vaughan Foods, we are shocked and deeply saddened by the events of today. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of the team member we lost and all those affected. Our focus is on the safety and well-being of our employees. We will provide counseling and support for our team members and support each other through this difficult time. We are working with authorities on this active investigation and ask that you direct your questions to local law enforcement.”

Police have released transcripts of 911 calls placed to authorities during the attack — conversations that provide a lens into the chaos that was unfolding inside the establishment, as noted by KFOR-TV.

“Yeah, we can hear a lot of screaming. We’re actually in a different office but someone just came in here yelling,” a caller said before adding, “He has stabbed someone.”


Friday, September 26, 2014

Stedman stepping down

(Must be another major scandal brewing on the horizon)

The White House on Thursday was quick to advocate for Holder's placement in the history books.

“He established a historic legacy of civil rights enforcement and restoring fairness to the criminal justice system,” said one White House official. “Holder revitalized the department’s praised civil rights division, protected the rights of the LGBT community, successfully prosecuted terrorists, and fought tirelessly for voting rights, to name a few.” 

(Might be a few they left out…quite a few that is) 

Scandals, activism and race politics Eric Holder is the fourth-longest-serving attorney general in U.S. history and has attracted more than his share of scandal.

1995 – Holder told the Woman's National Democratic Club that the DOJ would soon launch a public campaign to 'really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way ... in the way in which we changed our attitudes about cigarettes.'

January 2001 – As deputy attorney general, Holder interceded with President Clinton and advised him to pardon Marc Rich, a substantial campaign donor and 20-year fugitive, in a tax-evasion and racketeering case. Clinton granted the pardon during his final hours in office.

February 2009 – Holder was confirmed as attorney general by a 75-21 margin in the U.S Senate and became America's first black attorney general.

February 2009 – A newly minted AG Holder said during a speech marking Black History Month that the U.S. was 'essentially a nation of cowards' on race-relations. He said in January 2014 that 'I would not take that back'

(Didn't the "nation of cowards" just elect a black president?)

May 2009 – Holder stunned legal watchers by decided to try a terror-bombing suspect in civilian courts instead of giving him a military tribunal at the Guantanamo Bay detention complex. Ahmed Ghailani, indicted for the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies which killed 12 Americans and 212 otherss, became the first Guantanamo prisoner brought to U.S. soil for a trial.

November 2009 – Following an Islamist Army doctor's jihad-related mass shooting at Fort Hood in Texas, Holder's DOJ classified the casualties as the result of 'workplace violence' instead of opening a terrorism case.

(The Hasan case was as close to workplace violence as Benghazi was to a video)

April 2010 – Holder personally OK'ed search warrants demanding the secret collection of emails belonging to Fox News Channel reporter James Rosen. The DOJ wanted to track the source of a national security leak without Rosen being aware he was under surveillance.

(Yet he couldn't track 2 and a half years of missing emails at the IRS)

Watch this short video... remember he personally signed off on the search warrant to obtain the communications of Rosen. If this isn't an out-and-out lie what is?

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Video 29 reused

May 2011 – Holder testified under oath during a congressional hearing that he hadn't heard about the failed 'gunwalking' program Operation Fast and Furious until one month earlier. A memo later surfaced from 2010 showing that Holder had been briefed on the program, which lost track of nearly 2,000 guns that killed hundreds including an American border patrol agent. He would have went up in flames on this one but Barry broke the law by covering up a crime using Executive Priviledge to pull Stedman's ass out of the fire.

He Frankly is a liar.

June 2012 – Congress voted to hold Holder in contempt, an unprecedented move, for refusing to turn over the Fast and Furious documents that a Republican-led committee had subpoenaed. 

November 2013 – a Texas Republican congressman filed Articles of Impeachment against Holder but only attracted 26 cosponsors for the bill.

March 2014 – Holder declined Republicans' demands to appoint an independent Special Prosecutor to probe allegations that IRS officials politically targeted conservative groups with intrusive investigations. Immersed with a avalanche of evidence, crashed hard drives, two and a half years of missing emails, people pleading the 5th left and right, yet instead he conducted investigations into thugs Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin finding this a bigger miscarriage of justice than the most significant breach in government corruption since the Nixon administration.

Unequivocally Eric Holder was/is the worst AG this country has ever had. When history is recorded I hope the hindsight is 20/20 but I suspect the historians are holding a white cane with a red tip. If you think this is all BS go to Wikipedia now and look up Alberto Gonzales and compare it with their take on the legacy of Stedman.


U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to Step Down

WASHINGTON—Attorney General Eric Holder will announce he plans to resign, according to an official familiar with his plans. A formal announcement is planned for Thursday afternoon at the White House.

Mr. Holder plans to stay in the job until a successor is confirmed, according to the official. That means he could remain on the job beyond the November election.

The first black attorney general, Mr. Holder is also one of a handful of remaining cabinet members whose tenures date back to the beginning of the Obama administration.

Mr. Holder has long signaled he plans to leave the job by the end of this year.

The official said the attorney general and the president have had several discussions about his planned departure and finalized those plans at a Labor Day meeting at the White House.

Among those mentioned as possible successors is former White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler, according to people familiar with the discussions. She and Mr. Holder were spotted having dinner at a Washington restaurant last month. 

Another candidate being considered by the White House is Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, who represented the U.S. in the recent Supreme Court case over whether for-profit companies with religious objections should have to pay a fine for not covering contraceptives in workers insurance plans as required by the Affordable Care Act. 

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara is another potential contender.
