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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

30,000 emails deleted

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Hillary's 'email-gate' now linked to whistle-blower's description of State Department boiler-room operation set up to hide documents after Benghazi

An Accountability Review Board demanded documents related to the 2012 

Benghazi terror attack but important details were kept from them

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary said a weekend boiler-room scramble 'separated' papers that might reflect badly on Hillary Clinton

He was scapegoated, he claims, and told by a State Department's ombudsman: 'It's not about you; it's about Hillary and 2016'

Allegations have new importance as Clinton admitted destroying more than 30,000 'personal' emails on a private server at her Chappaqua, NY house

By David Martosko, Us Political Editor For 

Published: 09:52 EST, 16 March 2015 | Updated: 14:40 EST, 16 March 2015 

The latest twist in the alleged cover-up of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton's private emails involves a former senior diplomat who said State Department officials conspired to prevent investigators from seeing documents related to the 2012 Benghazi, Libya terror attack.

Some of those documents may have been emails that went through the now-infamous private email server Clinton kept at her Chappaqua, New York home.

If they still exist, they could shed light on Clinton's actions following the deadly Benghazi raid by militants acting with Ansar al-Shariah, an Islamist terror faction linked to al-Qaeda.

Ambassador Chris Stevens and three security personnel perished in a hail of gunfire, grenades and mortars.

WHISTLE-BLOWER: Raymond Maxwell was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern affairs when al-Qaeda-linked militants stormed a US diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya and killed four Americans

GATEKEEPER: Clinton's then-State Department chief of staff Cheryl Mills (left) was accused of setting up a secret operation to segregate Benghazi-related materials that might make Hillary look bad

'What difference, at this point, does it make?' Clinton famously snapped in a 2013 Senate hearing when confronted with the tall tale that an anti-Islam YouTube video, not a terror plot, sparked the Benghazi death and destruction in Sept. 11, 2012

Raymond Maxwell, a former deputy assistant secretary for Near Eastern affairs, last year told The Daily Signal, a news outlet operated by the conservative Heritage Foundation, that a room in the basement of the State Department was converted to a makeshift document review center on a weekend, supervised by Clinton confidantes including some linked to then-chief of staff Cheryl Mills.

Maxwell claimed he was scapegoated for objecting to the secret boiler-room operation, which he said was organized in order to keep damning documents from the prying eyes of an internal Accountability Review Board.

On a weekend in a basement room, Maxwell recalled to Daily Signal journalist Sharyl Attkisson, employees were instructed to sift through boxes of documents and separate out anything that might make Clinton or her close associates look bad in the wake of the terrorist murders of four Americans including the ambassador to Libya. 

'I was not invited to that after-hours endeavor, but I heard about it and decided to check it out on a Sunday afternoon,' Maxwell said.

Inside, says Maxwell, employees – including an employee who reported to him – were busily covering up information that suggested higher-ups were responsible for the lax security at the U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya.

ICONIC OR IRONIC? The image of Clinton working her Blackberry while on a plane en route to Tripoli, Libya took on new significance with her admission that she never used a '' email account, one that would have automatically archived all her correspondence

Maxwell claimed State Department higher-ups close to then-Secretary Hillary Clinton worked over a weekend to scrub boxes of documents , before giving the remainder to investigators

A senior adviserto Clinton's office explained the operation to him. 

'She told me, "Ray, we are to go through these stacks and pull out anything that might put anybody in the [Near Eastern Affairs] front office or the seventh floor in a bad light",' Maxwell remembered. 

The seventh floor of the State Department is the showplace level that houses Clinton's office and those of her closest aides.

'I asked her, "But isn't that unethical?" Maxwell said. 'She responded, "Ray, those are our orders",' 

Minutes later, he said, Mills came into the room and demanded to know, 'Who are you?' 

Hillary Clinton says she should have used gov email account. 

ULTIMATE INSIDER: Cheryl Mills has been part of the Clinton inner circle since the 1990s, defending Bill Clinton against impeachment proceedings and even the 'bimbo eruptions' that once threatened to derail the famous womanizer's presidential ambitions

A month after the deadly military-style assault, the Accountability Review Board's leaders demanded to see documents that could help explain what happened.

Top officials in the of the State Department's Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs were instructed to gather anything and everything that could help.

Those were the documents, Maxwell told The Daily Signal, that were boxed up and put in the basement room where Clinton insiders would later screen out the most damaging information before giving the ARB the rest.

The current controversy over Clinton's emails – she exclusively used a private address instead of one hosted at '' – now suggests that emails to and from Clinton may have been among them.

Clinton conceded last week that she deleted more than 30,000 of those emails, calling them 'personal' and not 'work-related.'

Her attorney claimed Sunday that every deleted email was reviewed by someone. South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, who chairs a special congressional committee tasked with investigating the Benghazi attacks, insists that Clinton and her inner circle can't be trusted to vet the material on their own.

National Review linked the Maxwell episode with Clinton's 'email-gate' on Monday, noting that Mills – along with Clinton deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin – had email addresses on Clinton's private server. 

DEVIL HORNS: Hillary Clinton's reputation has taken a hit over her handling of emails during her tenure as America's top diplomat – leading to more chuckles than outrage at the inadvertent Beelzebub treatment on a TIME magazine cover

Trey Gowdy, a South Caroline Republican congressman at the helm of a special Benghazi investigative committee, is outraged that Clinton and her insiders took it upon themselves to decide which emails were turned over to the State Department for archiving

Maxwell called the review board investigation 'at best a shoddily executed attempt at damage control, both in Foggy Bottom and on Capitol Hill.'

State Department spokesman Alec Gerlach has called his accusations 'totally without merit.'

Foggy Bottom is the Washington, D.C. neighborhood that hosts the State Department's sprawling headquarters.

Ultimately, State's review board cleared Clinton of any wrongdoing, perhaps aided by the absence of incriminating emails – even though it never interviewed her.

The September 11 attack more than two years ago followed a separate bombing of the facility's outer wall four months earlier that left a giant hole. 

Days later, Ansar al-Shariah held two days of open-air rallies and parades including 30 fighting battalions in the city's main square.

Speakers at the event warned of 'assassinations' that would come. 

Clinton – the Democratic Party's front-runner in the 2016 presidential sweepstakes – and others at State have been criticized for denying repeated requests from Ambassador Chris Stevens for more security officers, including some that came after these events. .

Ansar al-Shariah, the terrorist group that laid waste to the US diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, held two days of threatening parades and rallies a few months earlier and called for 'assassinations' -- leading to questions about why security at the compound was lacking

Militants attack US consulate in Benghazi (Archive) 

Maxwell was one of four officials officially saddled with the blame. He was later cleared of wrongdoing.

He was, however, placed on indefinite leave, with pay, while the State Department investigated.

Struggling to clear his name, Maxwell met with an agency ombudsman who he says told him, 'You are taking this all too personally, Raymond. ... It's not about you; it's about Hillary and 2016.' 

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton, whose organization has dented the Obama administration's Benghazi armor with a series of Freedom Of Information Act lawsuits, told MailOnline that 'Maxwell's disclosures are no surprise to those of us who know the Clintons' penchant for illicit secrecy.'

'The Benghazi cover-up was and is about protecting two presidential campaigns – Obama's 2012 reelection campaign and Hillary's nascent 2016 campaign,' Fitton said.

'Our Ambassador and three other American personnel die in a terrorist attack and the number one concern at State is protecting Hillary Clinton! First we have the supposedly missing IRS emails and now we may have missing Benghazi documents?' 


Monday, March 16, 2015

Slime Inc.

On a tip from Ed Kilbane

I believe this chapter was left out of the book. 

MARCH 15, 2015

Hillary's War on the Women Who Boinked Bill
John Hawkins

3/14/2015 12:01:00 AM - John Hawkins 

Most Americans haven't forgotten the bald-faced lies the Clintons told about Bill's affairs and molestations along with the sheer savagery of the attacks their surrogates launched against these women. 

For example, we all remember Bill Clinton perjuring himself by saying, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." Of course, Bill was lying which helped lead to the House voting to impeach him. The Senate attempted to follow suit and although 50 Senators voted for impeachment, they didn't reach the 67 vote threshold needed to send Clinton home in disgrace. 

What you may not remember as well was the brutality of public relations war the Clintons waged against these women. Just to point out one particularly nasty quip out of many, Clintonista James Carville rather famously said of Paula Jones that if you, "drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find." Of course in the end, Paula Jones ended up getting an $850,000 out-of-court settlement from the Clintons while Bill had to pay $90,000 for lying in court and was stripped of his law license for five years as part of a deal to avoid disbarment. 

However, there was much more to the story. While agents of Bill and Hillary were publicly trying to destroy the women Bill slept with and molested, the IRS was going after them as well. Before Obama's IRS harassed the Tea Party, Clinton's IRS audited Gennifer Flowers, Liz Ward Gracen, Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick. 

Even worse, several of the Clinton women faced extremely creepy harassment

Both Gennifer Flowers and Juanita Broadrick say their homes were burglarized. 

Quoting Ann Coulter's book, High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton, former Clinton mistress Sally Purdue received "a series of threatening visits, phone calls and letters." Purdue claimed that a man visited her who said, "If I was a good little girl, and didn't kill the messenger, I'd be set for life: a federal job…I'd never have to worry again. But if I didn't take the offer, then they knew that I went jogging by myself and he couldn't guarantee what would happen to my pretty little legs." 

In an interview with me back in 2007, Kathleen Willey made some even more disturbing allegations

I've read a transcript of your examination on the stand and it seemed pretty obvious to me that you were being very evasive. You seemed to be trying to do everything humanly possible to give the impression that nothing had happened between you and Bill Clinton without actually perjuring yourself. Is that the case? 

I did not want to tell that story. My intention was for that story to go to my grave with me. Eventually, I just knew I had to tell the story and I did. 

Like I said, in the transcript, you did everything you could to avoid talking about it and got to the point where you had to perjure yourself or tell the story, right? 

That's absolutely correct…and I had been threatened a few days before that and all kinds of things had been happening to me. 

Like what? Tell me about that. 

Strange phone calls. You know, "We're getting ready to turn the power off, do you have small children or elderly people there?" The power company doesn't do that and the power never went off. 

Then, one day, I live out in the country, in a very rural part of Virginia and…I walked out of my house one day and I had three flat tires. I wondered how that had happened and came to find out that someone had come down with a nail gun and shot the tires out in the sidewalls. I mean, you don't run over nails and get them in the sidewalls. 

And I had a beloved pet of 13 years that disappeared… 

That was your cat, right? 

That was my cat. I put the word out…and put up pictures saying she was missing and one morning, I was out walking at first light with my dogs, a couple of days before the deposition, and this stranger approached me and asked if I had ever found the cat. He was very knowledgeable about my cat, and talked about what a nice cat he was — talking about him in the past tense. Then he asked me if I had gotten my tires repaired — "Did you ever get those tires fixed" — which was when I knew something was going on. Then, the worst part was when he threatened my children by name….He said, "You're just not getting the message, are you?" The message was clear, it was to lie at that deposition in two days and not tell the story of what Bill Clinton did to me. 

…I understand. Now, you've talked about some of the harassment you've suffered. Can you tell me about that and also about your manuscript being stolen recently? 

Well, over Labor Day week-end, someone broke into my home, in the middle of the night, while I was upstairs asleep…They wanted it to look like a botched burglary…I think they came in through the screen…they took my purse, which I later found out in the woods. They didn't take the credit cards, but they took the money that was in my wallet. They broke the antenna off of my car, they tampered with my satellite system, my wireless internet system, and took the manuscript and this is within days of two stories in a national magazine and newspaper (saying) I was almost finished with my book and that it was going to be published in November. I think the person that came in here, came in here with a mission. That mission was to terrify me and get their hands on my manuscript. 

Near the end of the book, you had a fascinating little paragraph on some of the harassment that other authors of Clinton books have suffered. Can you tell us a little bit about that? 

Well, we've got just any number of people who have criticized or questioned the Clintons and have been subjected to this kind of behavior — former state troopers in Arkansas, of course, other women like me. Our stories are so similar it's eerie. I mean, we all tell the same stories. 

Now the argument that's usually made by Clinton defenders is that all these women that Bill has slept with, sexually harassed or perhaps even raped are crazy, lying sluts with no credibility. Of course, if it's true that Bill only goes for deranged liars who can't be trusted, what does that say about Hillary? 

Additionally, despite the habitual lies and disrespect for the rule of law shown by the Clintons, if we just had these consistent allegations by multiple women who crossed Bill and Hillary to go on, many people might be willing to hesitantly chalk this story up as another one of those crazy Clinton conspiracies (The Clinton body count, they killed Vince Foster and made it look like a suicide to keep him quiet, etc, etc.). After all, MAYBE, just MAYBE these were fans of the Clintons harassing these women while Bill and Hillary had nothing to do with it. 

However, there's one more piece of evidence that strongly suggests that we should believe these women. That's the Clinton's employment of Anthony Pellicano

Pellicano did work directly with one president: during Bill Clinton's first presidential campaign Pellicano was hired, reportedly by Hillary Clinton, to discredit Gennifer Flowers, the woman who alleged that she had maintained a 12-year affair with the candidate. Six years later, with Clinton into his second term, the White House, according to the New York Post, hired Pellicano, considered a respected forensic audio specialist, to look into Monica Lewinsky's background.' 

Pellicano is like a character you'd have expected to see on Breaking Bad and he was caught intimidating a target in a manner consistent with the way Bill Clinton's victims were bullied. 

Pellicano has been imprisoned in a federal detention facility in Big Springs, Tex., since his May 2008 conviction on a variety of racketeering counts, which included charges of computer fraud, identity theft and operating a criminal enterprise aimed at wiretapping its rich and famous victims. 

...His battles with the law began in 2002 when (Anita) Busch…discovered her car had been vandalized and her life threatened. 

She went to the authorities after she found a dead fish on her battered windshield along with a rose and a note saying, "Stop" in a scenario that rivaled a plot from a Hollywood noir movie. 

During their investigation, the authorities found a trove of audio files at Pelicano's Sunset Boulevard office of unauthorized wiretaps of such stars as Sylvester Stallone, and of running the names of others, such as Garry Shandling and Kevin Nealon, through a law-enforcement database. 

Why do so many people believe that Bill Cosby is a rapist when he hasn't been convicted? Because woman after woman keeps coming forward with the same sort of story. Well guess what? Woman after woman has come forth with the same sort of story about being harassed by agents of Bill and Hillary Clinton. We also know Bill and Hillary hired AT LEAST one person who has been caught engaging in the sort of harassment these women faced and turned him loose on them. In addition, one thing everyone should know about Hillary after her latest email scandal, if they didn't already know it before, is that's she's perfectly willing to engage in criminal behavior that looks sleazy because she believes she can get away with anything. The way these women Bill slept with, molested and perhaps even raped have been treated by the Clintons while they've paid very little price for it suggests she may be right. 

I don't know about anyone else, but I believe that these women were threatened, burglarized and harassed by agents of Bill and Hillary. That makes the two of them extremely dangerous people, it tells you how phony Hillary's whole "doing it for the sisters" gaga is and the thought of having a depraved woman like her in charge of the IRS, FBI, DOJ and other instruments of government that she can use to attack her enemies should scare people to death. 


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Family Ties


Muslim college co-founded by anti-Israel firebrand receives accreditation


Zaytuna College--which was co-founded by Hatem Bazian, a controversial critic of Israel who also started Students for Justice in Palestine -- has become the first accredited Muslim college in the United States. (

A California school co-founded by a firebrand who once called for an "intifada" in the U.S. has become the nation's first accredited Muslim college.

Zaytuna College, which operates out of two rented buildings in Berkeley, Calif., and had an enrollment of 30 in 2013, was officially accredited earlier this week by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges—one of the six academic organizations responsible for authorizing public and private colleges and universities in the United States. The certification means the school can apply for various federal and private grants, issue visas to international students and allow students to transfer credits to or from other accredited schools.

“Five years ago, we introduced an undergraduate liberal arts program inspired by the idea of restoring the holistic education that had been offered in the great teaching centers of Islamic civilization,” co-founder and President Hamza Yusuf stated in an open letter on the school’s website on Monday. “Today, Zaytuna’s accreditation roots this vision in a reality recognized within American higher education. It gives our community its first accredited academic address in the United States. And we hope, God willing, that there will be more such Muslim colleges and universities to come.”
“I am curious to know what level degrees Zaytuna will be allowed to offer, since its course catalog is limited and does not encompass the breadth of a standard liberal arts education.”

- Stephen Suleyman Schwartz, Center for Islamic Pluralism

The school offers one Bachelor of Arts, in Islamic Law and Theology. Course offerings include various courses on Islamic law, Introduction to the Koran, Ethics, Mathematics and History of the United States.

Yusuf, an Islamic Studies advisor at both Stanford University and University of California Berkeley, is known for being an outspoken critic of extremism. He drew a death decree from ISIS earlier this year for condemning the Charlie Hebdo massacre, in which workers at a French satirical magazine were killed by Islamist fanatics for publishing caricatures of Prophet Mohammad.

But the school's other co-founder, Hatem Bazian, who serves as the school’s chairman of academic affairs, has been accused of whipping up anti-Semitism on campuses across the nation through another organization he helped establish, the anti-Israel Students for Justice in Palestine. And at an April, 2004, rally in San Francisco in support of the Iraqi insurgency, Bazian appeared to call for an uprising in the U.S.

"Are you angry?" Bazian shouted to protesters. "Well, we've been watching intifada in Palestine, we've been watching an uprising in Iraq, and the question is that what are we doing? How come we don't have an intifada in this country? …and it's about time that we have an intifada in this country that change[s] fundamentally the political dynamics in here. And we know every — they’re gonna say some Palestinian being too radical — well, you haven't seen radicalism yet!"

Critics say any school associated with Bazian, who is a senior lecturer at University of California Berkeley, is suspect.

“He’s an anti-Israel activist and he uses academia to further his agenda,” Nonie Darwish, founder of Arabs for Israel and a human rights advocate, told

Neither Bazian nor other Zaytuna officials responded to multiple requests for comment.

Some critics who monitor higher education say the idea of a Muslim-centric school is fine in principle. But they are wary of Bazian's links to Students for Justice in Palestine.

"The blend between education and religion is nothing new, Caleb Bonham, editor-in-chief of higher education blog CampusReform.Org, told “College is supposed to be a time where the free exchange of ideas is explored. America, throughout our history, has encouraged diversity of thought and the freedom to worship as one desires.

"But Students for Justice in Palestine has proven itself to be an anti-Semitic, anti-Israeli organization since its founding," he added. "Our campuses must remain bastions of freedom of expression. I hope the founders uphold the principles of freedom that are inherent to all men and women."

The school, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 2008, received more than $11 million in contributions and grants from 2011 to 2012. However, specific donors were not listed on 990 forms filed with the IRS and the school's website only mentions 12,000 donors without any further detail.

The Zaytuna College website details a $7 million plan to build a new campus, a project that includes the recent purchase of a new building, but was put on hold until the accreditation came. According to officials for the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, any academic institution that gains accreditation becomes qualified to distribute federal aid to its students.

“Zaytuna may elect to do this, though they are also seeking for their students to graduate without owing debt,” Richard Winn, senior vice president of the WASC Senior College and University Commission said in a statement to

While Zaytuna and its students may benefit from the accreditation, the fact that the school offers only one degree program has some questioning the decision.

“I am surprised that Zaytuna College has received accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges,” Stephen Suleyman Schwartz, executive director of the Center for Islamic Pluralism, said in a statement to “I am curious to know what level degrees Zaytuna will be allowed to offer, since its course catalog is limited and does not encompass the breadth of a standard liberal arts education.”


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Suspicious fires destroyed Al Sharpton's financial records not once but - TWICE 

Maybe he should call Hillary. She's looking for a fire to destroy some servers.

  • Reverend Al Sharpton was running for office at the time of both of the fires
  • One broke out below New York offices in 1997 as he was running for mayor
  • The second happened in 2003 at the offices of his National Action Network
  • Report suggests fires destroyed key financial records of civil rights activist

By Julian Robinson for MailOnline 

Published: 08:21 EST, 12 March 2015 | Updated: 09:17 EST, 12 March 2015 

Suspicious fires twice destroyed financial records of Reverend Al Sharpton (pictured)

Suspicious fires twice destroyed the financial records of Reverend Al Sharpton, a report has claimed.

The civil rights activist was running for office at the time of the fires, which were six years apart and in separate buildings in New York.

It has been reported that Sharpton subsequently failed to comply with tax and campaign filing requirements.

According to the National Review Online, the first fire happened in 1997 as Sharpton was running for mayor while the second happened while he was running for president in 2003. The fires destroyed 'critical financial records', the report said.

The first blaze, on April 10, 1997 - five days before Tax Day - started in a hair and nail salon below Sharpton's headquarters at West 125th Street in New York and investigators treated it as an arson/explosion case.

At the time, the Reverend's spokesman said the campaign had lost its 'entire Manhattan operation' while the mayor at the time, Rudy Giuliani, said the investigation centred on the salon rather than Sharpton's campaign

The National Review reports that Sharpton said he was unable to file certain financial documents and blamed the fire for the destruction of the records.

On January 23, 2003, a fire caused extensive damage in the offices of his non-profit organisation National Action Network on Madison Avenue. It happened a day after Sharpton submitted documents to create a presidential exploratory committee, the website reports. 

Investigators initially treated the blaze as suspicious but later put it down to 'NFA (Not Fully Ascertained) – heat from electrical equipment'.

But National Review Online reports that 'significant oddities' surrounded the fire and the investigation.

The civil rights activist (pictured) was running for office at the time of the fires, which were six years apart and in separate buildings in New York

It quotes supervising fire marshal, James Kelty, who attended the scene, as saying that he found it 'unusual' when he was unexpectedly relieved from investigating the blaze.

When Mr Kelty was told that the report into the fire was only six pages long with 38 pictures from the scene, he said that such a document would generally be 'much more exhaustive' given Sharpton's high profile.

The website also quotes sources about one of Sharpton's former employees J. D. Livingston.

It says Mr Livingston, who immigrated to the United States from Guyana, was first on the scene as the fire took hold.

The report says Livingston claimed he was in a reception room when the fire broke out but that a major fire had developed by the time fire crews arrived.

Civil rights activist Al Sharpton is pictured in April last year with US President Barack Obama

Mr Kelty is quoted as saying that this was 'odd' and 'not normal fire behaviour'. Mr Livingston is said to have had Sharpton's lawyer with him when he was speaking to authorities.

The report says that the maintenance man, who died in 2014, had, at some point, been living in the US illegally.

In an interview with the National Review Online, Sharpton confirmed that Mr Livingston had done some 'side work' with him, but dismissed allegations he was paying him 'under the table'.

When asked whether the fires were a case of bad luck, NRO quotes Sharpton as saying: 'I would say that you could speak to people that would certainly, whoever they are, could have their views.'
