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Friday, April 3, 2015

An ego bigger than the Grand Canyon…

This proves what I have been saying for years.
Barry certainly never possessed anything resembling presidential...he's a celebrity. That's all he is and will ever be! The modern day voter was too to stupid to see the difference.

Barry imitates Frank Underwood…

Video 109

His little parody was closer to actual fact than a joke. The truth be known I have never watched the show but I understand Underwood is a murderer and a crook.

How fitting. 

Not to mention he has great advisors! 


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Punish our enemies and reward our friends

Barry's trusted dictum comes home to roost in Menendez's lap.

Sen. Robert Menendez indicted on corruption charges

Look Menendez is a crook no two ways about it. 

Yet the administration chose to look the other way for over two years! Now all of a sudden he is going to be indicted? The timing on this really comes into question. Menendez was against Barry cutting a deal with Iran saying, "As long as I have an ounce of fight left in me, as long as I have a vote and a say and a chance to protect the interests of Israel, the region, and the national security interests of the United States, Iran will never have a pathway to a weapon." This flew in the face of Barry. He also was an outspoken critic against normalizing relations with Cuba. So he had to pay the price. Interestingly... on the same day the DOJ announced they will not file contempt charges against Lois Lerner. Oh...and speaking of crooks Corzine just couldn't remember what happened to over a billion dollars of customer funds at MF Global and never served a day in jail! 

All 3 are guilty...

But only one didn't tow the line.


Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) was indicted on federal corruption charges Wednesday, accused of using the influence of his office to advance the business interests of a longtime friend and political supporter in exchange for luxury gifts, lavish vacations and more than $750,000 in campaign donations.​

Federal prosecutors laid out the charges in a 14-count indictment charging Menendez with using his office to help Salomon Melgen, a ­Florida-based eye doctor with whom Menendez had maintained a long personal and political friendship. Menendez intervened on Melgen’s behalf in at least two disputes, one with federal regulators over Medicare charges and the other involving a bid by Melgen to secure a ­port-security contract in the Dominican Republic, according to the indictment.

Prosecutors say that over a seven-year period, Menendez relied on Melgen for free private-jet flights to weekend getaways at resorts in Florida, the Dominican Republic and Paris.

Menendez has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing. He was defiant Wednesday night before a boisterous crowd of supporters, saying that Melgen’s gifts were a result of friendship dating to the early 1990s and not in exchange for political favors.

During a March 6 news conference, Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) said he had no intention of resigning during the trial phase of the corruption investigation against him. (Reuters)

“I’m angry and ready to fight,” Menendez, who is Cuban American, said to chants of “Viva Bob” in a Newark hotel.

Melgen was also indicted Wednesday. A grand jury in New Jersey issued eight counts each against Menendez and Melgen alleging bribery and three counts each alleging honest-services fraud, according to a statement from the Justice Department. They also each face one count of conspiracy and one count of violating the Travel Act. Menendez was also charged with one count of making false statements. Each of the eight bribery counts carries a maximum prison sentence of 15 years.

Justice Department officials had for weeks telegraphed their intention to indict the senator, and Menendez’s legal team has spent the past few weeks in a furious effort to persuade agency officials not to file charges.

Menendez, one of his party’s leading voices on international issues, restated his intention to stay in office during the trial phase of the case, which could last many months or years. “I am not going anywhere,” he said again Wednesday.

Later in the day, however, Menendez’s office announced that he would temporarily step aside as the top-ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee while he battles the criminal case.

His Senate term does not end until early 2019, but if he is convicted and resigns or is expelled from the chamber, state law calls for the governor to make a temporary appointment and set a date for a special election. He is expected to appear in federal court Thursday to enter a not-guilty plea.

The indictment, overseen by the Justice Department’s public-integrity unit in Washington, was approved by Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. and other top officials in the department. The 68-page charging document alleges a litany of previously undisclosed gifts that Menendez is alleged to have received and provided more details on the alleged favors that the senator’s office provided Melgen. Prosecutors also allege that Menendez helped three of Melgen’s foreign-born girlfriends obtain visas to visit the United States.

The gifts to Menendez included 19 free rides on private jets to resort locations, often with guests of the senator aboard; long weekends to visit Melgen in West Palm Beach, Fla., or his villa in an exclusive Dominican resort; and campaign donations, including $600,000 to a super PAC that spent heavily on the senator’s behalf during his 2012 reelection campaign.

The case against Menendez began under bizarre circumstances, even by the standards of politics in New Jersey, where public corruption has been a focus of the U.S. attorney’s office in Newark for several decades.

In 2012, during Menendez’s bid for a second full Senate term, an anonymous tipster using the pseudonym “Pete Williams” reached out to media outlets and to the FBI suggesting that Menendez was patronizing underage prostitutes on his Dominican vacations with Melgen. (Pete Williams is the name of the last New Jersey senator to be charged with corruption. Harrison “Pete” Williams was convicted and resigned in 1982 before the Senate expelled him. He died in 2001.)

The prostitution allegations fizzled, but investigators began scouring Menendez’s relationship with Melgen.

When investigators first began examining Menendez’s links to Melgen, the senator wrote a personal check for $58,000 to cover the cost of two private-jet flights that ferried Menendez to Melgen’s Dominican villa. His aides issued a statement at the time calling it an “oversight” and “sloppy” that those personal trips were not previously paid for, but there was no mention in the January 2013 statement of the other 17 private flights that Melgen allegedly paid for to fly Menendez, including nine trips in 2010 alone.

The charges against Menendez land as he is playing a high-profile role in two matters under fierce debate in the Senate.

One is the possible nuclear deal with Iran. First as chairman and now as ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee, Menendez has been the most prominent Democratic voice raising qualms about the ongoing multilateral negotiations. He is the lead Democratic sponsor of a bill — expected to move forward once the Senate returns April 13 — that would bring any Iran deal before Congress for a 60-day review.

Menendez could be pivotal in Loretta Lynch’s confirmation as attorney general, which has lingered for months. With scores of Republican senators saying they oppose Lynch’s confirmation because of her views supporting President Obama’s immigration policies, every Democratic vote — plus a potential tiebreaker from Vice President Biden — could be needed to secure a majority.

The indictment outlines a four-year bid to help Melgen, from 2009 through 2012, in his dispute with federal health agency officials. In early June 2012, Melgen issued a check for $300,00 for the Majority PAC, earmarked to help Menendez’s reelection. That same month, the senator went to bat for Melgen again, this time on behalf of his eye clinics, with top officials in the Department of Health and Human Services who oversaw Medicare reimbursements and whose auditors had concluded Melgen had overbilled the federal health program for eye medications he used in his clinic. Menendez, using talking points created by Melgen’s lobbyist, talked by phone on July 2 to the acting administrator at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services about her agency’s policy for reimbursing physicians such as Melgen who used a single vial of medication multiple times, sometimes for multiple patients.

But the senator “expressed dissatisfaction” when the acting administrator told him the agency would not change its policy on reimbursements for this multi-dosing and warned that multiple uses of a single dose could increase the risk of infection.

The senator next had his staff arrange a meeting with then-HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, which occurred in August 2012 at the behest of Sen. Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.), who was majority leader at the time.

Investigators also focused on Menendez’s help after the doctor became the chief investor in a company holding a long-dormant port-security contract in the Dominican Republic. The contract called for paying lucrative fees for security screening of ships coming into ports.

In April and May 2012, when Menendez reached out to top officials at the State Department to urge them to pressure the Dominican Republic’s government to enforce a port-security contract that will benefit Melgen’s company, Melgen was simultaneously e-mailing Menendez’s staff to promise he would deliver $60,000 in campaign donations, the indictment charges. Prosecutors allege Menendez met a State Department assistant secretary to discuss the security screening contract on or about May 16, 2012 — the day Melgen and his family donated $40,000 to the New Jersey Democratic State Victory campaign and $20,000 to Menendez’s legal defense fund.

That day, May 16, the assistant secretary wrote to his staff about the meeting and Menendez’s concerns about corrupt officials blocking the port contract in the Dominican Republic. The State Department official said he told the senator it was complicated.

“He said he wanted to hear of a solution by July 1,” he wrote. “If not, he would call a hearing to discuss it.”

In July, Menendez scheduled a Foreign Relations Committee hearing on U.S. companies doing business in Latin America.

During the hearing, he pressed the State Department to provide help to U.S. companies that were struggling with contracts in the Dominican Republic. Without naming Melgen, he mentioned an American company that owned part of a contract to do port security scanning.

Menendez called on State Department officials to “send a message that you cannot with impunity go ahead and violate those agreements.” He added: “If those countries can get away with that, they will. And that puts American companies at a tremendous disadvantage.”


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

What a surprise...

Reid's a liar.

Harry Reid Justifies Lying About Romney's Taxes from Senate Floor: 'He Didn't Win, Did He?'

I guess after Romney killed Joe Soptic’s wife he wasn’t to concerned about paying taxes.

Somehow Reid retiring is not a fit punishment for the lowdown fucking snake he really is!

And Pelosi... the fine "upstanding" Congresswoman she is  backed him up. 

"Harry Reid made a statement that is true. Somebody told him. It is a fact.
Harry Reid is a person who is, as we know, A, a fighter, B, he wouldn't say this unless it was true." 

BTW...This is the same Pelosi who never heard of Jonathan Gruber.

Reid's a liar... but ask yourself this. How would he know Romney wasn't paying taxes? 

Bet this would be the "somebody" who told him?


March 31, 2015 8:44 am

Harry Reid said he has no regrets for polarizing the Senate, attacking the Koch brothers, and falsely accusing Mitt Romney of not paying taxes.

Republicans have criticized Reid, who recently announced that he would not seek re-election in 2016, for hostile tactics that soured the environment on Capitol Hill.

The Senate minority leader dismissed claims that he is the problem with Washington and said he his proud of taking on the Koch brothers when no one else would.

Reid appeared to take some joy of being a part of the Democrat machine that took down Romney in 2012.

"Let him prove that he has paid taxes, because he hasn't," Reid said on the Senate floor without any evidence to back his accusations.

When asked about his comments by CNN's Dana Bash, Reid never rejected the notion his words were "McCarthyite" in nature. He admitted no wrongdoing.

"Well, they can call it whatever they want," Reid said. "Romney didn't win, did he?"

Reid's approach of the ends justifying the means is sure to upset many and is likely to further propel Reid's reputation of being a dirty politician.


Monday, March 30, 2015

Obama’s race to chaos

On a tip from Alex Sedam

Would you give a baby a loaded .45? 

Then why in the world would you allow Iran to build a nuclear bomb?


March 28, 2015 | 11:10pm

If you're confused about the Saudi Arabia-led air attacks against Islamist rebels in Yemen and can't tell one group of head-choppers in Iraq and Syria from another, don't despair. All you need is imagination.

Close your eyes and imagine that those countries and terrorists have nuclear weapons. Imagine their barbarism going nuclear as they blow up cities, wipe out ethnic and religious groups and turn the region into cinders.

Now open your eyes and realize you've seen the future, thanks to President Obama's policies. It is a future that will be defined by Obama's Wars. Yes, plural.

I've written frequently about the likelihood of a dystopian "Mad Max" scenario if Iran gets nukes. My thinking is guided by a belief among American military and intelligence officials
that a nuclear exchange would take place in the Mideast within five years of Iran getting the bomb. To judge from events, the future is arriving ahead of schedule.

The fact that a top Saudi official wouldn't answer a question about the kingdom's plan to get nukes is an answer in itself. Proliferation in the world's hottest spot was guaranteed once Obama abdicated American leadership, a decision that led our adversaries to conclude we would not stop them and our allies to conclude we would not protect them.

A future where it would be every nation for itself was trouble enough, but something far worse is unfolding now. Obama's courtship of Iran and his willingness to let it go nuclear is speeding up the race to chaos.

Iran wants it both ways — nukes and a free hand to impose its Islamic Revolution throughout the region. Against all good sense and the lessons of history, Obama is saying yes and yes.

Sightings of the Revolutionary Guard leader, Maj. Gen. Qasem Suleimani, leading Iranian-sponsored militias against Islamic State in Iraq has spread alarm throughout the region. The fears reached a fever pitch when Iranian-allied Houthi rebels took over Yemen, chasing out our soldiers and allies with chants of "Death to America, death to Israel."

Iran long held designs on a Shia Crescent and control over Arab lands, which helps explain why Egypt, Saudi Arabia and others counted themselves as our allies. They are furious as they watch Iran get a nuclear pass from Obama and a green light to expand its power.

The nuclear program will have the United Nations stamp of approval, as will Iranian control of four Arab capitals — Damascus, Beirut, Baghdad and now Sanaa, Yemen. Indeed, Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry suggest Iran even could be an ally in the fight against Islamic State and al Qaeda. Already there has been coordination there, leading critics to say America is acting as the Iranian air force.

Israel, of course, sees the pattern as insane and a threat because Iran has threatened to wipe it off the face of the earth. In retaliation for complaining about the nuke deal, Obama denounces our ally and threatens to "re-evaluate" our support for the Jewish state.

But Israel is not alone, with our Sunni Arab allies also viewing Iran as their mortal enemy. Sen. John McCain quoted one of those Arab leaders as concluding, "We believe it is more dangerous to be a friend of America's than an enemy."

These are unprecedented developments, veering so far from the norm and happening so fast that consequences are piling up faster than they can be comprehended. Alliances built over decades are shattered in a relative flash, inviting aggression and endless conflict. The toxic brew of Islamic fanaticism and nuclear proliferation could ignite a world conflagration.

These are grim thoughts, expressed because it is impossible to imagine any other outcome of Iran's rise. It remains the world's largest sponsor of terrorism and supports Hezbollah and Hamas and now the Houthis in Yemen. As for Iranian influence in Iraq, one analyst is calling Suleimani, the Revolutionary Guard commander, Iraq's new "viceroy."

Remember, too, Iran muscle and munitions are keeping Bashar Assad still standing in Syria. The wholesale death and destruction there — an estimated 200,000 people killed and millions displaced within the country and out of it — could be a prototype of its new empire.

While there are many dark and complex forces in play and blame to spread around, the most important catalyst of the violent disorder has been the reversal of America's policies. Under Obama, we have switched sides, an abomination that ensures a legacy of infamy.


Saturday, March 28, 2015


On a tip from Ed Kilbane

US Declassifies Document Revealing Israel's Nuclear Program

Obama's revenge for Netanyahu's Congress talk? 1987 report on Israel's top secret nuclear program released in unprecedented move.

By Ari Yashar, Matt Wanderman 

First Publish: 3/25/2015, 8:00 PM 

Dimona nuclear reactor circa 1960s

In a development that has largely been missed by mainstream media, the Pentagon early last month quietly declassified a Department of Defense top-secret document detailing Israel's nuclear program, a highly covert topic that Israel has never formally announced to avoid a regional nuclear arms race, and which the US until now has respected by remaining silent.

But by publishing the declassified document from 1987, the US reportedly breached the silent agreement to keep quiet on Israel's nuclear powers for the first time ever, detailing the nuclear program in great depth.

The timing of the revelation is highly suspect, given that it came as tensions spiraled out of control between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama ahead of Netanyahu's March 3 address in Congress, in which he warned against the dangers of Iran's nuclear program and how the deal being formed on that program leaves the Islamic regime with nuclear breakout capabilities.

Another highly suspicious aspect of the document is that while the Pentagon saw fit to declassify sections on Israel's sensitive nuclear program, it kept sections on Italy, France, West Germany and other NATO countries classified, with those sections blocked out in the document.

The 386-page report entitled "Critical Technological Assessment in Israel and NATO Nations" gives a detailed description of how Israel advanced its military technology and developed its nuclear infrastructure and research in the 1970s and 1980s.

Israel is "developing the kind of codes which will enable them to make hydrogen bombs. That is, codes which detail fission and fusion processes on a microscopic and macroscopic level," reveals the report, stating that in the 1980s Israelis were reaching the ability to create bombs considered a thousand times more powerful than atom bombs.

The revelation marks a first in which the US published in a document a description of how Israel attained hydrogen bombs.

The report also notes research laboratories in Israel "are equivalent to our Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore and Oak Ridge National Laboratories," the key labs in developing America's nuclear arsenal.

Israel's nuclear infrastructure is "an almost exact parallel of the capability currently existing at our National Laboratories," it adds.

"As far as nuclear technology is concerned the Israelis are roughly where the U.S. was in the fission weapon field in about 1955 to 1960," the report reveals, noting a time frame just after America tested its first hydrogen bomb.

Institute for Defense Analysis, a federally funded agency operating under the Pentagon, penned the report back in 1987. 

Aside from nuclear capabilities, the report revealed Israel at the time had "a totally integrated effort in systems development throughout the nation," with electronic combat all in one "integrated system, not separated systems for the Army, Navy and Air Force." It even acknowledged that in some cases, Israeli military technology "is more advanced than in the U.S."

Declassifying the report comes at a sensitive timing as noted above, and given that the process to have it published was started three years ago, that timing is seen as having been the choice of the American government.

US journalist Grant Smith petitioned to have the report published based on the Freedom of Information Act. Initially the Pentagon took its time answering, leading Smith to sue, and a District Court judge to order the Pentagon to respond to the request.

Smith, who heads the Institute for Research: Middle East Policy, reportedly said he thinks this is the first time the US government has officially confirmed that Israel is a nuclear power, a status that Israel has long been widely known to have despite being undeclared. 
