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Friday, October 30, 2015

Harry Reid Wants Marco Rubio to Resign

Two sides of a dirty coin 

Consider the source this crap comes from.

Reid wants Rubio to resign for missing votes. Yet he never said a word in 2004 when Kerry missed 89.8 percent of his votes. In 2008 Barry missed 137 out of 213 votes. Again Reid never said a work about it but did say Barry was a  "light skinned" African-American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one"

This from the same Harry Reid who illegally spent nearly $17,000 in campaign funds on “holiday gifts” for supporters and staff.

Does anyone really believe Reid wants Rubio to resign from the Senate for missing votes? More like the piece of shit wants to screw him like he did Romney.

Harry Reid is proud he lied about Mitt Romney's taxes

“Why should the taxpayers of this country and people of Florida put up with having only one senator? Doesn’t seem fair to me,” Reid told Politico

(See if this seems fair what you are about to read below)

In Nevada, the Name to Know is Reid

Members of one lawmaker's family represent nearly every major industry in their home state. And their clients rely on his goodwill.

This is a rather lengthly 7 page article (you know, deception, double-dealing, fraud, etc) on how Harry Reid uses his position and influence to funnel millions of dollars to himself and his family. Of course if this was investigated by the DOJ the end result would be "poor management is not a crime". Just like they did with the IRS.

And Reid... the son-of-a-bitch he is... has the gall to ask Rubio to resign!


Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Debate a quick synopsis

For starters Cruz had the best retort of the night. He annihilated the MSM including CNBC and the moderators. I cannot fucking stand John Harwood. It runs blue when he gets a paper cut. Handing him over to ISIS would be a great idea if he wasn't already “beheaded”. 

I thought all the candidates had a good night. Cruz and Kasich’s stock definitely went up Rubio too. Everybody else pretty much held their own. There was one exception. Carl Quintanilla threw what would have been a touchdown pass to Bush. I’m talking about fantasy football. Bush fumbled the ball on the 3 yard line and Christie picked it and went all the way for the score. Rubio also pummeled Bush after Bush attacked him on his "French work week" demanding he resign from the senate. To put things straight
I was finished with Bush before the debates. In 2014 he said crossing the border illegally is "an act of love". The same hypothesis could be applied to a bank robber. 

Jim Gilmore is starting to look better than him.



Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Radical Muslims Finds New “Tear Apart” Torture for Unbelievers… This Is Horrific

On a tip from Ed Kilbane

As the Islamic State terror group has spread its self-proclaimed caliphate throughout Iraq and Syria, its fighters have wreaked havoc wherever they go.

One of the calling cards of the radical jihadist group has been its horrific propaganda videos, often showing the execution of Christians and other “non-believers” in a variety of ways. And the group continues to devise new and atrocious ways to slaughter innocent men and women.

The latest propaganda video put out by the Islamic State group showed the execution of a purported spy in a most brutal and prolonged manner.

With his hands tied behind his back and his feet tied to the bumper of one of their trucks, the Islamic State barbarians dragged the man along the ground throughout the town.

In what must have been a horribly painful death, the man had his arms nearly ripped from his body, bit by bit, as he was pulled along the rough ground at varying speeds.

Caution: The video is quite graphic and disturbing.

Go here if you want to throw up.

This is what these savages do to those they consider to be “unbelievers,” i.e. anyone who doesn’t fully and unquestioningly support their plans to conquer the region and beyond, implementing a strict fundamentalist version of their Islamic faith.

How many more people do we need to see them drag behind a truck until they are dead? How many more people do we need to see roasted alive?

How many more beheadings must we see before we finally realize that these monsters must be obliterated, annihilated, and in all ways exterminated, if there is ever hope for peace in the Middle East, if not the entire world?


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

House Republicans introduce measure to impeach IRS Commissioner Koskinen

Should Koskinen and Lerner be in jail? Most definitely. So what will come out of this latest investigation? Judging by their track record... nothing.


(click to enlarge)

Yes, that is Lois Lerner telling one of her colleagues that “no one will ever believe that both your hard drive and mine crashed within a week of each other.”
This is an email that we were never supposed to see. The IRS deliberately withheld emails like this.

I said time and time again they should have appointed a Special Prosecutor. Believing the DOJ is going to act is like expecting the Iranians to turn themselves in for breaking the Nuke Deal.

Another fun fact. According to an affidavit, the lead investigator that the IRS put in charge of finding Lois Lerner’s emails is blind.

(Scroll down to#14)


GOP senators grill IRS head Koskinen over targeting scandal

House Republicans on Tuesday introduced a resolution to impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, accusing him of making "false statements" under oath and failing to comply with a subpoena for evidence. 

House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, and 18 other committee members introduced the resolution to begin impeachment proceedings. In doing so, they followed through on a threat first made over the summer, when Republicans accused the IRS leader of making inaccurate statements to Congress regarding the Tea Party targeting scandal and its aftermath. 

"Commissioner Koskinen violated the public trust," Chaffetz said in a statement Tuesday. "He failed to comply with a congressionally issued subpoena, documents were destroyed on his watch, and the public was consistently misled. 

"Impeachment is the appropriate tool to restore public confidence in the IRS and to protect the institutional interests of Congress." 

The announcement comes on the same day Koskinen testified before the Senate Finance Committee, and after the Justice Department on Friday decided to close its investigation of the targeting scandal without pursuing criminal charges. 

Koskinen took over in late 2013, after the scandal broke over IRS agents subjecting conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status to additional scrutiny. 

But he faced questions over statements he made in the course of various investigations. 

Chaffetz' office said he failed to preserve IRS records in accordance with a congressional subpoena, citing how the IRS erased hundreds of backup tapes containing potentially thousands of emails from Lois Lerner, the former official at the heart of the controversy.


FBI investigates hackers like they investigated the IRS targeting the Tea Party

The FBI says you may need to pay up if hackers infect your computer with ransomware

This is pitiful. The solution... raise the white flag of surrender.

If a hacker hijacks your computer with malware and holds your data for ransom, it’s probably best to just pay up, at least that’s the latest advice the FBI is giving out concerning ransomware.

Reported last week by Security Ledger, Joseph Bonavolonta, the Assistant Special Agent who oversees the FBI’s CYBER and Counterintelligence Program in Boston, spoke at the 2015 Cyber Security Summit and advised that companies infected with ransomware may want to give in to the criminal’s demands.

“The ransomware is that good,” Bonavolonta explained to an audience of business and technology leaders during the Q&A. “To be honest, we often advise people just to pay the ransom.”

So with some of the most brilliant minds in the world who work at Apple, Google, Microsoft, IBM, Norton, Intel Security, etc they can't come up with a solution?

And this open's up a whole new can of worms. 
Extortion, Blackmail, Ashley Madison anyone?

Ransomware is a malicious software that takes over a victim’s hard drive when they click on an infected advertisement, email, attachment, or website and encrypts the contents of a device – and any other connected electronics – which the hacker then demands bitcoin or cryptocurrency payments to unlock. 

The key to unencrypt data can cost victims anywhere from $200 and $10,000 and affects individuals and businesses alike. Even the police are not immune to the attacks. Cryptowall alone – currently the most prevalent malicious software used – made hackers over $18 million from April 2014 to June 2015.

“The amount of money made by these criminals is enormous and that’s because the overwhelming majority of institutions just pay the ransom,” Bonavolonta said. Adding that the Bureau and other’s efforts have yet to yield a solution.

A spokesperson from the Boston Bureau told Business Insider that while the FBI doesn't make recommendations for what businesses should do if they fall vicitm, "instead, the Bureau explains what the options are for businesses that are affected and how it’s up to individual companies to decide for themselves the best way to proceed. That is, either revert to back up systems, contact a security professional, or pay."

A message you never want to see pop up on your screen 

In an ironic twist, the large amount of people paying the ransom actually seems to be keeping the amount demanded low. And while supporting this sort-of ransomware economy may seem backwards, attackers appear maximize their profits through volume and most keep their word that you will “get your access back,” Bonavolonta said.

Not everyone would agree with Bonavolonta’s advice though.

In 2013, when Cryptolocker – the now disabled email phishing program – swept through computers in the UK, the National Crime Agency recommended businesses not give into malware authors and said it “would never endorse the payment of a ransom to criminals” adding “there is no guarantee that they would honour the payments in any event.”
Protect yourself

While there may be disagreements over how to handle the growing cybersecurity problem, there are ways to keep scammers out.

The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) division of the FBI recommended in a June public service announcement taking the following steps to keep hackers at bay: 

Always use antivirus software and a firewall. It's important to obtain and use antivirus software and firewalls from reputable companies. It's also important to continually maintain both of these through automatic updates.

Enable popup blockers. Popups are regularly used by criminals to spread malicious software. To avoid accidental clicks on or within popups, it's best to prevent them from appearing in the first place.

Always back up the content on your computer. If you back up, verify, and maintain offline copies of your personal and application data, ransomware scams will have limited impact on you. If you are targeted, instead of worrying about paying a ransom to get your data back, you can simply have your system wiped clean and then reload your files.

Be skeptical. Don’t click on any emails or attachments you don't recognize, and avoid suspicious websites altogether.

IC3 additionally says if you believe you are a victim of ransomware to file a complaint your local FBI field office and suggests disconnecting from the internet to avoid any further data loss if you receive a message demanding payment.
