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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Finally someone grew a pair

 A woman no less!

Update: School Nixes Principal's Ban on Pledge of Allegiance, Santa, and Thanksgiving

Update Dec. 15, 2015

After the New York Post's coverage of Principal Eujin Jaela Kim's ban on the Pledge of Allegiance, Santa, and Thanksgiving at PS 169 went viral, District 15 Superintendent Anita Skop stormed into the school Monday morning and had two fifth-grade boys lead the recital of the Pledge of Allegiance over the public address system, teachers said. 

The pledge hadn’t been said over the loudspeakers since the beginning of the school year, but the Department of Education officials said on Monday that it will be recited over the PA system every morning from now on. Santa has also been reinstated.

“It never would have happened if The Post didn’t do the story. That’s the only way we got our voices heard,” PTA president Mimi Ferrer told the New York Post.

The Short of It

A New York City school principal seems to have gone to extreme measures to create a PC learning environment at PS 169, banning everything from the Pledge of Allegiance to Santa.

The Lowdown

Eujin Jaela Kim, 33, has made some major changes to one Brooklyn school. Instead of Thanksgiving and Christmas parties, students now celebrate with harvest and winter celebrations. Even the Pledge of Allegiance, which was previously recited in the school, was banned.

"We definitely can't say Christmas, nothing with Christmas on it, nothing with Santa. No angels. We can't even have a star because it can represent a religious system, like the Star of David," PTA president Mimi Ferrer told the New York Post.

Kim's goal? According to a letter written by assistant principal Jose Chaparro, administrators want to "be sensitive of the diversity of our families. Not all children celebrate the same holidays."

It's worth noting 95 percent of the student body at the school is either Asian or Hispanic.

Incidentally, Kim's directives differ from the New York City Department of Education's, which allows holiday symbols in schools, including Christmas trees, Hanukkah menorahs, the Islamic star-and-crescent, and kinaras (candleholders for Kwanzaa). A picture of an actual deity, like Jesus, would be banned. The DOE allows Santa as a , but Kim doesn't want him anywhere near her school either.

If you do nothing else today please go here. 

Liberal proselytizing at its finest!

The Upshot 

Kim's ban on anything having to do with religion, even the mere mention of the word "God," is just one aspect of her overhaul of the school. She has also made changes to the curriculum and painted over historic murals in the auditorium to make room for giant flat-screen TVs. According to Ferrer, the expensive technology has never been used.


Botched ransom? Rep presses for answers on FBI role in 'payment' for Bergdahl

Lets suppose this story is true. The FBI paid, I'll throw in a figure of $1 million, to secure Bergdahl's release and got stiffed. Does Duncan Hunter really believe he is going to get any assistance from the DOJ to prove his case? 

Step back a minute. Forget the bullshit hype, "no one left behind" Barry espoused. Barry never gave a damn about Bergdahl. He was simply a convenience. A tool to be used achieving his goal of closing down Gitmo. 

Think about it. Who got all the attention Bergdahl or Tamarossi? Barry couldn't be bothered to pick up the phone for decorated vet Tamarossi yet he sold the farm to get Bergdahl back! BTW...The day of reckoning for this decision will soon be upon us.

No Mr. Hunter don't expect any help from the DOJ or FBI. It's more likely Lois Lerner would join the TeaParty then for that to happen. You have to remember who appointed the head of each agency. But you can take some solace in this. Bergdahl was originally scheduled for a "slap on the wrist" hearing (probably initiated by Barry)  that could impose  only a maximum penalty of a year in confinement. That was until Army General Robert Abrams stepped in not following the original recommendation  and now Bergdahl will face a full-blown court-martial with a potential life sentence.

They deserve it:

Looks like the end is near for Jason Bourne. 


AUSTIN, Texas, Dec 14 (Reuters) - U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, who walked away from his post in Afghanistan and became a Taliban prisoner for five years, will face court-martial with a potential life sentence, the Army said on Monday.

Bergdahl, 29, was charged earlier this year with desertion and endangering U.S. troops and could face the life sentence if convicted of the latter, more serious offense's

In ordering the court martial on Monday, Army General Robert Abrams did not follow the recommendation of a preliminary hearing which, according to Bergdahl's lawyer, called for Bergdahl to face a proceeding that could impose a potential maximum penalty of a year in confinement.

The FBI played a central role in making a botched “payment” meant to help secure Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s release last year, according to the office of a House Republican now seeking answers on why the bureau was involved at all in the apparent rescue attempt. 

Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif. -- who has long questioned whether a ransom of some kind was offered for Bergdahl’s release -- claimed in a recent letter to the Justice Department inspector general that he has learned “non-DoD organizations, led by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), undertook the recovery mission.”

As part of this effort, Hunter told DOJ IG Michael Horowitz, the FBI even went to the Afghanistan-Pakistan border and “awaited Bergdahl’s arrival following some form of discussion about facilitating a payment.”

Bergdahl didn’t show – and ultimately was not released until May when he was traded for five Taliban leaders. Hunter’s chief of staff, Joe Kasper, told the unsuccessful FBI border visit came after this operation paid an Afghan intermediary, who then ran off with the money.

“The FBI was leading the op,” Kasper said. 

Hunter now wants the DOJ IG to look into the alleged payment, including the amount and whether it was made in violation of the law. 

A representative with the FBI did not comment on Hunter’s claims when asked by 

Hunter previously has said such a botched payment was made and initially pointed the finger at Joint Special Operations Command, but has not discussed the extent of the FBI’s alleged role until now. Hunter’s claims were first reported in The Daily Beast

The letter to Horowitz comes after the House Armed Services Committee released a detailed report saying the Defense Department inspector general could not confirm that any payment was made in an effort to recover Bergdahl, whose desertion case was referred Monday to a general court-martial. All the DOD IG could confirm was that “small payments were made to individuals in return for information” on Bergdahl’s captors, whereabouts and condition. The Pentagon last year also denied that a ransom was paid.

But Hunter’s letter shifts the focus to the DOJ and FBI.

It asks the Justice Department inspector general to look at whether a payment was made from within that department, if one was not made by the DOD.

Hunter, in the letter, called for a “thorough and substantive review” of the FBI’s alleged involvement. He also questioned what authority the FBI had to pursue Bergdahl’s release since he was a uniformed service member and not a civilian.

“We’re going to try to get to the bottom of it,” Kasper said Monday.

He said a chief concern is that the FBI is not necessarily equipped to recover Americans held captive in hostile areas.

“They don’t have the assets. They don’t have the resources,” he said.

The U.S. government as a matter of policy does not pay ransom for terror hostages, and Kasper acknowledged the administration will never confirm a “ransom” was paid in this case. But he suggested the government could have offered a payment of some kind – without calling it a ransom.

You know:

terrorist attack<>workplace violence


Monday, December 14, 2015

The Rijksmusem has come under fire for removing words such as 'negro', 'Indian' and 'dwarf' from their roster

When is this crap going to come to an end?

Here's another "fine" example and a crying shame:

"All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn." - Ernest Hemingway 

So what happens:

When I was a kid Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn were mandatory reading!

A leading museum has decided to rename any artworks that have titles which are deemed to be offensive. 

In a move which is designed to get rid of the words given by non-whites to others, pictures in the digitised gallery of more than 220,000 will be targeted in the Adjustment of Colonial Terminology.

Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum has announced the project , which involves all 12 curators, and will replace words used with less 'racially charged' teminology, reports the New York Times

For example, the 1900 painting 'Young Negro-Girl' will now be called 'Young Girl Holding a Fan'.

This artwork by Simon Maris (c.1900) features
in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam
and has been renamed
'Young Girl Holding a Fan' from 'Young Negro Girl'

Who gave them the authority to do this? If any distant relatives of Simon Maris are still living they should take this to court. When a painter produces a work of art they have the right to call it whatever the hell they want. If you don't like it don't look at it. You just can't arbitrarily change history because it doesn't suit your taste!

Remember this?

Martine Gosselink, head of the history department at the Rijksmuseum, said: "We Dutch are called kaas kops, or cheeseheads, sometimes, and we wouldn't like it if we went to a museum in another country and saw descriptions of images of us as 'kaas kop woman with kaas kop child,' and that's exactly the same as what's happening here."

.@Rijksmuseum removes racially charged terms from artworks' titles (via @nytimes): 

— Artsy (@artsy) 3:50 PM - 10 Dec 2015

Since the project started a month ago, about 200 descriptions have been identified and altered.

Other words which will be eradicated include 'Hottentot' - a name given by Dutch people to the Khoi people in South Africa meaning 'stutterer' - and 'Mohammedan' - an old word for Muslim once used by the West.

Since the story was carried in Dutch newspaper Het Parool, there has been critcism, but Gosselink says it's essential.

"In the Netherlands alone, there are a million people deriving from colonial roots, from Suriname, from the Antilles, from Indonesia, and so on that basis alone it's important to change this."


Angel Flight (Radio Tower Remix) - w/ Lyrics

Video 185


Look who's talking about "endangering national security”

John Kerry says Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslims 'endangers national security'

Secretary of State John Kerry says that Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslims from the United States "endanger national security.”

"It exhibits an attitude by one American who is running for the highest office of our land about a willingness to discriminate against a religion," he said on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos."

"It seems to me that Mr Trump's statement is wholly and totally without recognition of the true American spirit and values and certainly tolerance."

Secretary Kerry also said the proposal was a “very dangerous foreign policy."

His legacy.

"It says to those in Islam who are trying to exploit people and recruit foreign fighters and otherwise, it says look, look at America. Here they've got a guy running for president who is waging war against Islam," Secretary Kerry said on CBS News' "Face the Nation.”

"It's exploitable, whether he intended it or not. And it allows for recruitment. It allows for America to seem like it is indeed discriminatory against Islam, against Muslims."

They also said Gitmo was a recruiting tool for terrorists so they released them a dime a dozen.

And it paid off. Here and abroad terrorism is down to zero!

He also chided Republicans for opposing the climate change agreement that was signed by nearly 200 nations around the world.

"I don't believe you can be elected president of the United States if you don't understand climate change or you're not committed to this kind of a plan," he told ABC, predicting that the American public would not elect a presidential candidate who denies the science of man made climate change.

"I don't think they're going to accept as a genuine leader someone who doesn't understand the science of climate change and isn't willing to do something about it."
