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Monday, January 18, 2016

Linda Tripp reveals Bill Clinton had other affairs including a SECOND White House staffer – and Monica Lewinsky's life was in danger

I'm sure a lot of this is BS. Bill's sex drive was so rampant, and so long lasting, the number of women at the WH now stands at 'thousands' of women'?  

What struck me the most in this piece was Linda Tripp. This was her back in the day.  

Check her out now! She most certainly has gone under the knife.


The woman who exposed Bill Clinton's affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, leading to his impeachment by the House in 1998, went public with a radio interview on Sunday harshly critical of both Clintons during his eight-year presidency.

Linda Tripp, the one-time confidante of Lewinsky who secretly taped her phone conversations and turned them over to a federal prosecutor, said the former president had affairs with 'thousands' of women' - and that the former first lady knew about them.

Tripp also said she went public about the Lewinsky-Clinton affair to save her life, as she was worried at the time that she was in danger.

Tripp made the comments in an interview with investigative radio reporter Aaron Klein on Sunday. In the interview, she also said the president had an ongoing affair with another staffer at the same time as Lewinsky.

Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, shown here in New York City in October, had an affair with President Bill Clinton in the 1990s that eventually led to Clinton's impeachment by the House

I didn't recognize her. Linda Tripp, shown here in an undated photo, slammed the Clinton family in a radio interview on Sunday

Linda Tripp on meeting Monica Lewinsky for the first time.

The former first lady not only knew about her husband's misbehavior, 'She made it her personal mission to disseminate information and destroy the women with whom he dallied,' Tripp said.

("dallied"...Interesting choice of words)

Tripp said Clinton is inappropriately presenting herself as 'a champion of women’s rights worldwide in a global fashion, and yet all of the women she has destroyed over the years to ensure her political viability continues is sickening to me.'

Under questioning by Klein, Tripp said she turned tapes of her conversations with Lewinsky over to independent counsel Kenneth Starr because Lewinsky was threatening Clinton with exposing the affair, putting her and Tripp's lives in danger.

(Probably heard about Vince Foster)

'I say today and I will continue to say that I believe Monica Lewinsky is alive today because of choices I made and action I took,' Tripp told Klein.


The life and times of Reverend Jamal Bryant

Attention-grabbing: Reverend Jamal Bryant gave the eulogy at the funeral for Freddie Gray at New Shiloh Baptist Church on April 27, 2015, in Baltimore. Fellow race baiter Reverend Jesse Jackson, another"reverend" who is no newbie when it comes to out of wedlock children,  looked on in a show of support. Kind of makes you wonder if Cosby missed his true calling.

A little background info on the 'good reverend': 

Bryant has a daughter, Topaz (born in 1998), with an Atlanta woman named Crystal Madison.

He married Hampton University graduate Gizelle Bryant in 2002. They have daughters Grace (born November 2004) and twins Angel & Adore (born April 2006). In summer 2007 rumors exploded in the church that Jamal had gotten a 17-year-old church member pregnant. Church leaders asked him to step down while they initiated an investigation and awaited paternity test results. Jamal only responded that it is a private matter. Months after the investigation, Jamal Bryant remained the pastor of Empowerment Temple.

After Michelle Wedderburn filed for a child support increase, he finally acknowledged that he had fathered a daughter named Naomi with her in 2001.

In January 2008, Gizelle filed for divorce, due to Bryant's extramarital affairs but later cancelled the filing on January 24. In 2010, Gizelle attended Empowerment Temple and was called wife and first lady by Jamal, causing many to wonder if they had divorced. In 2012, Jamal Bryant was interviewed by Roland Martin concerning his affair and divorce where Bryant confirmed that they were divorced, living together, good friends and were co-parenting their children well. He stated in the interview that had he not divorced her he knows he would have been unfaithful again.

Truly a man of the cloth.

Rev Jesse Jackson

Had an out of wedlock child. Son and daughter-in-law both jailed.

Rev Jeremiah Wright

Wright was right about one thing. The chickens did come home to roost. Feb 23rd, 2015 his daughter was sent to jail.

Rev Al Sharpton

Where do you begin? Let's start with $4.5 million in back taxes.

WOW...Just imagine what would have happened had they not been reverends!


Life Under an Iron Fist

On a tip from Ed Kilbane

What an eye opener!!! 

Have seen the story of the Oregon ranchers on the news but must admit I had not been following it until now. What the feds are doing to these people is an atrocity. 

"The Hammonds got in trouble because they started a “backfire,” to burn combustible material, create a “fire break” and protect their home and ranch from a raging fire. They could have been charged under a 1948 law that provides for fines or jail terms up to five years for setting a fire on government lands without permission. But they were not. Instead, the Obama Justice Department charged them under the 1996 Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act – as though what they did, in an honest attempt to protect their property, was an act of deliberate terrorism." 

I knew the government owned a lot of land but after reading the article I didn't know it was to this extent. The Feds own a whopping 28% of the entire 2.27-billion-acre United States! 

I found this map to put things in better perspective.

 (Click to enlarge)

What's going on with these ranchers is reminiscent of the total dominance of the "nonpartisan" ALCU. Some atheist jerk moves to a new town and wants the Manger removed which had been on display for every Christmas since 1942. He wins because the town doesn’t have the money to fight the ACLU just like the ranchers don't have the money to fight the feds.

Oh…and they would be in Gitmo by now had they lived in Colorado and owned the Gold King Mine accidentally blowing a hole through a shaft emptying contaminated water into Animas River. 

Anyone read a story about the EPA being charged with terrorism?

By Paul Driessen

Activists protesting federal land mismanagement and the imprisonment of Dwight and Steven Hammond recently occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters building in Oregon. Some facts, context and perspective may help people understand what’s really going on here. 

At its core, this is about the often callous, iron-fisted hand of the federal government being slammed down on American citizens. Examples abound – from the IRS targeting 200 conservative groups, to the seizure of cars and bank accounts of innocent business owners, to heavily armed Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) agents bursting into Gibson Guitar facilities over phony exotic wood violations, to EPA destroying tens of thousands of coal industry jobs to “prevent climate chaos.” Making these outrages even more intolerable, those responsible are almost never held accountable, much less liable for damages. 

Problems like these can become exponentially worse for people in one of the twelve western states where the federal government controls 30% (Montana), 49% (Oregon) or even 85% (Nevada and Alaska) of all the land. These government lands total 640 million acres: 28% of the entire 2.27-billion-acre United States. 

Though they are often, incorrectly called “public” lands, the “public” has no fundamental right to enter them or utilize their water and other resources. They are federal government reservations, administered and controlled by agencies that increasingly want economic, motorized and many other activities prohibited and eliminated – under laws interpreted, implemented and imposed by officials in the FWS, Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Park Service and other federal agencies. The feds also exercise effective, often punitive control over millions of acres of state and private lands located next to or in the midst of these government fiefdoms. People living in those areas rely on the federal reserves for forage, water, timber, energy, mineral and other resources that are increasingly made off-limits, on the ground that “beneficial uses” might impact wildlife, scenic or environmental values. 

However, millions of people do have valid, existing, longstanding, protected rights to these lands and their resources, in the form of “appurtenances” conveyed to them by deed or will from the first settler or miner. The forage, water rights, range improvements, easements, rights of ways, mineral rights and other property interests that the first settlers created or were granted to these western lands are constitutionally protected and have been preserved in every federal land law ever enacted by Congress. Those rights cannot be summarily taken away – though federal agencies increasingly try to do so. 

As an 1888 congressional report explained, the original idea for these lands involved use and protection: settlements, harvesting of commercial quality trees, watershed protection, and no land monopolies. Various laws allowed mining, oil drilling, ranching, farming and other activities, to supply food, energy and raw material needs, while early environmentalists wanted certain areas preserved as national parks and wilderness. Of course, modern resource use and extraction methods are far more responsible and environmentally sound than their predecessors, so impacts can be much better limited and repaired.

Nevertheless, “wise use” or “multiple use” is under attack, and such uses are now rare or nonexistent across many western and Alaskan government lands. Landowners who remain are barely holding on.
Imagine the feds owning half of Ohio or Pennsylvania – and gradually, systematically closing off access, taking away water and forage rights, banning economic uses, charging higher fees for remaining rights, forcing landowners into years-long courtroom battles, and refusing to pay up when courts order them to compensate owners for attorney fees and lost income. That’s the situation facing rural westerners. 

The Hammonds got in trouble because they started a “backfire,” to burn combustible material, create a “fire break” and protect their home and ranch from a raging fire. They accidentally burned 139 acres of federal land before they put the fire out. Now they are serving five years in prison, even though Senior Federal Judge Michael Hogan felt a year or less was fair and just under the circumstances. 

They could have been charged under a 1948 law that provides for fines or jail terms up to five years for setting a fire on government lands without permission. But they were not. Instead, the Obama Justice Department charged them under the 1996 Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act – as though what they did, in an honest attempt to protect their property, was an act of deliberate terrorism. That law requires a minimum five-year sentence. Judge Hogan’s lighter sentence was thus overruled. 

Why would the DOJ do that? Probably because the feds never forget or forgive. Some years earlier, the Hammonds had removed a barrier the BLM had installed to block access to water they thought was legally theirs. Turns out it was. But they had failed to fully adjudicate their rights to the water – an oversight that they then fixed, thus safeguarding their rights. The Hammonds were also the only ranchers who refused to go along with a BLM “cow-free wilderness” plan. The feds were determined to get even. 

Why would the Hammonds just give up and go back to prison? Because the DOJ wouldn’t budge, and they could not afford the huge expense of continuing to battle a vindictive federal behemoth. So now a middle-aged mom and elderly grandmother must run their 6,000-acre ranch, pay $200,000 more in fines, and hope they can avoid bankruptcy, which would result in BLM getting the Hammond ranch. 

It is absurd, outrageous and infuriating. The Obama DOJ refuses to call Fort Hood, Boston, San Bernardino and other massacres terrorism – but it labels a backfire “terrorism.” But it gets worse. Harney County, Oregon, where the Hammonds live, is over 6.4 million acres (over 10,000 square miles, ten times the size of Rhode Island), and 72% of it is controlled by the federal government. A 2012 wildfire in the county burned 160,000 acres! A 2015 fire in the county next door burned 800,000 acres! 

Still worse, the BLM has often lit fires in Harney County and elsewhere (often on private land) that got out of control, burned extensive private property and even killed cattle. No one can recall the feds ever compensating ranchers for their lost livestock, fences or forage. In 2013, the Forest Service started two “prescribed burns” in South Dakota that blew out of control and torched thousands of acres of federal and private land. No federal employee has ever been prosecuted for any of those destructive fires. 

To top it off, many of these fires are ultimately due to lousy management practices that restrict or prohibit tree cutting, tree thinning and insect control. That leaves vast tinderboxes of dry, rail-thin trees and brush ready to explode in superheated conflagrations that immolate wildlife and incinerate soil nutrients and organisms, ensuring that what’s left gets washed away in storms and spring snow melts. So the feds “protect” our treasured national forests from ranchers and miners by letting them go up in smoke.
But despite all these outrages, and not content with its already vast landholdings, the feds are trying to gain absolute control over all private lands still left in Harney County, and elsewhere. As Congressman Greg Walden noted in a January 5 speech, they are trying to drive ranchers and even joggers out of the Malheur Refuge. Failing that, President Obama might turn 2.5 million acres into a national monument. 

The twisted saga is reminiscent of travesties under Stalin, Mao, Castro and other dictators. And it is just one of hundreds, some of which I will profile in future articles. It’s no wonder people are frustrated and angry – and some support Ammon Bundy and other activists who took over the Malheur headquarters. History will judge whether that peaceful occupation of federal property was wise, helpful or justified. 

But many in the Obama Administration, news media, academia and general public certainly support or justify the seizure of college administrative offices, Occupy Wall Street encampments, and even Black Lives Matter kill-the-cops rants, Ferguson, Missouri riots, Palestinian attacks on Israelis, and Obama BFF Bill Ayers’ criminal activities. John Kerry went so far as to say, with Charlie Hebdo there was “perhaps … a rationale … [and] you could say, okay, they’re really angry because of this and that.” 

So twelve Hebdo staffers murdered by Islamist terrorists is “rational” or excusable, but occupying a federal building is intolerable. We are dealing with a festering, growing, open wound. Congress, the courts and our next president need to heal it, and address the root causes, before things get out of hand.


Arizona GOP group votes to support 'anyone but McCain'

The truth of the matter is if McCain never went into politics Republicans would be better off today.

 If you like McCain not to worry. If he doesn't retire the fools in AZ will reelect him.


TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) — A group of Arizona Republicans are vowing to vote for anyone but U.S. Sen. John McCain in this year's GOP senate primary.

The Republican Party of Maricopa County said Sunday that precinct committeemen approved a resolution to support another candidate.

Maricopa County Chairman Tyler Bowyer said in a statement that the senator's recent vote to increase the national debt while fully funding Planned Parenthood shows he is more aligned with President Barack Obama than Arizona voters.

About 2,000 precinct committeemen made the decision during their annual meeting.

Kelli Ward, a physician from Lake Havasu City, resigned her state Senate seat to run against McCain in the primary.

The same group voted to formally censure McCain two years ago for what they saw as an insufficiently conservative voting record.


'It has been a good day': Obama applauds his own 'smart' diplomacy with Iran claiming the country will NEVER get a nuclear bomb

Make sure you copy this and put it in a safe place. I bet the house he'll live to regret this statement. But with his track record when Iran test fires their first nuke he'll blame the sitting president ("it didn't happen on my watch") unless it's a Democrat, then he'll go to his reliable stand in Bush. 

(Interesting... during press conferences with Josh Earnest reporters repeatedly asked, Why couldn't the WH secure the release of the prisoner/hostages after lifting sanctions and giving Iran $150 billion? Earnest stumbled with remarks like, "it wasn't in the cards" downplaying its significance right and left. But now that they're released it's a "Diplomatic Breakthrough")


President Obama addressed the nation Sunday, saying Iran has been prevented from obtaining a nuclear weapon. 

"Iran will not get its hands on a nuclear bomb. The region, the United States and the world will be more secure," Obama said.

Obama spoke from the White House on Sunday, one day after the United Nations certified that Iran had curbed its nuclear program as promised.

The certification triggered the reversal of billions of dollars of international economic sanctions.

Iran also released four Iranian-Americans for seven Iranians in U.S. prisons as part of a prisoner swap. A fifth American detained in Iran was also sent home to the U.S.

In the rare Sunday address, President Obama said the Iran nuclear deal paved the way for the release of other  diplomatic breakthroughs, including the release of several Americans held  prisoner in Iran and a longstanding dispute between the two countries in international court.

"This is a good day, because once against we're seeing what's possible with strong American diplomacy," Mr. Obama said. "As I said in my State of the Union address, ensuring the security of the United States and the security of our people demands a smart, patient and disciplined approach to the world."

There have been several major developments in the U.S.-Iran relationship over the weekend. On Saturday, the U.S. and Iran announced that four Americans detained in Iran would be released from prison and the U.S. would pardon or drop charges against seven Iranians accused or convicted of violating U.S. sanctions. 

Mr. Obama on Sunday called it a "reciprocal humanitarian gesture."

"These individuals were not charged with terrorism or any violent offenses," the president said. "They are civilians and their release is a one-time gesture to Iran given the unique opportunity offered by this moment and the larger circumstances at play. And it reflects our willingness to engage with Iran to advance our mutual interests, even as we ensure the national security of the United States."

Iran has also promised to cooperate with the U.S. to locate Robert Levinson, the ex-CIA contractor who disappeared in Iran in 2007. The U.S. will drop Interpol "red notices," which amount to arrest warrants, on 14 Iranian fugitives.

"We will never forget about Bob. Each and every day, and especially today, our hearts are with the Levinson family and we will not rest until their family is whole again," Mr. Obama said.

Separate from the deal on prisoners, the U.S. and European Union lifted economic sanctions on Iran after the head of the U.N. nuclear agency affirmed that Iran was in compliance with the landmark nuclear deal reached with six world powers.


Sunday, January 17, 2016

Oscars 2016: Al Sharpton criticizes lack of diversity, urges boycott

Check out this asshole!

No Oscar for blacks...Wrong.
BET awards just fine. 

Coming to a town near you.


The Rev. Al Sharpton sharply criticized the Affirmative Action Awards, I mean the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, on Friday for the lack of diversity among this year’s Oscar nominees, and the Los Angeles chapter of his National Action Network is calling for a boycott of the upcoming awards show.

“Hollywood is like the Rocky Mountains, the higher up you get the whiter it gets,” Sharpton said in a statement, “and this year’s Academy Awards will be yet another Rocky Mountain Oscars. Yet again, deserving black actors and directors were ignored by the academy — which reinforces the fact that there are few if any blacks with real power in Hollywood. Being left out of awards consideration is about more than just recognition for a job well done; winning an Oscar has long-lasting cultural and economic impacts. Nominations should be based on race, not performance."

A possible reason:

OSCAR SHOCKER 2013! 9 Year Old Black Girl Nominated For Best Actress

How do you pronounce Quvenzhane' Wallis? 

(Pretty little girl  but her name required a tutorial before the nomination)

Video 205

After addressing the Academy the head of MSNBC weighed in saying his "network is being race hustled" after cutting Al's show (PoliticsNation) from five days a week down to one on Sunday morning at 8:00 am. "According to the Neilsen ratings besides Tawana Brawley and Keith Olbermann, only five other people watch the show. And he still can't read a teleprompter." He added, "We didn't want to get embroiled in a lawsuit if we fired him. We held out hope the IRS would have arrested him by now but nothing ever happened. Probably because of his connections to the WH."

For the second year in a row, all 20 acting nominees are white. In the directing category, there is only one person of color (Alejandro G. Iñárritu) and no women. And for best picture, no films with predominantly black casts (such as Creed or Straight Outta Compton) are in the running.

Taking umbrage over Sharpton's comment, John Riggins Hall of Fame running back tweeted: "The pot calling the kettle black. I don't think it's fair. Why are the top ten running backs of all time black? So what if they got more yardage than me!" 

In response, NAN L.A. is urging a nationwide “TV tune-out” of the Oscars show, which is to air Feb. 28.

“The lack of African Americans and women excluded from the major categories of Oscar nominees is appalling,” said Najee Ali, NAN L.A.’s political director, in a statement.

Sharpton’s statement added that NAN is convening a Hollywood summit next month “to bring light to those studios and others in the film industry who aren’t living up to their obligations. We will not sit idly by and allow our community to be disregarded. A black person is deserving of an Oscar. Obviously, Hollywood is unaware of Affirmative Action.”

The Academy did not immediately respond to request for comment. However, in an attempt to defuse the situation the head of the NCAA named Cardale Jones the most articulate quarterback in all of college football. Meanwhile, MSNBC moved PoliticsNation to 3:00 am. Sunday.


Saturday, January 16, 2016

Iran reportedly frees 4 U.S. prisoners, including Jason Rezaian, in swap


Very happy with this latest development. 

But it does bring this to mind. As it turned out this was basically another hostage situation with Iran winning again. Who has better negotiation skills Iran or the U.S.? Giving them $150 billion wasn't enough! We had to throw in six Iranian-Americans held on charges related to sanctions.

 They can read us like a book thanks to the guy who authored:


Iran has freed four prisoners from the United States, including Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian, Iran's semi-official FARS news agency reported Saturday, quoting Tehran's prosecutor.

According to FARS, it has freed Rezaian, Marine veteran Amir Hekmati and Christian pastor Saeed Abedini, who had been held on various charges. The news agency did not name the fourth person released.

The release is part of a prisoner swap deal in which the United States reportedly freed six Iranian-Am ericans held on charges related to sanctions against Iran, FARS said.


The kiss of death

Lindsey Graham endorses Jeb Bush for president

The South Carolina senator's support is a major get for Bush's flailing campaign.

CHARLESTON, S.C. — Sen. Lindsey Graham on Friday endorsed Jeb Bush for president, a major get for the former Florida governor who has struggled to gain traction in the contest. 

"Honored to have @GrahamBlog on our team. A proven leader with a clear understanding of the national security threats we face," Bush tweeted on Friday morning. Later when approached by reporters he added, "If only we could get Jim Gilmore to get out of the race and endorse me it would send my campaign over the top." 

The GOP field had been scrambling to secure the support of Graham and his backers, all four of them, since the hawkish South Carolina senator, an influential foreign policy voice, dropped out of the race last month. The former governor is looking to make South Carolina, along with New Hampshire, a key state in his push for the Republican nomination.

But there are questions about how much of an impact the endorsement will have on Bush's political fortunes at this point since he and Grahamnesty both support open borders. With his long family history in politics and a deep reservoir of campaign cash, Bush began the primary race as the frontrunner but has fallen into the middle of the GOP pack, far behind poll leaders Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. With just over two weeks until the Iowa caucuses, though, Bush's advisers hope that Graham's endorsement will give him a shot of momentum. One of Bush's top advisors stated, "We have the momentum now. Our staff is putting in calls to Pataki, Walker, and Rick Perry as I speak." He lamented, "If only Arlen was alive."  

After Graham's withdrawal in late December, Bush moved quickly to snap up his supporters, including David H. Wilkins, who chaired Graham's finance team, and some of the co-chairs of Graham's state finance operation — Eddie Floyd, Anita Zucker and Bob Royall. Bush's quick action saved all four from the application desk at Walmart. Graham at the time said he wasn't ready to endorse and was instead focused on the coming holidays drinking plenty of Almond Schnapps with his best friend John McCain to discuss importing more illegals into the United States. Lieberman was supposed to join them but was busy at a ribbon-cutting ceremony at a new PP abortion clinic.

Graham waged a longshot bid for the nomination, presenting himself as a strong foreign policy leader. But he barely registered at the polls, despite delivering memorable zingers during the undercard debates. To ISIS in a show of strength he said, "They're ready to die. Bring on the virgins." Not realizing he would be one of the 72.

When he exited the race, he touted his influence on pushing his hawkish stance. “I got into this race to put forward a plan to win a war that we cannot afford to lose and to turn back the tide of isolationism that was rising in our party. I believe we made enormous progress in this effort," Graham said at the time. On Russian President Vladimir Putin he said, "I'm not afraid of a guy running around on a horse without a shirt." Probably because he's got a guy running around the house without pants.

The endorsement will come on the heels of the sixth GOP debate in South Carolina that was dominated by the feuding between Trump and Cruz. Bush attempted to put the fight to Trump, following his chiding of the real estate mogul as a “chaos candidate”. "Don't be concerned with me just keep attacking Marco in your ads keeping you firmly entrenched in 5th place". Trump responded. Bush and Carson learned the lesson of debating skills during the last primetime showdown, as the two poll leaders brawled with each other.

Bruce Haynes, president of Purple Strategies, on Friday, expressed doubt that Graham's endorsement would reverberate, noting the breakdown in hierarchical politics in South Carolina. "The latest trends in South Carolina suggest it won't mean much," Haynes tweeted. Trump also fired off a tweet, "Getting an endorsement from Lindsey Graham is like getting the thumbs up sign from Charlie Sheen after dating your daughter."

He said that in the current climate, the more valuable endorsement would be from political figures who have risen from the grassroots, including Sen. Tim Scott, Rep. Trey Gowdy, and Gov. Nikki Haley. While Gowdy has thrown his support behind Rubio, Scott and Haley remain uncommitted, although Haley couldn't resist stabbing Trump in the back then wiping the blood off with the confederate flag after the SOTU. Scott is expected to announce an endorsement in the coming weeks hoping of becoming Carson's VP giving new meaning to the phrase... hope springs eternal.


Friday, January 15, 2016

This piece disgusts me in more ways then one

Planned Parenthood files federal lawsuit over undercover videos

We have all seen the despicable videos on TV and I have posted a few on THR. For someone to believe they're talking about something other than selling baby parts would have to be out of their mind. The callousness of the "sale" bartering about their organs as if they were strolling through the mall window shopping for jeans and sweaters is what struck me.

The second thing that pisses me off is the House and Senate. After all the hoopla with the videos plastered all over TV and the internet, Republicans coming forward, some Democrats, denouncing PP with cries to defund them and what was the end result? They funded PP. I can't stand Democrats but one thing I have to say their party delivers for their constituents. They delivered Obamacare, the stimulus bill, same-sex marriage. Republicans took over the House in 2010 the Senate in 2014. What they deliver to their constituents could be summed up in two words.

Jack Shit.


Planned Parenthood filed a federal court lawsuit Thursday alleging extensive criminal misconduct by the anti-abortion activists who produced undercover videos targeting the handling of fetal tissue at some Planned Parenthood clinics.

"The people behind this fraud lied and broke the law in order to spread malicious lies about Planned Parenthood," said Dawn Laguens, the organization's executive vice president. "This lawsuit exposes the elaborate, illegal conspiracy designed to block women's access to safe and legal abortion."

The anti-abortion activists, who named their group the Center for Medical Progress, began releasing a series of covertly recorded videos in July alleging that Planned Parenthood sold fetal tissue to researchers for a profit in violation of federal law.

Planned Parenthood has denied any wrongdoing, saying a handful of its clinics provided fetal tissue for research while receiving only permissible reimbursement for costs. The lawsuit says the videos were the result of numerous illegalities, including making recordings without consent, registering false identities with state agencies and violating non-disclosure agreements.

The civil lawsuit was filed on Thursday in U.S. District Court in San Francisco. It seeks compensatory and punitive damages, as well as legal fees. A Planned Parenthood lawyer, Beth Parker, declined to estimate how much money would be sought, but it said the amount would include extra money spent since the videos' release on additional security for Planned Parenthood clinics.

David Daleiden, a founder of the Center for Medical Progress who oversaw the video operation, said he looked forward to confronting Planned Parenthood officials in court.

"My response is: Game on," he said in an email. "I look forward to deposing all the CEOs, medical directors, and their co-conspirators who participated in Planned Parenthood's illegal baby body parts racket."

(I'd pay to watch this)

The lawsuit alleges that Daleiden and several collaborators, including longtime anti-abortion activist Troy Newman, "engaged in a complex criminal enterprise to defraud Planned Parenthood." The suit contends that the Center for Medical Progress violated the Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organization Act (known as the RICO Act), engaging in wire fraud, mail fraud, invasion of privacy, illegal secret recording and trespassing.

According to the suit, Daleiden, Newman, and other defendants used aliases, obtained fake government IDs and formed a fake tissue procurement company, Biomax, in order to gain access to private medical conferences and health care centers, and to tape private professional conversations of medical providers.

The videos provoked an outcry from the anti-abortion movement and prompted numerous investigations of Planned Parenthood by Republican-led committees in Congress and by GOP-led state governments. Thus far, none of the investigations has turned up wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood in regard to fetal tissue research, but Republicans in Congress and in several states are seeking to cut off government funding to the organization.

The videos created a "poisonous environment" in which Planned Parenthood staffers were targeted with hate mail and death threats, said Parker, the organization's lawyer. She cited the attack in November on a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado in which three people were killed; the man arrested in the shooting depicted himself in court as a "warrior for the babies."


Thursday, January 14, 2016

Kurt Russell talks about gun control

I'm sure Hollywood went into a collective Grand Mall Seizure when this video came out!

This video contains two separate videos where Kurt Russell talks about gun control.

The first is The View, where he talks about the 2nd Amendment and why we have always needed to protect ourselves from tyrannical governments depicted by actual history. 

The second interview is with Jeffery Wells... a bleeding heart liberal. It's better than The View!

Video 204
