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Friday, May 27, 2016

And the winner is......

Recently there was an amateur art contest in the Netherlands, and people were invited to create a work of art depicting the current era of multiculturalism in Europe — a depiction of their experience in the modern ‘melting pot’. This was the winner:


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Pocahontas back in the news

'Populist' Senator Elizabeth Warren made a quarter-million dollars flipping houses

Pocahontas... direct quote: 

“Donald Trump was drooling over the idea of a housing meltdown because it meant he could buy up a bunch more property on the cheap,” Warren said. “What kind of a man does that? Root for people to get thrown out on the street? Root for people to lose their jobs? Root for people to lose their pensions? Root for two little girls in Clark County, Nevada, to end up living in a van? What kind of a man does that?

“I’ll tell you exactly what kind,” Warren continued. “A man who cares about no one but himself. A small, insecure money-grubber who doesn’t care who gets hurt, so long as he makes some money off it. What kind of man does that? A man who will never be president of the United States.”

(Kind of makes you want to puke)


House flipping is commonly defined as the practice of buying and selling a home within six months, as the future senator did with the Hickman property. Warren held onto at least four other properties for longer periods, sometimes waiting a year before relinquishing ownership and, at other times, as long as seven years.

Warren bought two homes after they'd fallen into foreclosure. And though she spent money fixing up the Hickman home before selling it, records suggest she sold others at a significant profit without making any meaningful upgrades.

In 1993, Warren bought a foreclosed property on N.W. 14th Street in Oklahoma City for $4,000. National Review attempted to contact the couple who had owned it. No phone number or email could be found on record for them, and they did not respond to a letter mailed to their last known address, in Colorado. No public records could be found elaborating on the events that led to the foreclosure of their home. 

In 2004, Warren transferred the home to her brother, John Herring, and his wife, who sold it for $30,000 in 2006, a 650 percent increase over what Warren initially paid for it. Neither Warren nor her brother filed any permits to make improvements. 

In June 1993, Warren bought another foreclosed property in Oklahoma City, this one on West Wilshire Boulevard, for $61,000 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Because properties purchased from HUD are sold as is, and because foreclosed homes can have damage ranging from simple poor upkeep to stripped copper, "the only reason you do that is for profit," says Steve Stout, residential field supervisor at the Oklahoma County Assessor's Office.

A year after buying the foreclosed property on West Wilshire Boulevard, Warren also bought the house next door for $72,000. Despite filing no building permits to renovate at either property, Warren pocketed $34,000 in profits when she sold the first house in December 1994, and she and her husband, Bruce Mann, made an additional $32,000 when they sold the one next door in 1998.

How can she reconcile her populist rhetoric with flipping houses? She can't, of course, which is why she has refused to comment on the NRO story. Populists like Warren can't stand to be exposed as hypocrites, and given her lecturing and hectoring about the rich preying on the poor and middle class, it just wouldn't do to have it be known that she was as greedy and grasping as any enthusiastic capitalist out there.


Liberal hypocrisy at its finest


Friday, May 13, 2016

Gives new meaning to... 'Can't find your ass with both hands'


These are the class of people who are on the right side of history. The people who will exercise their right in November to vote for Hill-Zilla or the "Socialist" obviously possessed with all the knowledge they'll ever need in making this intelligent decision.  

Millennials...the future of America.

Video 245

I've been getting flak  lately about Republicans sitting out the election is a vote for Killary. They say no it's not "they're voting their conscience" .

Your candidate didn't win so you're not voting for Trump is one thing, actively campaigning against the GOP nominee IS  another. This ain't rocket science. If a significate number in the base of the GOP, who always vote Republican, decide to "sit it out" in effect they're voting for Killary.

It’s either Trump or Clinton. There is no “Messiah” coming to save the GOP. Didn’t we already experience the second coming in 2008? 

Trump was not my first choice either. Worse case scenario if he's a total disaster he could be impeached. 

I mean, it’s not like he’s a Democrat.


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Chaos Theory and unexpected catastrophic consequences....

On a tip from Ed Kilbane

In Chaos Theory, the butterfly effect is the name given to the sensitive connection between initial conditions in which an insignificant event in one state in non-linear systems can result in sometimes catastrophic events in the universal state. 

In other words, although unlikely, it is possible for a butterfly flapping its wings in Texas to cause a typhoon in the Japanese Sea. 

Case in point, in mid-20th Century America, an 18-year-old hippie freshman in a Honolulu college had sex with an older alcoholic Kenyan on a student visa, who had a wife and child back in Africa. 

And this less than significant event started the collapse and dissolution of the United States of America.
