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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Attorney General Lynch has private meeting with Bill Clinton

The title of this FOX story is somewhat misleading. It suggests they met in a back room somewhere. Supposedly, Lynch and Clinton just happened to bump into each other at the Phoenix airport. Happens all the time right? I remember bumping into Barry at O'Hare International where he tried to bum a cigarette. I told him I didn't smoke.

Later he got one from a porter.

The crux of this story is something I didn't know. Check out the last sentence. She is where she is today (head of the DOJ) in large part because of Bill Clinton. 

What do you think the prospects are of her indicting his wife?


Attorney General Loretta Lynch met privately with former President Bill Clinton in Arizona on Tuesday, but Ms. Lynch told reporters that the two didn’t discuss the investigation into his wife’s email use as secretary of state.

Ms. Lynch said at a press conference that the Clinton meeting was unplanned. Mr. Clinton was apparently waiting to fly out of the Phoenix airport when Ms. Lynch’s plane coincidentally landed there. The former president then walked over to the attorney general’s plane to speak to Ms. Lynch and her husband.

“Our conversation was a great deal about his grandchildren. It was primarily social and about our travels,” Ms. Lynch told reporters in Phoenix on Tuesday.

“We talked about former Attorney General Janet Reno, for example, whom we both know, but there was no discussion of any matter pending for the department or any matter pending for any other body. There was no discussion of Benghazi, no discussion of the State Department emails, by way of example,” she said.

The two did discuss the recent vote in the U.K. to leave the European Union, but the Justice Department isn’t involved in that issue, she said.

An aide to Bill Clinton said no topics were discussed beyond what was described by Ms. Lynch. A spokesman for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

But others suggested the meeting could send the wrong message. “It’s probably ill-advised because it does create the appearance of impropriety,” said Ken Sukhia, a former U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Florida who is now running for Congress as a Republican. “You don’t necessarily have to talk about the subject to garner some good will [from prosecutors] by having that kind of conversation.”

Mr. Clinton nominated Ms. Lynch as U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, a position she held from 1999 to 2001.


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Clinton censoring media? Tell-all book about Hillary Clinton banned from broadcast networks after she deems it ‘trash’

Saw Gary Byrne on FOX this morning. He claims he was booked on all the major networks to discuss his new book until Killary made a few phone calls. Is he lying? I don't know.

But I do know he's not lying about this.

Video 253

As usual, this case was suppressed by the MSM. A spokesman for Killary came forth and simply said, "she misspoke". Case dismissed. 
Now think about that for a moment! 'Misspoke' in this case is like trying to cover an elephant with a handkerchief.


ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN have all allegedly agreed to ban former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne from appearing on their networks despite the fact his damning Clinton tell-all book is already a bestseller. The book, Crisis of Character, hasn’t been released yet, but it is already a bestseller. However, all major networks have agreed to keep Byrne out of the spotlight as Hillary Clinton calls his book “trash for cash.”

The Daily Mail reports that Hillary Clinton’s words apparently carry weight when it comes to all of the major networks. With a scathing tell-all book about Clinton slated to be released next week, Clinton has called the book “trash,” noting that any network that allows the former Secret Service agent on the air is helping “spread lies.” Therefore, all of the major networks have declined interviews with Byrne and have agreed to keep him off of their programs.

The publication also claims that Hillary Clinton and her campaign are responsible for having the book blocked and that Gary Byrne has been barred from promoting his book on all major networks.

Meanwhile, there is a lot of interest in the story which is evident by the book’s ability to become a bestseller even before it was actually released. In fact, Crisis of Character was listed as a bestseller a week before it was released and is already No. 2 on Amazon’s book list for the month of June. Despite all of the interest in the book, Byrne will have to stick to cable networks for promotion.

The controversy over the book stems from the fact that many higher ranking Secret Service members have claimed that Byrne’s accounts are inaccurate and that it would have been impossible for the man to see the things he describes in the book due to his low rank. It was revealed that while Byrne was a Secret Service agent during Bill Clinton’s presidency, he was a “plain clothes agent” which was described as the lowest level agent in the White House. Therefore, Secret Service officials say there is no way that Byrne would have come close enough to Bill Clinton to see the things described in his book.

“One must question the veracity and content of any book which implies that its author played such an integral part of so many [claimed] incidents. Any critique of management by one who has never managed personnel or programs resounds hollow. Additionally, why would an employee wait in excess of ten years after terminating his employment with the Service to make his allegations public?”

Others note that even if Byrne did not witness some of the alleged incidents first-hand, he may have been retelling stories he was told by other agents.

“Did Gary Byrne hear an anecdotal story being told by a couple of agents? Maybe. But did Gary Byrne see it the way he’s purporting to have seen it? No way. That’s a lifetime worth of events this individual saw in a very short amount of time.”

As Byrne reportedly exposes the Clinton family secrets, Hillary Clinton is not standing by and allowing the “spread of lies.” Instead, the Clinton campaign team has informed all of the major networks that the book is “trash” and encouraged them not to allow Byrne on their programs. The networks have obliged but refused to give any comments on the issue.

Meanwhile, Fox News had Byrne on their network, with the former Secret Service agent appearing on The Sean Hannity Show for his first public interview following the book’s release.

What do you think about Hillary Clinton’s campaign asking networks to ban the anti-Clinton author from their networks?

Well in case there was any doubt it does show you who their in the tank for.


John Kerry says ISIS attacked Istanbul airport because they are 'desperate' and 'know they are losing'

Yes the 'JV' team has struck again. They successfully killed upwards of 50 people at the Istanbul airport. So what to do? Call it "an act of despair in the face of defeat". How could you possibly come up with this absurd statement!?!
So the Paris attack, Brussels, the downed Russian airliner, San Bernardino, Orlando etc, is ISIS showcasing their weakness in the face of defeat?


Secretary Of State John Kerry said ISIS had begun targeting airports as an act of despair in the face of defeat, hours after the attack that left up to 50 dead in Istanbul, Turkey.

How does he come up with this distinction? If this took place at a busy shopping mall would it still be "an act of despair in the face of defeat"? 

No one immediately claimed responsibility for the shootings and bombings at Ataturk airport but Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said all initial indications pointed to ISIS.

Kerry spoke about the attack Tuesday evening while at the Aspen Ideas Festival in Colorado, referring to ISIS as Daesh, CBS News reported.

'It has been more than one year since Daesh has actually launched a full scale military offensive, and that's because our coalition is moving relentlessly on every front,' he said.

Really...Guess he hasn't been keeping up with the news lately.

Secretary of State John Kerry (pictured in London Monday) said that ISIS had begun targeting airport because they felt desperate in the face of defeat, after the attack that left up to 50 dead in Istanbul, Turkey

'Now, yes, you can bomb an airport, you can blow yourself up. That's the tragedy,' Kerry continued. 

'And if you're desperate and if you know you are losing, and you know you want to give up your life, then obviously you can do some harm.'

Wait a minute. Muslims blowing themselves up is supposed to be some sort of anomaly? A day doesn't go by without a Muslim blowing them self up somewhere in the world. During Ramadan, if they could, they'd blow them self up twice... (72x2=144 virgins)

The Secretary Of State said officials were still collecting information and trying to determine what happened and who perpetrated the attack.

Three terrorists sprayed the crowd with bullets before detonating three bombs, injuring more than 140 people.

The death toll was expected to rise to 50 as of Tuesday night according to Turkish authorities. 

'I won't comment further on it except to say that this is daily fare and that's why I say the first challenge we need to face is countering non-state violent actors, for a host of reasons,' Kerry added Tuesday.

daily fare...? 
So now he states this goes on every day! They 'fail' daily in despair? Hate to see what the fuck would happen if they were winning.

The attackers arrived at the airport in a taxi Tuesday before the attacks, according to Yildirim, who said the three opened fire before blowing themselves up. 

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged other nations to join the fight against terror after the attack.

He said: 'If states, as all humanity, fail to join forces and wage a joint fight against terrorist organisations, all the possibilities that we dread in our minds will come true one by one.'


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Obama Refuses to Answer Benghazi Questions

Before you read the story below I thought I would help sift the lies from the truth.

This comes from an administration who tried to change history by redacting any reference to Islamic terrorism from the 911 call in Orlando.

"It was the video" was nothing more than a ruse to protect his re-election prospects and the Muslim killers. You are a complete fool if you believe otherwise. If he had the audacity to call Ft Hood workplace violence and change the 911 call before your very eyes what do you think he's capable of doing behind you back?

And when it comes to Killary...

Republicans should play the hell out of this.

Video 91 old

And then there's this:

Democrats’ Benghazi Report Mentions Donald Trump 23 Times For Some Reason

How could this be you say...he had absolutely nothing to do with it?

He did if you're the MSM!


The White House accused Republicans of peddling 'wild conspiracy theories' about the Benghazi terrorist attack on Monday. 

A House committee charged with investigating the 2012 assault on the U.S. consulate in Libya asked President Barack Obama to answer a list of questions testing his knowledge about the onslaught.

The president's chief counsel refused, saying in a letter to the committee's chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, that Republicans raised 'serious questions about the legitimacy' of their investigation with the inquiry.

The White House accused Republicans of peddling 'wild conspiracy theories' about the Benghazi terrorist attack on Monday. A House committee charged with investigating the 2012 assault on the U.S. consulate in Libya asked President Barack Obama to answer a list of questions testing his knowledge about the onslaught

Gowdy's committee responded negatively, setting off a spokesman for the president in a briefing with reporters today.

'Republicans have been investigating this exhaustively, and with each turn of the crank, they are unable to prove to the wild conspiracy theories they have been proffering for years,' said White House official Eric Schultz said.

'So it’s not surprising to me that Republicans want to look at every possible crevice for a new conspiracy,' he stated. 'Unfortunately, when they do so, they come up with nothing.'

White House counsel Neil Eggleston said in the letter to the committee that Obama would not answer their questions, some of which the White House says legislators asked already knew the answer to.

Eggleston posted in the letter, first reported by Politico, 'If the president were to answer your questions, his response would suggest that Congress has the unilateral power to demand answers from the president about his official acts.' 

Eggleston advised the president not to talk to lawmakers for their probe, having already submitted a detailed readout of the president's movements the night of the September 12, 2012 assault.

His staff also answered availed itself to the committee and answered specific questions themselves.

White House lawyers asserted there was no evidence that Obama ordered the National Security Council 'to delay taking action' the night of the battle. 

The president told his secretary of defense to 'immediately ordered the military to deploy all available assets,' a May 11 letter to the committee said.

'Any claim that the president was not fully engaged and informed the night of the attacks and any doubt about his direction that any and all action be taken to assist our people under attack are unfounded and belied by the facts,' the letter read.

Gowdy, who had told the White House all along that he planned to send the president a series of written questions, was not satisfied and continued to pursue a response directly from Obama.

The president's lawyer declined the request, upsetting House Republicans. They're accusing Obama of stonewalling their probe.

A spokesman for the committee in chastised Obama in a statement sent to Politico for taking time last week to talk to New York Yankee Derek Jeter but not lawmakers. 

'It's no surprise President Obama would rather take questions from Derek Jeter than answer questions for the American people about the Benghazi terrorist attacks,' Jamal Ware said, 'which followed what he himself has called his worst mistake — failing to plan for what happened after the State Department pushed U.S. intervention in Libya.'

Ware said the White House's 'fictional narrative' about the reasons it would not submit answers to the House committee's questions is just 'the latest chapter of the story it has been spinning since 2012.'

Four Americans died in the assault, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens. 

The special committee on Benghazi has been looking into the terrorist attack for more than two years, since May of 2014.

'I know Republicans don’t want to believe that photo,' he said, referencing a picture the White House released four months after the attack of Obama being briefing in the Oval. 'Maybe they think it’s photoshopped, maybe they think it was faked. But it is 100 percent authentic'

Republicans on the committee say they questions they tried to ask Obama are not duplicate and have not received a definite response. 

For instance, the White House said Obama was briefed on the attack at 5 pm Eastern. It did not say when he first became aware of the violence, which began at approximately 3:42 pm.

It's due to issue its final report soon, possibly before the Republican and Democratic National Conventions in July.

House Democrats on the committee today released a minority report to counter the official review, which they expect to be critical of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president. 

'We have been hampered in our work by the ongoing Republican obsession with conspiracy theories that have no basis in reality,' the committee's Democrats said in their document. 'Rather than reject these conspiracy theories in the absence of evidence - or in the face of hard facts --Select Committee Republicans embraced them and turned them into a political crusade.'

Democrats said they wanted to put those 'conspiracy theories' to bed 'once and for all and return the focus to where it belongs—on the goal of improving the security of Americans serving abroad.'

The president's spokesman made a similar argument today.

'I know Republicans don’t want to believe that photo,' he said, referencing a picture the White House released four months after the attack of Obama being briefing in the Oval.

'Maybe they think it’s photoshopped, maybe they think it was faked. But it is 100 percent authentic.'


Monday, June 27, 2016

Only in this administration

Immigration boss who barred feds from terror suspect up for award, but agency won't say why

I know why. This administration didn't want it to leak out she was granted this administatration highest achievement...
I'll Do Anything To Help The Muslim Cause award. 

A U.S. immigration official blamed in a federal report for barring law enforcement agents from a suspect in the San Bernardino terror attack has been nominated for a prestigious agency award – but her bosses in Washington refuse to say what she did to earn consideration.

Irene Martin heads the San Bernardino U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services office, where last December, she allegedly blocked five armed Department of Homeland Security agents from the man authorities say supplied the firepower in the deadly attack a day earlier. Although an Inspector General's report found she acted improperly, and then lied to investigators, has learned she has been nominated for the Secretary’s Award for Valor.

“To give Irene Martin an award for valor is insulting to all the prior awardees – the agents and officers who truly displayed valor and risked their lives to save someone else,” said Jessica Vaughan, director of Policy Studies for the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington-based research institute.

Department of Homeland Security officials declined to say what Martin did to merit consideration for the award, which is described as “the highest departmental recognition for extraordinary acts of valor by an employee or group, occurring while on or off duty” and is reserved for “those who have demonstrated extraordinary courage in a highly dangerous, life-threatening situation or emergency under extreme stress and involving a specific act of valor, such as saving another person’s life or property.”

Doesn't everyone get an award for blocking 5 armed Department of Homeland Security agents from investigating this dickhead? 

Surprised Holder didn't snap up the guns and sell them to the Mexican Cartels.

Past valor award recipients include government employees who have saved people from burning cars, sinking ships and weapon- wielding assailants. was told the information could only be released in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, which has been lodged.

Martin was blamed for touching off a turf war that came to light when whistle blowers told Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., about the tense, Dec. 3, 2015 incident. It came a day after Tashfeen Malik and Syed Farook killed 14 and wounded 22 in the terror attack. Authorities believe Enrique Marquez, who had an appointment with Martin's staff when the authorities showed up, gave them the guns used in the attack.

The potential award for Martin was announced on a conference call from high-ranking USCIS officials in Washington during a staff meeting held at the San Bernardino office where Martin also was present, sources told The USCIS and the agents who had been sent to detain Marquez are part of DHS.

The nomination from Martin’s superiors was stunning to staff members because it was announced just days after a June 1 DHS Inspector General’s report found Martin improperly hindered the work of five armed agents on site just 24 hours after the attack.

Johnson held two Senate hearings about the incident in May and requested that the Inspector General’s investigation.

The report noted DHS agents were sent to the USCIS building to arrest Marquez, who authorities were frantically trying to track down the day after the terror attack at an office Christmas party. Marquez, it turned out, had not shown up for his scheduled appointment at the USCIS building, but Martin kept agents waiting 30 minutes before meeting with them, and another hour before she turned over the USCIS file on Marquez.

Marquez was eventually arrested and is being held on charges related to supplying the guns as well as marriage fraud.

Martin also lied to the Inspector General’s investigators, according to the June 6 report, about her role in what has been characterized as a turf battle. Lying to federal investigators is a felony and can result in dismissal and criminal charges.

(Not in this administration)

“We concluded that the USCIS Field Office Director at the San Bernardino office improperly delayed … agents from conducting a lawful and routine law enforcement action,” the report stated. “We have also concluded that the Field Office Director was not candid with OIG investigators during her interview.”

Arlen Morales, spokesman for the DHS Inspector General, would not confirm whether his agency had made a potential criminal referral involving Martin’s testimony to the US Department of Justice, saying the Inspector General does not discuss any ongoing work.

Vaughan suspects the award could be a further politicization of the Dec. 3 incident, which left DHS law enforcement officials furious and at a disadvantage as they tried to close in on any accomplices to the Dec. 2 terror attack.

“Irene Martin’s nomination for this valor award is scandalous,” said Vaughan.

No Surprise... it just falls in line with all the rest of them which the MSM won't touch with a 10-foot pole.
