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Monday, November 21, 2016

Time for thrashing the MSM liberal dogs

Trump's TV summit: The Donald summons network executives and anchors from 'the dishonest media' to Trump Tower

The summons included FOX but couldn't find Geraldo Rivera anywhere in the photos. 


Donald Trump met with executives and on-air anchors from the major television news networks in the United States on Monday afternoon at Trump Tower.

The surprise get-together came as a shock given some of the comments Trump made during his campaign about the 'dishonest media,' and was not mentioned in a mid-morning conference call that his transition team held with reporters.

It was organized by Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, who was also in attendance on Monday and demanded that the discussions that took place be off the record.

Representatives from CNN, Fox News, NBC, ABC and CBS will file in to Trump Tower for the sit-down with Trump and Conway.

Gayle King was seen exiting Trump Tower after meeting with the President-elect and other members of the media on Monday

Face the Nation host John Dickerson arrives at Trump Tower alongside CBS This Morning anchor Charlie Rose

NBC Nightly News host Lester Holt arriving just before the 1pm meeting on Monday

CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer (center) smiles as he enters Trump Tower, standing next to NBC News president Deborah Turness (with her back to camera in fur coat)

Jeff Zucker, the president of CNN, was also on hand for the meeting, which Trump transition team members would not give any information about

The entire meeting will be conducted 'off the record,' meaning attendees must promise not to report on what is said or who is in the room.

Past presidents and presidents-elect have held similar meetings, but they were easier to keep secret since attendees didn't have to tromp through a landmark gold-encrusted marble office lobby in full view of TV cameras managed by the same media companies that took part. 

ABC News was represented by president James Goldston and anchors George Stephanopoulos, David Muir, and Martha Raddatz.

Nightly News host Lester Holt and Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd were on hand for NBC News, along with president Deborah Turness.

And rounding out the broadcast network presence at the meeting was Face the Nation host John Dickerson and the entire CBS This Morning team of Charlie Rose, Gayle King and Norah O'Donnell. 

CNN president Jeff Zucker attended with on-air talent Wolf Blitzer and Erin Burnett.

Fox News had a handful of executives present at the meeting, including co-presidents Bill Shine and Jack Abernathy, vice president of news and editorial Jay Wallace and Suzanne Scott, the vice president of programming and development at the network.

MSNBC president Phil Griffin was there for his network.

Tight-lipped transition officials wouldn't discuss the purpose for the meeting on Monday afternoon.

But it's expected that the Trump team would make a cease-fire overture to end his campaign's war on the press.

Trump referred to America's political press corps as 'the dishonest media, 'the most dishonest people' and 'unbelievable liars' while he ran for president, often drawing sternum-rattling boos and storms of shouted insults from his rally crowds.

Donald Trump's adviser Kellyanne Conway called a meeting on Monday with the president-elect and TV executives and anchors

Trump has 59 days left to solidify his personnel choices, but he's taking time out to set ground rules with the media he once lambasted as 'liars'

Trump Tower is once again transition-central following a weekend of meetings at Trump's golf course in New Jersey

He also referred to specific reporters as 'sleaze' and 'slime' when he thought their pro-Hillary Clinton biases were showing, and sometimes named them from the podium while thousands jeered.

The president-elect hasn't held a press conference since late July.

Questions are also swirling about what his administration might do to redefine the White House's relationship with the media.

Print, wire and broadcast reporters currently get the benefit of a lengthy on-camera briefing from a spokesperson every day, along with the chance to send a representative to follow the president everywhere in a 'protective pool.'

The pool makes note of everything from presidential small-talk to the exact time, down to the minute, he leaves and enters the White House or individual rooms inside.

Mike McCurry, who served as press secretary to President Bill Clinton, told National Journal last week that both institutions should be re-thought. 

He explained that it was a mistake for him to implement the televised briefings without any restrictions.

McCurry also said that '[t]he idea of nonstop body-watch pool coverage is a bit ridiculous.' 

Trump has yet to take questions from the assembled press corps in a formal news conference setting since his Election Day triumph.

He did, however, take a handful of questions from pool reporters over the weekend in between meetings with potential cabinet appointees.

And the CBS '60 Minutes' program aired an hour-long broadcast last Sunday that included lengthy interview segments.


Politics...its a dirty business

"A Trump presidency could bring "trickle-down racism, trickle-down bigotry, trickle-down misogyny" to the nation. Trump is a "con man" a "fake" and is not as wealthy as he claims and is unfit to be president."

You have to laugh. Trump’s unfit to be president. But Romney’s fit to serve in his administration!

I expected the meeting to go down along these lines. 

This is the most unlikely meeting I could have ever imagined. Did Trump call Romney? Romney call Trump? Neither man needs the other. Did Trump offer the SOS position to Romney to mend the rift with the “Never Trumpers”? How do the Trump loyalists feel about this? Romney really pissed me off. But I must admit he would be an excellent choice for SOS. So would Newt, Rudi, Bolton, etc.

What's next?
Tomorrow's headline:

Dinner for two: Clinton-Assange dine together at Peter Lugers


This is a switch

"Immigrant" and "undocumented worker" are liberaleze for illegal.


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Amal Looney: Trump's ideas would break international human rights laws

Washington (CNN)International human rights lawyer Amal Clooney warned that President-elect Donald Trump's policies would harm Muslim Americans in the US and across the world.

Really Amal, you anorectic toothpick...Trump has killed more followers of Islam than your fellow Muslims among ISIS, al-Queda, Boko Haram, and the Taliban?

You got to stop listening to George and get out more.


Speaking at a Texas women's conference this week, she said some of Trump's ideas would break international human rights laws.

"(His comments) that there should be a religious test imposed on entering the US or the fact that there should be state-sponsored torture or that families of suspected terrorists should all be killed -- all of those things are violations of international human rights law and the values that underlie that," she said at the conference, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

She continued: "I think there's some concern from abroad as to, 'Are these things actually going to happen or is the US going to lose some of the moral standing that it has internationally?'"

Clooney, who is married to progressive actor and former Hillary Clinton supporter George Clooney, tried to make peace with the idea of a Trump administration at the conference. 

"We have to hope for the best," she told the audience, which was made up of more than 7,000 people. "The president-elect has said that fighting ISIS is actually a priority ... so it may be that there can be progress, and obviously everyone has to respect the outcome of the democratic process here, and we have to hope for the best."

She also told the women in the audience that they have to advocate for each other going forward.

"Women's rights," she said, quoting Clinton, "are human rights. Holding back women is holding back half of every country in the world."

Let's be honest Amal.

What religion is No. 1 when it comes to oppressing women?


Get out the violin

Could you cope seeing your children for just three minutes every year? Separated Mexican families are given brief reunion at charity-run border opening... but Trump's wall is likely to end even that

Could you believe this headline?

They made the choice. So they abandoned their families, broke our laws coming here illegally, and we're the bad guy? Go back to wherever the hell they came from and they can be with their family 24 hours a day. Try pulling this crap in any other country around the world and see how many "family visits" they get. The United States simply cannot be the International Warehouse for every lost soul looking for greener pastures. What about the people waiting in line to immigrate here legally? How is that fair to them?


In a scene that could potentially become non-existent under a Donald Trump presidency, Mexican families on either side of the US-Mexican border were briefly united Saturday for Universal Children's Day.

The touching reunions happened with the full cooperation of border control on each side of the fence that splits the US from its neighbor to the south.

One of Trump's main campaign promises was to build a wall between the two countries, and he reiterated his commitment to it recently on '60 Minutes.' He has also vowed to expel millions of undocumented Mexican immigrants.

Members of the Hernandez family tearfully reunite through the border at Playas de Tijuana

Gonzalez family members hug each other as they meet through the border fence

Relatives separated by immigration hug at an open gate on the fence along the two countries

The reunion, which allowed family and friends to hug and kiss for a few minutes, happened at the fence on the Tijuana-San Diego border.

The door opening was organized by pro-migrants NGOs and local authorities in coordination with the United States Border Patrol.

The gate, along Border Field State Park in California, was also opened for a few minutes in 2015 and 2013. 

In August and November, the border at El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juárez, in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, was opened for exactly three minutes. 

Relatives comfort each other along the Tijuana border during a humanitarian event

A family on the Mexican side chats with relatives after a brief open gate event - normally the mesh gate's openings are too small to allow people to touch

'We ask ourselves: 'What has happened to the U.S.?' We are going back to the 1960s, where we saw all this hatred, racism, and now this is 2016 and we haven't advanced at all,' activist Roberto Vivar told Reuters.

Trump's plan for a wall seems to have galvanized immigrants from Central America, fleeing poverty and war conditions, who are coming over in record numbers, hoping to seek amnesty in America before the dreaded wall may go up, according toThe Boston Globe.

Families shed tears after seeing each other during a brief softening of the border laws

A US border patrol agent opens a gate on the fence along the Mexico and U.S border as people wait to see their relatives

A woman looks through the wire mesh fence of the border (left); members of the Gonzalez family hug each other and are briefly reunited

Families, some of whom hadn't seen each other in years, had strong reactions to being briefly reunited 

Touching scenes were everywhere as families were allowed to reunite through the border

Two members of the Hernandez family hug and cry as they are reunited on the border

Two members of the Hernandez family are overcome with emotion as they meet again
