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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Harvard Medical School Graduate


Abdul Razak Ali Artan

The name alone is a smoke signal. Again, we take in another Muslim dog refugee and in return we get the "Tsarnaev Thank You".

Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, wrote on what appears to be his Facebook page that he had reached a "boiling point," made a reference to "lone wolf attacks" and cited radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki. 

"America! Stop interfering with other countries, especially Muslim Ummah [community]. We are not weak. We are not weak, remember that," the post said.

And the investigators are perplexed as to his true motivation. They'll turn over every stone to get to the truth. But the one marked Islam most assuredly will be last.


Kid Rock


Anyone surprised?

Jill Stein's recount effort gets 12 times more coverage from ABC, CBS, NBC than her entire campaign

When Jill Stein was the Green Party’s candidate for U.S. president, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) only gave her 36 seconds of coverage. However, as soon as she launched a campaign to contest the presidential election and demand a recount of ballots in several key states, the evening news shows on ABC, CBS and NBC managed to find 7 minutes and 26 seconds of coverage for her in just four days.

On November 26’s NBC "Nightly News," anchor Lester Holt began a story on the recount by implying that the election may not be over yet, “if you thought the presidential election was behind us, word came today from the Hillary Clinton campaign that it will back the statewide election recount effort put on by third party candidate Jill Stein in three key battleground states.”

Holt then turned the story over to correspondent Kristen Welker, who led by saying that the recount was prompted when “a group of computer scientists, including a voting rights lawyer, said they found voting irregularities in three states.”

Despite this drastic uptick in coverage, Stein admitted that her team was working without proof. “Let me be very clear,” Stein told CBS Evening News’s Anna Werner during a November 24 interview, “we do not have evidence of fraud. We do not have smoking guns. What we do have is an election that was surrounded by hacking.”

They also have $7 million they desperately want to flush down the toilet.

The states involved are PA, MI, and WI. It's extremely doubtful any state is going to flip. Certainly, it won't be all three. For the sake of argument say PA stays the same. Trump could lose Michigan (16) electoral votes and Wisconsin (10) and still have enough to beat Killary.

Trump  now 306
  Killary        232  

Take 26 from Trump       280
Give Killary 26                   258

She's still a loser.

To put things in perspective.

2012 electoral votes

Barry        332

Romney     206

A blowout right? Same as 2016. 

Remember anyone in the Romney camp calling for a recount?

An ironic twist Stein actually rigged the election for Trump. She received  31,000 votes in Wisconsin, more than the margin separating Clinton and Trump. In her bid to knowingly run a hopeless campaign, she stole the vote which would have gone to Killary.

BTW...the recount is only being done in the 3 states Trump narrowly won. The states Killary won by a narrow margin are not subjected to a recount.

Ya know..."It's for the good of the country."


Monday, November 28, 2016

The Trump Effect

On a tip from Ed Kilbane
