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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Bridgegate Scandal: Ex Christie Allies Bill Baroni and Bridget Kelly Get Prison

Where's the fairness in this? They're going to prison for causing a traffic jam? 

Holder got two border patrol agents killed and scores of Mexicans. 
He walks. 

Killary got four Americans killed in Benghazi and lied her ass off about her emails.
She walks.

Lerner and Koskinen both lied about targeting conservatives at the IRS and destroyed evidence to cover it up.
Both walked.

Want me to continue? Okay, try this one. How many Americans died at the hands of illegals because the fucking Democrats are importing future Democrats? 


Former allies of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie were sentenced prison terms Wednesday for engineering lane closures at the George Washington Bridge as alleged retaliation against a Democratic mayor who didn't endorse the governor. 

Bill Baroni, who served as deputy executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, will spend two years behind bars and must do 500 hours of community service. His conspirator Bridget Anne Kelly was sentenced to 18 months in prison, plus a year of probation. 

"I regret more than anything that I allowed myself to get caught up in this," Baroni told U.S. District Judge Susan Wigenton. "I failed." 

His defense lawyers argued for leniency, noting his longtime work as an FBI informant when he was a state lawmaker. 

But Assistant U.S. Attorney Lee Cortes responded that Baroni should have known better, and should have gone to authorities when he learned of the plot, but instead tried to cover it up. 

You know, like when Holder's henchman at the the DOJ blew the whistle on him when he allowed 2,000 guns to walk over to the Mexican cartels.

Baroni "corrupted his office to send a petty, vindictive political message," Cortes said. He called Baroni's behavior "out of the playbook of some dictator in a banana republic."

Do they grow bananas in Mexico? 

Before imposing the sentence, Wigenton told Baroni, "This is a sad day for the state of New Jersey, and in particular for you." 

Wonder if she gave the same rebuke to her husband. Wigenton is married to Kevin Wigenton, an attorney in private practice in Red Bank, New Jersey who has been censured by the NJ Supreme Court for misappropriating client funds.

She added: "You have lived a life of service...that makes the offense that much more perplexing." 

Wednesday's courtroom appearances will bring a likely end to the more than three-year-old scandal known as Bridgegate, which brought down members of Christie's inner circle and damaged his attempt to run for president. Witnesses at a fall trial alleged Christie knew about the plan beforehand. But Christie was never charged, and he maintains that he knew nothing about it until after it broke as a news story. 

Kelly, author of the now-infamous email that said, "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee," and Baroni were seeking probation. 

They will have time to appeal their sentences. 


SMOKING GUN? Obama Defense Deputy Slips Up On Live TV - Reveals Spying On Trump Team And Leaking Of Intel | Zero Hedge

On a tip from Ed Kilbane

Obama Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Evelyn Farkas admits, "We wiretapped Trump, sent it to ‘The Hill’, then let it leak out"... and after dropping this bombshell all Democratic dog Mika Brzezinski could say is “A lot going on today?” That comment wouldn't fly had she been on Tucker Carlson! 

Barry’s going to claim he knew nothing preferring his minions fall on the sword avowing “it’s outrageous” just like he did with the IRS scandal he instigated or most certainly knew about it.

BTW…This blows Comey’s and Rogers testimony out of the water. Either they’re totally ignorant or just as no good as Clapper as Brennan!


Video 336

Former Obama Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Evelyn Farkas, made some stunning admissions during an interview with MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski.

While discussing the mad scramble by the Obama administration to collect and preserve intelligence on alleged Russian election hacking before Obama left office, it appears that Farkas accidentally implicated the Obama White House in the surveillance of Trump's campaign staff:

The Trump folks, if they found out how we knew what we knew about the Trump staff dealing with Russians, that they would try to compromise those sources and methods, meaning we would not longer have access to that intelligence.

Furthermore, Farkas effectively corroborated a New York Times article from early March which cited "Former American officials" as their anonymous source regarding efforts to leak this surveillance on the Trump team to Democrats across Washington DC.

I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia. So then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew they were trying to also get information to the hill.

That's why you have the leaking.

In other words; the Obama administration was concerned about spoliation of evidence gathered through various "sources and methods" of surveillance, so a plan was hatched to leak this information to congress - also known as "The Hill."


Possible conspiracy to frame Russia for the DNC server breach? 

On a related note, Evelyn Farkas is also a senior fellow at the vehemently anti-Russia Atlantic Council, along with Crowdstrike founder Dimitri Alperovitch. The Atlantic Council is funded by the US State Department, NATO, Latvia, Lithuania, and Ukranian Oligarch Victor Pinchuk. 

CrowdStrike, the Irvine, CA company partially funded by Google, was the only entity allowed to analyze the DNC servers in relation to claims of election hacking:

Notably, CrowdStrike has recently been discredited - and was forced to retract evidence used in a botched report on Russia hacking Ukranian military equipment.

To sum up: 

The White House surveilled the Trump campaign and then leaked information to anti-Trump allies in congress (also known as "The Hill").

The Russian hacking claim hinges on a CrowdStrike Report from Dimitri Alperovitch. 

Alperovitch was forced to retract statements in a report blaming Russia for hacking Ukrainian military equipment - a failed attempt to smear Putin.

Alperovitch, along with White House Leaker Evelyn Farkas and Ukrainian Oligarch Victor Pinchuk, are all senior fellows on the Atlantic Council - which is vehemently anti-Russia.

(As an aside - Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, sits on the board of a Ukrainian gas company reportedly owned by Pinchuk)

Is it a stretch to suggest that the CrowdStrike report on the DNC hack was fabricated to pin the DNC hack on Russia?

Let's not forget that Dr. Steve Pieczenik - former CIA spookmaster and expert on all things cloak and dagger, completely laid out what's going on

"We initiated a counter-coup through Julian Assange, who's been very brave and really quite formidable in his ability to come forth and provide all the necessary emails that we gave to him to undermine Hillary and Bill Clinton."

In other words, 'white hats' within US intelligence agencies passed the emails to Julian Assange in order to wrestle control of the USA out of the hands of the Clinton cabal of Neocon globalists.

Video 337

It's also quite likely that Seth Rich, the mysteriously murdered DNC computer expert, assisted this effort. Recall that Wikileaks, while they would not confirm Rich as a source, offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of Rich's killer(s) - and then raised it to $130,000. Simply read between the lines during this Julian Assange interview.

At best, the Atlantic Council connections between a member of Obama's DoD who leaked surveillance intel to congress, an increasingly suspicious Crowdstrike report, and a Ukrainian oligarch are mere coincidence. At worst, we may be looking at massive treason committed against an incoming US President.


Jeb Bush: Trump is ‘a distraction in and of himself’

Reading the title of this article I was ready to rip Bush a new one. After all, this is the same guy who once said concerning illegals:

"They come here out of love."

Remember we're a party of elephants. For conservatives, that statement alone was an awakening tantamount to the Titanic's introduction to the iceberg. 

That said, what he says below makes a lot of sense. Conservatives are pulling for Trump to succeed.  Fuck Schwarzenegger, Rosie, Alec Baldwin, etc. Trump has got to stick to the business at hand.  You want to use Twitter to go over the head of the lying MSM? Fine. But RUN the country and don't get caught up in trivialities. 

One thing I disagree with Bush is the wiretapping. “He should stop saying things that aren’t true, that are distractions from the task at hand." Can't prove could be substituted for "aren't true".  We know they tapped James Rosen and Dennis Kucinich. Would Trump be a far stretch? As the story unwinds Trump was 'accidently' caught up in the incidental surveillance net. And Lynch was talking to Bill about golf and grandchildren. Surely a one-sided conversation since she dosesn't play golf and has no grandchildren.


Jeb Bush says President Trump’s evidence-free claims are kneecapping his first 100 days in the White House.

“He should stop saying things that aren’t true, that are distractions from the task at hand,” Bush said in an interview that aired Sunday on Miami’s WFOR-TV. “He’s a distraction in and of himself. He’s got a lot of work to do, and some of these things — the wiretapping and all of this stuff — is a complete distraction that makes it harder to accomplish the things I know he wants to do.”

But Bush, who did not endorse Trump after losing to him in the 2016 Republican presidential primary, was surprisingly complimentary to the president on other issues. During the bruising campaign, Bush was a prominent critic of Trump — who in turn relentlessly mocked the former Florida governor.

“The president made some really good appointments,” Bush said, including Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, Defense Secretary James Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and Judge Neil Gorsuch, whom Trump nominated for the Supreme Court.

“These are all top-notch people,” Bush said.

And Trump has “acted decisively on some areas I think are important, particularly on the regulatory side,” Bush continued. “But he’s going to stymie his agenda by focusing on these tweets that distract people from doing the tough work.”

In Bush’s view, the president has still not made the transition from candidate to commander in chief.

“He hasn’t shifted to being president in the way that people are used to,” Bush said. “And I think that’s the problem.”

He added: “Our country is at a crossroads right now. I think we need sober, serious leadership. And it’s a huge opportunity for the president to win over a whole lot of people.”

According to the Miami Herald, the discussion with WFOR-TV was Bush’s first in-depth local interview since dropping his bid for the 2016 Republican nomination.

Bush also reflected on his resounding defeat in the GOP primary, saying Trump had the right message at the right time. In the early stages of the campaign, Bush was thought to be the frontrunner and had a well-funded super PAC.

“Reasoning, in this environment where people are angry, is hard, and I wasn’t capable of giving them a sense that there is a better path,” he said. “They wanted to have their anger remediated — more than a five-point plan … President Trump’s great skill was to understand that. He understood it better than any other candidate.”

Bush also said the 2016 campaign was a crash course in understanding the way news is consumed.

“It’s not necessarily ‘fake news,’” he said. “It’s that people customize their news to validate what they believe, and it makes them increasingly less tolerant of other people’s views that rely on another set of facts. That is dangerous for our democracy.

“I have so many stories of people that were just passionate about a particular view that they held, based on a set of facts that were inaccurate,” he continued. “And as a candidate, you can’t, like, say, ‘Hey, you’re wrong.’ There’s a point where that doesn’t help you win people over. But that’s where we are.”

And while Bush would not rule out running for office again, he also sounds content at his home in South Florida.

“I sleep at night at home more often than not, and I’ve got my life organized pretty nicely,” he said. “My church, my gym, my golf course. My office is less than a mile from my home, and it’s two stop signs away. You can’t beat that, man.”


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Sessions takes aim at 'dangerous' sanctuary cities, warns on funding

Liberals are stupid. No two ways about it. Engulfed in their insane ideology they never cease to amaze me.


1. People come here, live here, illegally.

2. They commit various crimes including murder and rape.

3. Liberals want them back on the street rather than turned over to ICE...that is until something happens to someone close to them. 

Think about it. Why would they want someone who is not only here illegally but perpetrated a crime on a fellow American released back into OUR society? No matter how you slice it or dice it this makes no sense. 

This diagram illustrates perfectly the liberal mindset.

Another classic.


Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired a broadside at so-called "sanctuary cities" Monday, telling reporters local policies of noncooperation with immigration authorities are "dangerous" and will cost communities federal funding.

In the Trump administration's most pointed warning yet, Sessions said federal law allows withholding of federal funding to sanctuary cities, and signaled that such measures will soon be taken. Sessions, who took the podium at White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer's regular media briefing, warned of a pending crackdown by the administration.

"Such policies cannot continue. They make our nation less safe by putting dangerous criminals back on the street."

While not a technical term, "sanctuary cities" are communities that have refused to work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials after detaining illegal immigrants. By federal law, they are required to inform the feds when they have an illegal immigrant in custody, even if he or she has not been convicted of a crime.

Several big cities, including New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, as well as dozens and possibly hundreds of smaller counties, cities and towns, also refuse to notify ICE, which can then come and take custody of the illegal immigrant, possibly for deportation.

“LAPD has never participated in programs that deputize local law enforcement to act as immigration agents, and on my watch they never will,” Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said last week.

A spokesman for Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said the administration's plan to hold back federal funds was "no different than what was in the Executive Order [travel ban] the president signed weeks ago."

"The administration's plan to deny federal funds to cities that are standing up for their values is unconstitutional," said Matt McGrath, a spokesman for Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel. "Chicago is proud to stand with 34 cities and counties across the country in asking a federal court to prevent the federal government from illegally withholding federal funds."

Immediately after Sessions spoke, New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, a staunch critic of Trump, said he will fight any efforts to defund sanctuary communities in the Empire State.

“My office will continue to ensure local governments have the tools they need to legally protect their immigrant illegal communities – and we won’t stop fighting to beat back President Trump’s un-American immigration policies,” Schneiderman said in a statement.

But Sessions said such policies put citizens' safety in jeopardy.

"The American people know that when cities and states refuse to help enforce immigration laws, our nation is less safe," Sessions said.

Perhaps telegraphing action President Trump warned of during his campaign, Sessions said the administration will pull billions in federal funding to sanctuary communities if they remain in noncompliance.

Sessions said communities applying for Department of Justice grants will be required to show they are following immigration law.

The DOJ will withhold, and could potentially "claw back" grants to localities out of compliance with federal immigration law, Sessions said. He noted one Justice Department office alone was expecting to award more than $4.1 billion in grants this fiscal year.

"Failure to deport aliens who are convicted of criminal offenses puts whole communities at risk, especially immigrant communities in the very sanctuary jurisdictions that seek to protect the perpetrators," Sessions said.

Check it out.

Death By Illegal

Sessions, an early supporter of Trump's candidacy, is a longtime illegal immigration hawk who helped drive Trump's winning platform plank on the subject.

Early in Trump's candidacy, in July 2015, a woman named Kate Steinle was killed in San Francisco by an illegal immigrant who had been deported previously and had recently been freed by local authorities. The murder became a rallying point for the campaign.

More recently, a 14-year-old Maryland high school girl was raped in a school bathroom allegedly by two men, at least one of whom is an illegal immigrant. That case has reignited the debate about illegal immigration and sanctuary policies.

Just days after his inauguration, Trump ordered the Department of Homeland Security to publish a weekly list of all detainer requests turned down by local jails. Trump said the list will "better inform the public regarding the public safety threats associated with sanctuary jurisdictions."


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Jackson's crime has its reward — $138,400 per year in workers’ comp

Mobsters live and work under certain principles such as protecting their own. Congress and the federal government, likewise, always find a way to take care of lawmakers even when they are convicted of crimes.

This is a crime onto itself. In my lifetime I have never met anyone who is receiving $138,400 per year in workers compensation benefits and Social Security disability. And who's fucking paying for it!!!

BTW I wonder what his X-wife is getting after serving a year for tax fraud. After all, she served as alderman in the 7th ward and after the messy divorce I'm sure she could file a claim for 'emotional distress'. The sad part is. If these two cockroaches could run again (tomorrow) in their district they would win in a heartbeat. History proves it. These are the facts. 

In their district... it's like you have to be a crook or a pervert to get elected.


We all know being a congressman is a grueling demanding job, right? Congressmen are in session about 133 days per year, and clock in more than 250. They get extended time off and vacations. They don't have to worry about meeting payroll or overhead. They have an office where they can read and respond to constituents. They adjourn for several hours per day to a health club and gym in the Capitol. If an inch or two of snow comes to Washington, D.C., it's cause to close the Capitol.

It's somewhat similar to being in La Cosa Nostra, where guys get up about 10 a.m. They then take a steam at some bath house before visiting a coffee shop to chat with the crew to see what is going down on the street. At about dinner time, they head home for red wine and pasta. As one of the Godfathers once said on tape, "(L)et's not kid ourselves. This life of ours; this is a wonderful life. If we can get through life like this, and get away with it, hey, that's great."

I mention this because Jesse Jackson Jr., our former congressman, is claiming his lawmaker's job was so stressful, it caused a breakdown in his psyche, entitling him to workers' compensation benefits.

Jesse, 51, now is out of jail after pleading guilty in 2013 for violating federal campaign laws. Both Jesse and his wife now have filed for divorce.

Divorces have a way of exposing sordid details. As reported in the Chicago Tribune, this divorce has brought out the fact Jesse has been receiving $138,400 per year in federal workers' compensation benefits and Social Security disability benefits. The bulk of this money ($100,000) falls under federal workers' compensation, which he receives for his claim his job as congressman caused bipolar disorder and depression for which he is under treatment.

You need an occurrence date for a case similar to this. Jesse picked June 1, 2012, as the date his condition commenced.

So, here's a question you can ponder: Did the demands and rigors of Jesse's lawmaking job as of June 1, 2012, cause a mental breakdown leading to a bipolar disorder and depression entitling him to worker's compensation?

Jesse, you might recall had been in Congress for 17 years when he decided to run for re-election in 2012. Up until that point, no evidence was reported of mental issues that affected his daily conduct and performance. From June 1, 2012, to June 8, 2012, he cast 72 roll call votes. Later that month, his office advised he was on leave of absence because of "exhaustion." He then disappeared, checked into the Mayo Clinic at some point and never returned to Congress.

When I entered the voting booth in Bourbonnais on Nov. 6, 2012, not supporting Jesse and voting for the Republican candidate for Congress seemed like a no-brainer. By this time, Jesse was weighted down with serious problems. He was under federal investigation for misuse of his campaign funds, which has a way of messing up peoples' minds. In addition, there were 2008 allegations being investigated by the House Ethics committee for offering to raise $6 million in campaign money for then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich in exchange for a U.S. Senate seat.

As incredible as it might appear, when the election results came in, Jesse, without even campaigning, walked away with 63 percent of the vote. After the election, Jesse made a public appearance, thanking everyone for their vote. He stated he looked forward to serving us. Two weeks later, he resigned stating he lacked the ability to serve his constituents for health reasons. This left us footing the expenses for a special election. What followed, thereafter, for Jesse was an indictment, a plea of guilty and prison time.

Following his release from jail in 2015, he started to receive about $100,000 per year in tax-free workers' compensation benefits, which will be payable until he is no longer disabled. There exists a Congressional Research Service Report that states federal workers' compensation can be more lucrative than a federal pension.

So, getting back to my question, was it Jesse's job and duties as a congressman that caused his bi-polar disorder and depression? You decide.

Mobsters live and work under certain principles such as protecting their own. Congress and the federal government, likewise, always find a way to take care of lawmakers even when they are convicted of crimes.
