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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Obama Issues Statement On Otto Warmbier After Being Blasted By Donald Trump & Man’s Parents

 If I was Obama, who I can't stomach, I would have said:

"Of all the countries in the world to visit Otto had to go to North Korea?"

And Obama would be right. Look, I certainly feel bad the kid is dead but wonder where his brains were when he made the fatal decision to take a trip to North Korea. He was unaware of North Korea's track record of detaining Americas on phony trumped up charges to be used later as a bargaining chip? He's an adult, but what advice did his parents give him? Certainly, had anyone close to me said they were going to North Korea my response would be...what are you..nuts!?! Look at it like this. If I gave you an all expense paid 2-week vacation in North Korea would you take it? The silver lining is that 2-weeks could easily turn into 10 years. 

I'll never make Wikipedia. Otto did, and sadly, it could have been easily avoided. 


Former President Barack Obama has issued a statement about Otto Warmbier, American college student who died this week, days after being released from North Korea in a coma after more than a year in captivity.

“During the course of the Obama Administration, we had no higher priority than securing the release of Americans detained overseas,” Obama spokesman Ned Price said in the statement. “Their tireless efforts resulted in the release of at least 10 Americans from North Korean custody during the course of the Obama administration.”

It's true. His highest priority was getting prisoners released. In our jails and Gitmo.

Added Price, who was National Security Counsel spokesperson during Obama’s administration: “It is painful that Mr. Warmbier was not among them, but our efforts on his behalf never ceased, even in the waning days of the administration. Our thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Warmbier’s family and all who had the blessing of knowing him.”

Warmbier’s father blasted Obama during a news conference at the time of his son’s release, when cued up with a question as to what more could have been done to secure the young man’s release before Donald Trump entered the White House.

“The question is, do I think the past administration could have done more?” he shot back. “I think the results speak for themselves.”

President Trump similarly asserted this week that “the results would have been different” had Warmbier been brought home sooner. He did not elaborate but added, “He should have been brought home that day.”

Warmbier had been sentenced to 15 years of hard labor after being found guilty of trying to steal a propaganda poster from a hotel during a January 2016 visit to North Korea’s capital.


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Liberal Logic

If a politician gets shot it's a conservative's fault no matter what.

Video 355

It's clear from Pelley's commentary that his answers to all three elements are "Yes." 

Hey, Pelly, the truth is Hodgkinson was a staunch Sanders supporter and campaigned for the left-wing senator to get the Democratic nomination for president last year.

Hodgkinson a madman, with a history of violence, was only too eager to get caught up in the liberal hysteria possibly inspired by the likes of the Hollywood crowd.
Wasn't it Madonna who put out a call to blow up the WH? Didn't Di Niro say he wanted to punch Trump in the mouth? Did Kathy Giffin cut his head off? And let's not forget Ashley Judd who said the Trump inauguration was akin to her being raped...again. I touched on only a few. Some liberals on Twitter and Facebook called for his assassination.  

Liberals who won't let conservatives speak at certain colleges.. OWS.. BLM.. isn't their calling card phyisical violence and the destruction of property? In the last 8 years of Obama, how much violence and millions of dollars of property damage were perpetrated by liberals vs conservatives?

But that f-ing Scalise had it coming?

So when Gabby Giffords was shot by this guy.

 A madman, of course, it was self-inflicted right?

No..No..No..that was Sarah Palin's fault.


Sunday, June 18, 2017

OK...Now they went too far


Judicial Watch seeking documents ‘unlawfully removed’ by Comey

They said he’s not above the law. I say he is above the law just like Clinton the target of his investigation. 

Somehow it seems to me he contracted 'Clintonitis' during the fiasco. Unlawfully removed sounds quite a bit like illegally deleted.


By Brooke Singman Published June 16, 2017 

Conservative watchdog Judicial Watch is calling on Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe to recover and release federal records and memos it claims were “unlawfully” removed by former Director James Comey, threatening the FBI with a lawsuit should the bureau not comply.

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, penned a letter to McCabe on June 14 warning of a potential violation of the Federal Records Act, which is the basis for the federal government’s policies regarding the “creating, maintaining, and disposing” of federal records.

“As you may be aware, the Federal Records Act imposes a direct responsibility on you to take steps to recover any records unlawfully removed from the FBI,” Fitton wrote in the letter, claiming Comey unlawfully removed memos that could contain contents regarding the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. “Upon learning that records have been unlawfully removed from the FBI, you then are required to initiate action through the Attorney General for the recovery of records.”

The FBI told Fox News that they have no comment on the letter from Fitton. 

“We’re looking to get action on the records that Comey unlawfully took from the FBI, and we know initially there are memos, but depending on what the nature of the documents are, there could be liabilities for Mr. Comey,” Fitton told Fox News. 

The "memos" in question were written by Comey himself, leaving unclear how the FBI or the courts would view them; Judicial Watch insists they are official records. 

Earlier this month, Comey testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee that he gave one of his memos regarding a meeting with President Trump to a friend, Columbia University Professor Daniel Richman, who then leaked the contents of the memo to the New York Times.

“I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter—I thought that might prompt the appointment of special counsel,” Comey said in his testimony.

Fitton said that the case of Comey removing documents from the FBI is “the Hillary Clinton email scandal all over again.”

But retired FBI special agent and former national FBI spokesman, John Iannarelli, told Fox News that he didn’t see “the case.”

“The things Comey allegedly took are not classified,” Iannarelli said. “The issue is not him taking documents, but the matter of how he released them—classified or not, there is a procedure in doing that which he did not follow.”

But Fitton insisted Comey’s memos and other related documents he may have were federal records which the Justice Department and FBI are “obligated” to get back.

“The former FBI director isn’t above the law and current leadership of the FBI should stop protecting him and take action,” he said. 

The letter said that if McCabe and the FBI do not respond by June 26, Judicial Watch will file a lawsuit in federal district court “seeking that you be compelled to comply with the law.” 


Saturday, June 17, 2017

Should change their name to...The New York Bias

If it's the New York Times, The Washington Post, The LA Times, just to name a few, and it's a story about Trump, I guarantee you it ain't going to be good. 

New York Times assails right wing over political violence before running correction

By Howard Kurtz Published June 16, 2017 

So much for unity.

Just when a debate erupts over the role of media and mendacity in the shooting of a Republican congressman, the New York Times revives a discredited theory about the six-year-old shooting of a Democratic congresswoman.

This was so egregious and embarrassing that the Times editorial page was compelled yesterday to run a correction.

And worse than that, it was utterly tone-deaf in the wake of the shooting of Steve Scalise and four others, with the Republican whip still in critical condition. The editorial seemed to say, the hell with that, what about right-wing hatred?

The argument involving the near-fatal shooting of Gabby Giffords wasn’t true at the time, and appears even more ludicrous in retrospect. To resurrect it now undercuts any effort at breaking the cycle of guilt by association. The editorial suggests that it’s fine to blame conservative rhetoric, but not liberal rhetoric, for senseless violence. 

“Was this attack evidence of how vicious American politics has become? Probably. In 2011, when Jared Lee Loughner opened fire in a supermarket parking lot, grievously wounding Representative Gabby Giffords and killing six people, including a 9-year-old girl, the link to political incitement was clear. Before the shooting, Sarah Palin’s political action committee circulated a map of targeted electoral districts that put Ms. Giffords and 19 other Democrats under stylized cross hairs.

“Conservatives and right-wing media were quick on Wednesday to demand forceful condemnation of hate speech and crimes by anti-Trump liberals. They’re right. Though there’s no sign of incitement as direct as in the Giffords attack, liberals should of course hold themselves to the same standard of decency that they ask of the right.”

Palin’s use of the crosshairs may have been unfortunate, but to link it to the mass shooting was, and is, nonsensical. 

As I wrote on the day of the Giffords shooting, well before I worked at Fox: “This isn't about a nearly year-old Sarah Palin map; it's about a lone nutjob who doesn't value human life.”

The Times has now published this correction:

“An earlier version of this editorial incorrectly stated that a link existed between political incitement and the 2011 shooting of Representative Gabby Giffords. In fact, no such link was established.”

In Tuesday’s shooting in Virginia, James Hodgkinson was an anti-Trump zealot who despised Republicans and volunteered for Bernie Sanders—not that that makes him a stand-in for every liberal who doesn’t like the president.

But Loughner was a delusional guy with incoherent political views. He had been obsessed with Giffords for years, and there’s no evidence he even saw the Palin committee’s map.

National Review’s David French noted that the Times’s own reporting from six years ago invalidates the editorial:

“As he alienated himself from his small clutch of friends, grew contemptuous of women in positions of power and became increasingly oblivious to basic social mores, Mr. Loughner seemed to develop a dreamy alternate world, where the sky was sometimes orange, the grass sometimes blue and the Internet’s informational chaos provided refuge.”

Palin tweeted yesterday that she is talking to lawyers and “exploring options.”

This erroneous attack was beneath the New York Times. Which top editor thought this was fit to print?

I disagree with him here. Nothing is beneath the NYT's.
