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Sunday, August 20, 2017

Monticello the next to go

Residents in the former states are now required to speak French.


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Barcelona manhunt underway for Muslim killer

The driver in Thursday's van attack that killed 13 people in a tourist area of Barcelona may still be alive and on the run, Spanish police say.

They are hunting for Moroccan-born Younes Abouyaaqoub, now named by Spanish media as the suspected driver.

And what is the outcry from the supposed "moderate Muslim community"?

Same shit. Different day.



How relevant to today


And you know what "party" that is.


Two sides to every coin

Certainly true of the MSM. Probably suffer a heart attack if I ever read a headline which wasn’t negative about Trump. Compared to the current president Bush had a love affair with the MSM! One thing Trump has got to do. When the press throws out the "chum" don't take the bait.

 Here are a few recent headlines:

‘I would be amazed if he survives till end of the year': Trump's 'Art of the Deal' co-author predicts that the president is about to resign

Disgust as Trump quotes approvingly apocryphal tale of US general who 'summarily executed Muslim terrorists with pigs' blood-soaked bullets' in wake of Barcelona bloodbath

'There are no good Nazis. Or Klansmen, or terrorists’: James Murdoch, Fox CEO and son of Rupert, denounces Trump's reaction to Charlottesville violence and pledges $1m to the Anti-Defamation League

Fmr. White Nationalist speaks out against Trump's remarks

Now Imagine Barry was president and took the same actions Trump did.

Obama takes on infrastructure creates 500,000 new jobs

Obama’s tough talk neutered Kim Jong Un and his missiles 

Stock market at all time high under Obama’s tenure

Obama uses MOAB bomb for the first time and kills high ranking ISIS targets in Afghanistan

Obama takes 2nd scoop of ice cream and gives it to the poor

Clearly, Trump takes a lot of badgering from the press. A complete 180 from the treatment Barry received. I remember one time those "hard-hitting" reporters asked Barry in an adoring tone, "Mr. President...what did you have for lunch today?"


Friday, August 18, 2017

Trump was right about Charlottesville

There is plenty of blame to go around on both sides. I've seen numerous videos and it is hard to distinguish who was the aggressor. With the alt-right, I don't see why they have to identify with skinheads, the KKK, and Nazis to get their point across which is the destruction of America's history. 

On the other hand here are some photos or Antifa (alt-left) in the middle of it in Charlottesville... you won't see this from the MSM. 

If they're not doing anything wrong why cover their face? 

Charlottesville newspaper box suddenly takes flight all by itself.

Providing a light for anyone who needs a smoke.

After viewing these photos I hope you came to the same conclusion I did. They just showed up without a permit to keep the peace.
