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Monday, November 13, 2017

'I have a regret that I am not president' says Joe Biden

We Don't

As part of his book tour, former Vice President Joe Biden sat down with Oprah, with the first clips of their interview together coming out today. 

'I have a regret that I am not president,' Biden candidly told the talk show star. 'Because I I think there's so much opportunity. I think America's so incredibly well-positioned.' 

'Oprah, no woman or man should announce they are running for president unless they can answer two questions: One, do they truly believe they are the most qualified person for that moment. I believed I was,' Biden said. 

It was the second question that stopped him. 

'But was I prepared to be able to give my whole heart, my whole soul and all my attention to the endeavor?' he mused. 'And I knew I wasn't.' 

Should have been three questions the third being do you have a brain?


Saturday, November 11, 2017

Morning thoughts

What's the first thing that comes to mind?

Testing the Rachel Dolezal hypothesis:

Franklin D. Roosevelt


Stolen purse in Brunswick, Georgia ...

On a tip from Ed Kilbane


Hollywood exposed

In the den of iniquity. The Sodom and Gomorrah called Hollywood, the culture is now stripped bare of all its pretentious underpinnings, confirming they only have enough self-control to stop the depravity long enough to bash Trump... and sadly this same cast of characters influence the low information voters who rely on them to cast their vote. 

Just broke---another case:


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Dianne Feinstein still hasn't seen evidence of collusion

Ever since Trump took the oath of office Democrats have been spewing Russian Collusion. 
As it turns out it was Hillary, not Trump.

But the bloodhounds at CNN are still sniffing the trail...

Watch Trapper desperately question/interrogate Feinstein... searching, begging, pleading, for any tidbit of dirt to help his crusade of destroying the Trump presidency. His one-sided non-journalistic skills are clearly evident and I imagine he feels right at home at the fake news station CNN. 

Please, Dianne, throw him a bone.

Video 378

Another case in point!

Watch Feinstein stick a pin in Blitzer's balloon leaving him almost speechless only to say the investigation is ongoing... so he still has hope.

Video 379
