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Monday, October 29, 2018

Caravan member admits he's been deported and convicted of attempted murder in the U.S

Out of 14,000... how many other criminals are there who were already deported?
In my opinion, if they breach the wall they're all criminals.

CNN's response to Trump after securing the border:

So the message conveyed is if you storm our border with enough people violating our laws we'll break down and let you in?

Oh, and let's not forget about the future 'Americans'.

Anyone observe a Democrat speaking out against the caravan?


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Barry takes a swipe at Republicans and President Trump for blatantly "lying" and "making stuff up" in their political rhetoric

Video 455

Also Barry...

Video 456


Won't see this from the MSM

#WalkAway movement urges disgruntled Democrats to leave the party behind

Video 444

What started as a 6-minute YouTube video has surged onto the national stage with countless former Democrats deciding to leave their party; WalkAway campaign founder Brandon Straka explains.

A newly created political movement urging liberals to leave the Democratic Party held a march in Washington, D.C., on Saturday.

The five-month-old #WalkAway movement advocates that those who feel disillusioned with the party -- which some say uses scare tactics and identity politics -- to come out publicly against it.

Several hundred supporters attended Saturday’s mile-long march along Pennsylvania Avenue -- from John Marshall Park near the Capitol to Freedom Plaza near the White House.

"We're walking away from the Democratic Party and literally walking toward freedom," #WalkAway founder Brandon Straka told Fox News.

Straka spearheaded the movement after posting an online video in May explaining why he was abandoning the Democratic Party.

“People are fed up with what’s happening on the left,” he said, adding that interest skyrocketed after the hearings into sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanauagh. “These were really the kind of die-hard loyalists. People in their 60s and 70s who had been Democrats their whole life who said ‘This was the final straw for me.’”

Scores of video testimonials posted to the #WalkAway Campaign Facebook page give a variety of reasons for switching political allegiances.

Some said the Democratic Party has become hate-filled and hostile to opposing points of view while moving further to the left. Others say they were tired of the party’s "politically correct" culture.

The movement caught President Trump's attention. He tweeted about the event before it began.

Straka said he's most proud that minority groups, such as Latinos, African-Americans and the LGBTQ community, have embraced his movement.

"These minority groups that I think the Democratic Party has had sort of a stranglehold for so long on, they are walking away," he said. "They want to be self-empowered."

But not everyone believes the grassroots campaign is genuine.

CNN contributor David Love called the movement fake and a Russian ploy to divide key Democrat voting blocs, the Washington Times reported.

(You're kidding...Russian collusion again? I swear these bastards could get a flat tire and blame it on the Russians.)

"Republicans want to split up the Democratic political opposition and divide black and Latino voters. And Russia looks like it wants to help here, too,” Love wrote. “The most recent example of this strategy is the #WalkAway hashtag, which is presented as a grassroots effort by former Democrats who are critical of the party’s alleged intimidation, confrontation and lack of civility and want people to walk away from the party.”


Michael Moore Slams Fox News, Trump After Seeing His Picture on Bombing Suspect's Vehicle

Michael Moore responded to pictures of bombing suspect Cesar Sayoc's van that show a photo of the filmmaker with a bulls-eye plastered on it by slamming Fox News and President Donald Trump on Friday.

"The accused bomber plastered a picture of me on the side of his van, with a crosshairs target over my face. Actually, the target is over my neck, which I'll take as a minor concession on his part," Moore said in a statement. 

A Miami Herald photograph and CNN footage show that Moore's picture was plastered on the van alongside a bumper sticker emblazoned "CNN Sucks" and a picture of Hillary Clinton with a bulls-eye over her face, as well as images of Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

The truth be told we do owe him a debt of gratitude.


Obama: ‘Nobody in my administration got indicted’

Mr. Scandals...

This is rich coming from him and I'll tell you why. NBC, CBS, the FBI, CNN, the DOJ, ABC, the NSA, and MSNBC conspired to prevent it from happening.

That's why!

Oh...and they all plead the 5th.

Former President Barack Obama took multiple swipes at his successor’s tenure in the White House during a series of fiery speeches Friday.

At an evening rally in Detroit, MI., Obama mocked President Trump’s promise to drain the swamp saying that instead, “they have gone to Washington and just plundered away.”

“In Washington they have racked up enough indictments to field a football team,” Obama said. “Nobody in my administration got indicted.”

Earlier, at a rally in Milwaukee, WI., Obama brought up Hillary Clinton’s email server — accusing Republicans of harping on the issue to “scare the heck out of people before every election.”

“In the last election, it was Hillary’s emails. ‘This is terrible’ … ‘This is a national security crisis.’ They didn’t care about emails and you know how you know? Because if they did, they’d be up in arms right now that the Chinese are listening to the president’s iPhone that he leaves in his golf cart,” Obama said, referring to a report about Chinese and Russian spies snooping on the president’s phone calls.

Without ever actually mentioning the president by name, Obama continued his criticism, taking aim at him and other Republicans for just “making stuff up.”

“What we have not seen before in our public life is politicians just blatantly, repeatedly, baldly, shamelessly, lying. Just making stuff up,” Obama said. “Calling up, down. Calling black, white.”

As he urged crowds to vote for Michigan and Wisconsin’s Democratic candidates, Obama said that “the character of our country is on the ballot.”
