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Thursday, February 28, 2019

Rep. Jordan Opening Statement at Cohen Hearing

It makes you wonder. Scumbag Cohen is going to jail yet these dogs walked. Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Peter Strozk, Comey, McCabe, Loretta Lynch. Not to mention a whole slew of others. 

The impropriety here is truly glaring!

After Jordan's opening statement they could have gone home. 

Video 490

He's dead right about Clinton loving Lanny Davis. When Bill unzipped his pants the only question was who would get there first...Monica or Lanny? 

And Cohen is a first rate scumbag. Going from... 
to stabbing him in the back!

And then there's this:


North Korea nuclear summit ends abruptly with no deal

The headlines we never saw.


Now contrast this with the Trump / Kim Jong-un Summit in Vietnam, the hype before the Summit, but Barry was the one who pulled it off. This is how the left stream media would have reported it.

 Obama's monumental achievement changes the course of history

Obama effectively ends the Korean War

It's Obama
Decisive Summit Brings World Closer To Peace 

Obama awarded second Nobel Peace Prize

(If they actually met)

Obama Draws Red Line In The Sand With Kim And Like Putin pisses in his face


The new rock stars?

Rolling Stone must be getting desperate

3 out of 4 without one scintilla of common sense!


Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The loss of clouds could add another 8 °C to global warming

The polar bears are missing, the Arctic ice is disappearing, and now we have a loss of clouds?

Climate Change Predictions vs What Actually Happened

This video goes back to 1983 (see how young Gore is) professing global warming and predicting the end is near. Remember it started out as global warming but when that catchphrase couldn't account for severe snow storms, because of a thing called weather, so they had to change the narrative to climate change to cover all the bases.

Video 489

Of course, the left stream media was only too happy to go along with it.


Clouds cover about two-thirds of the planet at any moment, but as the Earth warms, they’re becoming scarcer, risking a feedback loop of runaway warming which could push surface temperatures up by roughly a further 8 °C, according to new research.

The findings: Supercomputer simulations suggest that greenhouse gases are causing the disappearance of clouds over our oceans, and that could drastically speed up global warming over the next century, a paper in Nature Geoscience suggests. Specifically, the tipping point is predicted to come once atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations reach about 1,200 parts per million. The figure is currently about 410 ppm but could reach 1,200 ppm within the next century.

Past disaster: This scenario would be similar to an event that occurred about 56 million years ago during the Eocene period, according to the authors. During the so-called Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), a sudden release of carbon into the atmosphere was followed by a sudden temperature increase of more than 5 °C. It had catastrophic effects. It caused mass extinction in the seas and was hot enough for crocodiles to swim in the Arctic.

Time to worry? Yes and no. It’s undoubtedly a scary prospect. It would mean the end of human civilization.

But there are plenty of assumptions that would have to be borne out, and steps that would have to take place before we reach that point.

Climate scientist Tapio Schneider, who co-authored the paper, said it's important to note "there are substantial uncertainties about quantitative results. The largest uncertainty is in the CO2 level at which the clouds become unstable—we cannot pinpoint that with precision."

"The central point to me is that our study points to the possibility of previously undiscovered and strong feedbacks in the climate system," he added.

Your response to that possibility might depend on how optimistic you are about the likelihood of humanity tackling climate change before it inflicts further irreparable damage.


Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Last night I had a dream about a roundup of many deep state conspirators

On a tip from Ed Kilbane

If only it wasn’t a dream......

Video 488
